Engaging in Sexual Acts in Public/Outdoors?

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I can see the thrill, but I'm rather shy. I'd probably be more comfortable with it if there was a very small chance of being spotted.
I'm more into voyeurism than exhibitionism.
Great feedback from everyone. Just wanted to read other opinions on this matter :P

Keep it up. XD
Did it once with my ex on the train tracks over the high way haha. Was a little awkward with the cars but you hear them only until the pants go down haha
Chag32 wrote...
Did it once with my ex on the train tracks over the high way haha. Was a little awkward with the cars but you hear them only until the pants go down haha

LMao wow, that's nuts. Did the train ever passed by? Did any of the drivers see you guys?

I'm still at awe over this cuz I have never thought of that. Kudos! :D
A Lover’s Guide – Public & Outdoor Sex Locations

Published on November 22, 2010, by Star-Sama - Posted in Sex & Relationships 11

Public Pleasure

The feeling of being watched or caught while having sex, masturbating, or being naked are the usual drives behind people wanting to be naughty in public or outdoor places. This drive is a common and very well practised form of sex in all types of sexuality and gender identities, and is one of the few erotic acts that we all share and enjoy equally in our modern society.

Of course such things are illegal and looked down upon in the general set-up of society, but it’s from this that outdoor/public exhibitionism thrives and grows amongst couples, lovers and fuck buddies looking to make their sex lives a little more spicy and erotic. As I stated in my previous article, my Fiancée and I have been experimenting and opening our sex life more and more to make it unique and special.

Sure we could be a normal couple who fuck after work on a Friday evening, doing it in the same positions and ending it the same way. But where would the fun, passion and sexy feeling be in that? We’ve been experimenting with outdoor & public sex acts for the past few months and the entire point of this article is to give you the best locations to do such things.


If you’re planning to take your sex life to a whole other level or are just planning to mix things up a bit, then you should check out are list of locations and information below. Of course you engage in these acts of your own freewill and Trap Heaven is not encouraging you to do such things, we’re simply providing information on the matter.

Choose your location carefully. While most of outdoor sex is unplanned and spontaneous be aware of your surroundings and have a clear idea of how obvious it’s going to be to people nearby. It’s probably a good idea to stay away from areas where children outnumber adults, even more so if your planning a solo public masturbation session… that might give the wrong impression should you be caught.

Our recommended locations include:

Back seat of a car at the park/beach - A classic to say the least, we found it was too cramped and uncomfortable to really get going with both of us in the back seat. Things got more exciting when she climbed on the hood of the car and got taken from behind!

Public bathroom cubicle – A risky and very sexy location if you or your partner tend to get loud during sex. In our experience we both entered the women’s bathroom and got inside a cubicle for some anal fun. I found myself having to cover her mouth as she was starting to get very loud!

Countryside – While the chances of getting caught in this are not as high as the other locations, this is more or less one of those locations where the feeling of being naked in nature fuels the passion. In our experience we lay in some long grass near a river and had some slow passionate sex.

Forest/Woods – Very much the same as the countryside.

In a telephone booth (at night) – This one was extremely sexy and allowed for some very hands on sex. Its best if you or your partner are light enough to be lifted and held in place against thee glass while you or your partner thrusts upwards in to a pussy or ass. This was whatwe did and we enjoyed it very much! Of course you can go for some doggy style should you not have enough room for lifting.

On a crowded dance floor or at a crowded concert – Without a doubt the most sexiest we’ve ever done to date. We were at a metal concert and the crowd was completely packed out. I stood behind her and played with her body in rhythm to the music before lifting the back of her skirt and giving her some anal right there! Nobody noticed!

At the movies/cinema – Make sure your partner has easy to access clothing like a skirt otherwise this can be very difficult to do without drawing attention. Be sure to pick a seat at the back and try to be quiet! if you find yourself unable to have proper sex, your or your partner can always take turns in giving oral sex.

In a Building Stairwell or Elevator – An elevator requires you to be very quick and sneaky we never tried it but it’s on our to do list. We did it on a stairwell at the hospital where my fiancée works. We did it at night when there weren’t many people around of course. It was good but not as exiting as it could have been.

Clothing store changing/dressing room – A great one, we recommend you do it in a changing room with a door as opposed to one with a curtain, but if you’re feeling very risky. Go for it!

There are lots of other locations you could probably imagine in that dirty mind of yours, but the ones we’ve listed are the ones we enjoyed the most! We especially recommend the crowded dance floor/concert one, it was absolutely thrilling!
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Chag32 wrote...
Did it once with my ex on the train tracks over the high way haha. Was a little awkward with the cars but you hear them only until the pants go down haha


See No. 1. You two got off really lucky.
Yeah, thinking about it, this corner at the library.
Oh, man, I'm going to have so much fun if I can ever get her to agree with me.

Go_Master wrote...
Yeah, thinking about it, this corner at the library.
Oh, man, I'm going to have so much fun if I can ever get her to agree with me.


Ahhhhhhh that'd be awesome.
I'm pissed, my college's library is new, so almost all parts are designed to be very visible from any angle. -_- Need to find a good ol' library for it... and someone up for it!
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
gizgal wrote...
Go_Master wrote...
Yeah, thinking about it, this corner at the library.
Oh, man, I'm going to have so much fun if I can ever get her to agree with me.


Ahhhhhhh that'd be awesome.
I'm pissed, my college's library is new, so almost all parts are designed to be very visible from any angle. -_- Need to find a good ol' library for it... and someone up for it!

Try to find one with a good ol' Restricted Section, even if it's a long drive off! XD
No one saw...that i know of lol it was great :P
man, i'd love to try it.. but since my boyfriend hates the thought, I guess it's impossible for me.. (sigh)
It's the biggest turn on for me.
My favourite locations are in the changing rooms of stores, the movies, and libraries.
I've done it around 5 times in change rooms of a public bath.
I would absolutely love to try it~
It's that exhibitionism in me, I guess. ^-^;;;
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Closest I came to outdoor sex was being having her hand down my boxers, and then being straddled and grinded on top of.
I'm not particularly great at PDA because I hang around other relationship-challenged people.

There's a lot of guilt that prevents it from being as great as it should be, hah.
Yes the thrill is great. Outdoors, over a high way ;). With other people in the room is fun times too. No sharing though! haha.
One of my fantasies is too do it at the beach. Simple and easy. Too bad we don't have any proper beaches where I live so this one might take a while to come true :/
Haven't done it. But from what I heard it sounds exhilarating.

I'd love to do it, given the chance.
I've engaged in sexual acts four times outside.
Once in a park, but it was just foreplay, twice behind the mall while it was closing, and once in an open field.
It was exciting, interesting, an adrenaline rush when the thought of being caught came to mind, asides from that it wasn't that great. We just didn't have anywhere to go to have sex.

I'd definitely do it again though for the hell of it.
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