Do you guys pay attention to the news?

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I don't ever watch the news, every time I've turned on the news there's always some one dead or someone got kidnapped or something stupid about the government/politics ETC. ETC.
I watch mostly only news on TV
I haven't watched the news in like 13 years. The closest I get to traditional news is a glance at whatever turns up after signing out of email sites. If anything of any importance happens someone will make a thread about it in Random, IB, or SD.
I don't pay any attention to the news. I might if I had a tv, but meh.
Domonkazu wrote...
I watch mostly only news on TV
I only watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report.
I follow news regularly, especially economics and political news.
No. I'm too lazy to pay attention or bother with other problems. So I convinced myself that is bad and how it would brainwash people.
Unless it has ponys, I don't watch the news.
I listen to them when i'm bored. D:
Every day. I keep myself upbeat, but mostly I read the political agenda day-to-day to laugh at the world.
Garrick wrote...
I usually get all my info from the internet anyway.

This. Also i watch the daily show, so between that and the internet i usually stay pretty informed of whats going on in the world
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I'm subscribed to the BBC news RSS feed. I only check it every once in a while.
Most times, mainly the 10pm news.
I'm more interested in the local than national news though.
artcellrox wrote...
Believe it or not, whatever "news" gets covered in Fakku articles are all the news I take in properly. You guys are my go to place for current affairs. XD

This. Usually browsing Serious Discussion is all I need to do, fuck network news programs and their biased bullshit.
I get news through gossip.
I don't always read the newspaper.
But when I do, it's only to check my horoscope.

I usually obtain current updates about the world by the internet, news casts, gossip and even just observing.
Why? What's happening? What have I been missing? No doubt more of aca bitching about hoons and car enthousiasts, then going and interviewing any sus looking lebo's.. who are obviously going to say 'this is fucking stupid, fuck the cops, they don't know shit'
Goddamn it aca.. ask somebody who has a legal car, who is not a lebo bastard who will swear and make us all look bad...

Aside from that, I'm sure nothing interesting is happening out there
Hanasaku i should just die
I only watch the news if it happens to be on TV when I'm eating dinner.
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