360 or PS3

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Shinzumakami wrote...
One thing that I'm confused about is the online? Both Ps3 and Xbox 360 have same feel in online multiplayer. I see no difference in both online, makes me question why people say Xbox 360 online is better? Only + I see is Cross game chat.

The 360 usually gets a better rap for their online because even though you are paying to play games online, Microsoft uses the money taken from online subscriptions and puts it towards their moderators who crack down on hackers/cheaters via banhammer, support towards Live Arcade titles (including XNA-developed indy games), integration of new media services such as Hulu, Crackle, Zune, and Netflix, early access to DLC for major game titles, and general maintenance of their online services. To name a few.
I think pic deserves some screen time in our topic.
Forum Image: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/279/6/f/Console_war__by_Mikeinel.jpg

And as you can see I pick the xbox360. I feel a lot more comfortable using the controller since the right analogue has better accessibility (ps3 analogue hurts my thumb). Controller aside, the multiplayer in xbox is also a bit more comfortable to me than the ps3.
I guess it's a matter of opinion when it comes down to the controllers? I always found the xbox controller to be odd and bulky in it's design. And I have always felt that te ps controller felt right in my hand.

The ps3 controlller hasn't changed much since the first incarnation back in '94. I may seem a bit biased in my reply, but that's how it is for me. Since buying the first playstation in '95, I have been a diehard fan and have enjoyed the progression that Sony has had in the creation of the console. Yes, the xbox may have more games and more enjoyable online play but the ps3 features some of the better games that are out their. I also find that the ps3 has better graphics when compared to the 360. Oh, I'll give the 360 a nod for it's Halo, Left for Dead, and Mass Effect series- it's not fun being out the first game of the trilogy-but I find that the ps3 has a less cluttered catalog of games.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
KillerIsMe wrote...
I guess it's a matter of opinion when it comes down to the controllers? I always found the xbox controller to be odd and bulky in it's design. And I have always felt that te ps controller felt right in my hand.

The ps3 controlller hasn't changed much since the first incarnation back in '94. I may seem a bit biased in my reply, but that's how it is for me. Since buying the first playstation in '95, I have been a diehard fan and have enjoyed the progression that Sony has had in the creation of the console. Yes, the xbox may have more games and more enjoyable online play but the ps3 features some of the better games that are out their. I also find that the ps3 has better graphics when compared to the 360.

This. All of this.

I tried playing on an Xbox a while back and again playing on a friend's Xbox 360. Normally I can grasp the controls of a new game faster than you can say "She sells sea shells by the sea shore", but I just couldn't grasp the controls on the Xbox at all. I felt like how my parents are to grasping the concept of booting up a PC and opening an internet browser and browsing the internet.

Playstation controllers have always felt just right for me, whereas Xbox just feels a wee bit too bulky for my liking.
I decided to purchase a PS3 when the rumors of the slim were floating around the net, with the pictures taken from a Chinese warehouse. The rumor turned out to be true and I have to say it definitely delivered what I expected, and much more.

One aspect of the 360 that turned me away was the Xbox live subscription. Sure, 60 bucks a year isn't much, but to charge their customers for using an online service when their competitor isn't made it a deal breaker. I may sound as biased when saying this, but a portion of Xbox users keep trying to convince others that the 60 bucks they're paying is being used for better servers, etc. Well, they couldn't be more wrong. Microsoft not only pockets the 60 bucks (or what is left over after minimal server maintenance), but they also flood the XBL with large amount of ads to further their profits at the annoyance of their user base. XBL and PSN servers are more or less the same, if there is lag online, it's someone's connection, either yourself or others in the lobby.
Mod Note: I received a report that this topic should be merged with the thread entitled "Console Wars", but after some consideration, I have decided to leave them as separate discussions.

This particular discussion is seeking for advice between the Xbox 360 and the PS3, while the other focuses on users' favourite console.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Getting back on topic, I own neither the Xbox 360 nor the PS3, but like what other members have mentioned, I prefer the PS3 controller over that of the Xbox360. I suppose it is just a personal preference dating back to the days of the original Playstation. By the way, are the Xbox360 controllers still using AA batteries? My friend sold his system quite a while ago, and I am not sure if there have been changes.

More importantly, before buying a console, do check out the list of available and upcoming titles, especially if they are exclusives. After all, games are the main reason why you are buying a gaming console... right?

Truth be told, I bought a Nintendo 3DS to play Love Plus. :D
Xbox for shooters and other online games because PSN is still nowhere as good as Xbox live (you get what you pay for) and PS3 if you want good single player games and RPG's, the exclusives are also much better than 360. Both consoles are really good, so I cant choose one over the other.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Listen to Chad Warren and get that PS triple.
PS3, I prefer the exclusives they have
xbox 360 for me... I prefer the exclusives (forza > gt... and this is coming from somebody who has actually played all gt's up to 4, and all forza's up to 4... not gt5 though) including forza, halo, gears of war, etc.
After moving from a ps2 to a 360, I found the 360 controller interesting at first, but got used to it quickly, then used a ps3 controller, and found it felt bad... the triggers feel crap... eh, just things that annoy me about the controller, not overly valid.

So, depends what you like. Both have good exclusives, just depends on your taste I suppose.
Playstation Network - Free (Generally more mature users)

XBox Live - Subscription (Kids)

You decide.
hi guys, i am about to buy a 320 GB playstation 3 yet i now hear end of next year a ps4 is coming out..... i am going ballistic here... anyone help me make up mind on what to do? should i wait or buy now and finally enjoy with all the communities!!
Depends on what u like lol~ o 3o

but i'd take both
since sometime loading time or quality differs on each console..
If You Are planning To Get The PS3 Right It Wont Be A Bad Idea Since They The PlayStation Plus Deal That You Get 12 Free Games If You Have PlayStation Plus (PlayStation Plus is Its A Subscription Where You Get Discounts On Game, Free Games, Early Access To Betas etc.)But Really Its Up You Want If You Want To Wait For PS4 But I read somewhere That The PS4 wont be out For A Cool While.
RockingShaggy wrote...
If You Are planning To Get The PS3 Right It Wont Be A Bad Idea Since They The PlayStation Plus Deal That You Get 12 Free Games If You Have PlayStation Plus (PlayStation Plus is Its A Subscription Where You Get Discounts On Game, Free Games, Early Access To Betas etc.)But Really Its Up You Want If You Want To Wait For PS4 But I read somewhere That The PS4 wont be out For A Cool While.

Stop typing like that. It's annoying.
^-^" Sorry about that I sometimes tend to type like that for some reason.
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
Danmaku is more lively on the 360

PS3 has a few but not to the size that the 360 has.
And usually for cross platform games, they run better in the 360 [exam: Bayonetta] Though Battlefield 3 is the only game i've played that plays better on the ps3 [excluding PC of course lawls]
Kouki wrote...
Playstation Network - Free (Generally more mature users)

XBox Live - Subscription (Kids)

You decide.

However apparently the live is better set out/ less buggy and better done, etc..
However, psn currently has browsing... Xbox doesn't have that as far as I've seen.

Either way, all consoles have kids... pc's, ps3 and 360... From what I've seen in forza, the kids get booted for being annoying faggots. When in a public game, we occasionally get a kid coming in whinging about people running into them (when they are the ones driving like shit) so, we kick them. Doesn't always happen, as you don't always have a kick function... In halo, we just avoid abusive players (on xbl, you can avoid people's profiles, and report them for being abusive, teamkilling, etc etc) And it goes fine... Just gotta be smart I suppose
PlayStation 3 has better games in my opinion.
Don't really like the idea of paying for something I already have either.
Ps3 master race
Ina ll seriousness tho I have owned both systems and I think the ps3 is a better choice. First off drop a ps3 and drop an xbox. Different results their (This happened to me thanks to my own stupidity). Secondly on the topic of online the truth is.... their the same no noticeable difference. Thirdly on the topic of exclusives Ps3 wins hands down. Now for me since I will play any and all games (except horror games) both systems are exactly the same except for a few details. Namely the free online and list of exclusives.
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