TCF January - Turning over a new leaf

It's January! Happy new year to all, and happy anniversary to Top Chef Fakku! Let me just take this moment to thank everyone who joined last year. You guys continue to challenge me to get better at cooking, and it is hella fun to come up with dishes every month. I hope you guys keep on bringing on the heat for these monthly contests this year!

Anyway, I get to pick this month's theme. We're turning over a new leaf with this year, so the secret ingredient is...

*Iron Chef announcer voice*


Also, my New Year's resolution is to eat more veggies, so I'm subjecting you all to healthy eating too. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Here are the rules:
1) Since we are on the internet, and we can't very well taste each other's dishes, we will be judging by how good your food looks. Use creative plate design and presentation, make fancy knife cuts, etc. Make us want to take the first flight available to your place so we can partake of your delicious dish!

2) You must post the recipe you used, and a source/link to said recipe if available. If you create your own recipe, we give you mad props and that should be taken into account when voting, but it is not a requirement. If you made something difficult and/or time-consuming, that is also a plus. Recipes will be judged on how delicious they sound and how well they fit the theme for the month.

3) Post at least two pictures of the preparation and/or cooking process and at least one picture of the final product. Limit it to six total pictures, though. All pictures must include a sign that says Fakku, your user name, and the date. Pictures without a sign will NOT be considered. (Addendum: must be a sign IN the picture, not added after the picture was taken, unless you are cooking for work or school. Just let me know if that is the case.)

4) Everybody can join; however, we will only accept one entry per contestant per month. You can change your entry as much as you want as long as it's before the deadline, but there can be only one!

5) Post your entry as a separate thread on Food and Cooking with the tag [Top Chef Fakku (month)] or a variation thereof, and post a link to it on this thread. You must post a link to your entry in this thread or we will NOT consider it.

6) The winner will be chosen through a public poll during the first five days of the subsequent month.

Contest officially starts now, January 1, 2012 and ends 00:00 PST (GMT-8) on February 1, 2012. No entries will be accepted after that time. Voting starts whenever I wake up on that day and will last for five days, after which we will announce the winner. Winner gets mad props, rep from me (and from others?) and the chance to choose the month after next's theme.

Good luck, and again, happy new year!

(Edited to unsticky)
Does leek count as a leafy green?

I wouldnt think so, but I bought some half price yesterday
So it works as long as it has even a tad bit of green leaves? Or can we do salads? :O

Hmm... then maybe I'll join for this month~
Alina wrote...
So it works as long as it has even a tad bit of green leaves? Or can we do salads? :O

Hmm... then maybe I'll join for this month~

yay, more contestants!


lastmousestanding wrote...
Does leek count as a leafy green?

I wouldnt think so, but I bought some half price yesterday

Doesnt matter anymore, I bought some spinach! (which was also half price - only way I can afford food)

I am assuming spinach is a leafy green :3
Yup, leeks and spinach definitely count. And yes, even just a tad of greens count...but everyone needs to eat MOAR VEGETABLES.
Most vegs can kill me...
i finished my one like a week ago

still too lazy to write it up...

I'd like to join but there's a very high chance that my time management skills will kill me again, like the 89th time... Anyway, since it's my first time attempting to join here, I have a question. Leafy greens huh, does it have to be made out of leafy green or parts of the dish have leafy greens. Leafy greens, leafy greens, leafy greens... -_- Can't stop using that...
I believe i will make the most dangerous, body killing, but tasty salad you never try.. but you want to.
AnzeiKazumi wrote...
I'd like to join but there's a very high chance that my time management skills will kill me again, like the 89th time... Anyway, since it's my first time attempting to join here, I have a question. Leafy greens huh, does it have to be made out of leafy green or parts of the dish have leafy greens. Leafy greens, leafy greens, leafy greens... -_- Can't stop using that...

As long as the dish contains leafy greens in some way, it's good! It doesn't have to be the focus of the dish, although it would be awesome if it is.

@Freaky: mmmm, salad.
The greens don't have to be the main part of the dish, do they? They can just be something used in it?
Taaata raaaaa!

here's mine (^-^)
Circe wrote...
The greens don't have to be the main part of the dish, do they? They can just be something used in it?

I would assume so, though I think the voting is on how incorperated it is into the dish...

And yay. Mantis joined this time! :3

OT> My entry Cheesy Leek, Spinach & Chicken Pasta
Bah, late entry again...
Only three entries...That makes voting easy. So is this the thread for our votes/critiques or will there be a separate thread for that?
JamesonM wrote...
Only three entries...That makes voting easy. So is this the thread for our votes/critiques or will there be a separate thread for that?

You can put the critiques on each individual's thread, and there will be a separate thread with a poll for voting.
Monster Girl
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