What is your favorite old school gaming console?

What is your favorite old school gaming console?

Total Votes : 3,494
SEGA SATURN! >:( And PS1 and gameboy! Oyah! N64 also.
Gameboy to the max fire emblem series....
SNES. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Secret of Mana, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario RPG, A Link to the Past, Super Metroid... the list goes on.
My favorite is Nintendo 64, I just loved to play Super Smash Brothers. That was the good old times. hell im going to go play it now.
All you need is Duckhunt, Kid Icarus and Super Mario Brothers. NUFF SAID ^_^b
My favorite is the Atari 2600 but thats not on the list, so i voted PSX
Playstation 1 is the best. Final Fantasy VII and VIII rules =D
Ironically I just finished modding my Game Boy..


And I actually still play it, rather than just saying I do.

Only got about 20 games at the moment, having a ton of fun with Mole Mania!
Super nintendo and PS1 for me.
Damoz ~Not A User~
Gameboy..... i still play most of the games on emulator~
Man GAME BOY was the best wouldent stop playing it when i was growing up
I must be getting old, never would have thought PS1 could be considered 'oldschool'... Non the less, NES (or, actually, Pegasus, pirated eastern european FamiCon) FTW!
ah, the good old SNES..... so many memories :D
Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy and Castlevania on a greater scale than the older NES. 16-bits was a phenominal achievement at the time, I remember being blown away by the "realistic" looking graphics :D :D
well my first game console is Family Computer next is Sega then Playstation 1 but I like Playstation 1
I feel cheated by this poll - consoles and handhelds should be two separate polls so I don't have to decide between SNES and Game Boy.

AH well. SNES wins out because it had Super Mario RPG.

Also, where is Sega Saturn on this poll?
(Also: 3DO, Jaguar, and anything by Atari)
ahh good old times ^^ remember how we skipped school and went home and played NES, SNES and PSX all days instead xD was a damn hard poll, but i took Gameboy in the end, Final fantasy ftw! Easy to carry around
LOL, Gameboy leading by 1 vote.
Jacob wrote...
For me it's all about the Super Nintendo and Playstation 1. There are just so many amazing titles that are still fun to play today. Earthbound being one of my all time favorites Super Nintendo games.

What are your favorite games on your favorite old school gaming console?

Final Fantasy 7-9 ,Spryo and Crash
I wouldn't necessarily consider the Dreamcast an old school console yet, considering it came out just a few months before the PS2, otherwise I would definitely vote for it. And the Virtualboy? Come on, that was a failure.

My Waifu: Rias Gremory
Littshepkid wrote...
gameboy for sure

Specifically which Nanoha doujin is your siggy from?
Monster Girl
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