Japanese Trading Card Games - Do You Collect and/or Play?

Which Japanese Trading Card Game Do You Play and/or Collect?

Total Votes : 2,844
I played Yu-Gi-Oh! back when I was around Grade 5 or 6 up to now because there are still Duel Matches/Tournaments being held here at our place.

I'm rebuilding my deck ATM since my deck was formed from the first Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards up to Yu-Gi-Oh GX

Forum Image: http://i862.photobucket.com/albums/ab181/Shadow_Milez/2012-05-12005424.jpg
There should be a ''I don't play that stuff'' reply
YU-GI-OH! Why because it is simple enough, and easy to play. I haven't bought new cards in a long time, but I still play.
Yu-Gi-Oh! but I don't stick to the ban list nor play outside of my group of friends anymore.

Damn March 2012 list...
I have never played a trading card game, but I do have a tin of Naruto cards and a few loose Yu-Gi-Oh cards I got free in Shonen Jump magazines. ;)...
I mostly play Victory Spark, another TCG from the same company that does Weiss Schwarz, Vanguard and ChaOS. I do play some Weiss Schwarz too but not that much
Back in the days ....

I whupped the cities tournaments with my exclusive dragon cards from yugioh.

I collected rare pokemon cards because I loved pokemon.

I played both, but in the end I grew out of them.

However if somebody ever wants to duel me, i'll be blowing out the dust of my dragon cards and getting ready to whup ass.
I used to have so many Yugi-oh cards, but all gone now~*sad*
I play Magic: The Gathering XD
I play Magic AND Yugioh. Most of my friends are cool nerds, so they can take it. Of couse, all the girls in our group either have boyfriends or are lesbians (#foreveralone)

Yeah, I go to Regionals every now and then. As for Magic, I'm not too into it, because Yugioh is expensive enough, but I like it. Yep, nerd and proud.

I'm also trying to get into Vanguard.
Yugioh Always!!!!
Still play Yu-Gi-Oh every now and then. I love using the super cheap cards I got when I used to get Shonen Jump.

I've always wanted to check out WS but I never did get around to it.
well , ofc the yu gi oh get the highest %, it's like the beginning of time and for 7 years i still have my deck with a "pirated" cards xD
and where's duel master? not in the list?
sakabato24 wrote...
I use to collect and play a lot of TCGs back in the day.

Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Magic the Gathering were all some of more popular ones that I used to play an collect.

I haven't really gotten into it since then, but as of recently, I've gotten into trying out a fairly new card game called "Yomi".

Forum Image: http://www.wired.com/geekdad/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Yomi-contents.jpg

Created by David Sirlin, a OG fighting game player, he created this card game based on fighting games. As of right now, I would like to find more people that would like to play it. I find that this game has a lot of potential in being played, and if it had more players, it could become more main-stream.
dat yomi
For those who still play Yu-Gi-Oh TCG go to Duelingnetwork.com
My username is Ryuusei2
Make no mistake, you will get pwned
Yu-Gi-Oh all the way my friends haha
play yugioh, weiss schwarz, and vanguard cause they're very popular in my city
Playing Yugioh again but lately I feel more like becoming a card collector instead of a player for my binder
I collected and played Pokémon TCG. But only real matches agains my brother, because none at school understood the rules (still at elementary school).
And just recently I wanted to play against people, but I got quite disapointed when I found out that everybody had either no pokémon cards left or not enough to play a match.. They only had Yu-Gi-Oh cards (TTnTT)
So the poll results don't surprise, but they do sadden me.. *True Pokémon Lover*
Yu-Gi-Oh definately, back in the days we played it for hours, it was the game that everybody played, until Internet Cafes took over, nowadays what you'll see is people playing DoTA competitively.