What is your favorite old school gaming console?

What is your favorite old school gaming console?

Total Votes : 3,494
Gameboy, Gameboy, Gameboy, and the Gameboy.
I still have 1 Gameboy color, 1 Gameboy Advance, and 2 Gameboy Advance SP... plus FireRed, crystal, gold, yellow, Final Fantasy 1 and 2 Dawn of Souls pack thing, Fire Emblem, and Golden Sun 1 and 2 :3 Oh yeah, Sword of Mana too.
I do play the NES(Final Fantasy FTW!!!!) and the SNES, my Nintendo 64 isn't that special(got no FF for it) :|
Fruid Lurker of Threads
Gameboy. First system. <3.
Paradox_- wrote...
Sega Genesis - because it was the only one I had at them time.
Not complaining though, get to play sonic as a child - in all the Green Hill glory.

same here but i always get stuck at the final boss of sonic 2 silver sonic was easy
The most difficult decision I've ever had to make....
GameBoy, took mine everywhere I went. From Pokemon, the Oracle Zelda series, Dragon Warrior, FF Advance IV-VI, and Megaman Battle Network. Best times I ever had.
N64 is the best console. I mean, who can ever forget Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, and Super Smash Bros?!!?
Not much love for Genesis on here. Anyone remember Shadowrun? That was the SHIT. I still play it on emulators to this day.
gameboy for pokemon
Sega Dreamcast. The NFL2K series let us play on-line against real opponents years before anyone else. I participated in 2 full seasons where we played the actual previous years schedual. Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio,Soul Calibur,Samba di Amigo:
these were the best games out at the time. I've never had so much fun on another console. 9/9/99 debuted the best system of its' day.
I did love my SNES and Game Boy, but the Dreamcast has earned a special place in my heart. I came out and kissed a girl for the fist time during a game of Power Stone Wars, spent countless hours with my closest friends playing Vigilante 8: Second Offence, and played Rainbow Six: Rouge Spear on my first date, though, to be honest, that game was only amusing because of how outrageously crappy it was.
This is all nice, but where the hell is the N64
I love ps1, since it's the one that started, Twisted Metal, Final Fantasy Series, Armored core.
and many More fighting games to boot.
ps1 for me kinda remember I start from tekken 3 playing with my cousins.
Super Nintendo cause i always played it with my dad when he would get home from work so it holds a special place in my heart
The Sega Saturn isn't on this poll, therefore I must respectfully decline from selecting an answer from this poll.
Sega Saturn but it's not in the list.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO

Gran Turismo 2
Worms World Party.
Duke Nukem Time to Kill
Tomb Raider.
It all went downhill when Playstation came into the picture. N64 was the last great console. Loved my Sega Genesis, too, and gameboy.
lol i remember when all my girlfriends thought i was a lesbian for playing with a game"boy"
Sega Mega Drive.
First thing I owned so there's no question really.