What Was Your Biggest Regret?

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I try to make myself believe I have no regrets because I know everything will work out in the end... and it did. My regrets WERE my first experiences with sex and cheating all in the same year. I had a long distance relationship that wasn't very positive for me but he was my first love... or so I thought until I cheated on him a couple times with douchebags. BUT as I said everything worked out in the end because I have a wonderful boyfriend that I've been dating almost 4yrs
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I regret ever reading this post.
Winged-Fapper wrote...
I regret ever reading this post.
Well, usually i would have this one on the top of my head but...mhe..forgot my regrets along time ago, it just useless baggage to me...
If I have regrets they were not important enough to remember. Hm... Which reminds me. I can't seem to find my new wig even though it just got here today. I wonder where I left it.
I regret cheating on my girlfriend twice and lying to her about it even though we're still together i feel awkward when i try to speak to her.
My most biggest regret is wasting my time with people not worth spending my time for .... how can I get all those years back I could have been spending on normal things.

But fuck all that, the lesson is :
"Spend your time wisely, because you only live for a limited time."
My life is full of regret... I could pull a list of at least 100 regrets if I had the time and the concentration, but honestly... fuck that. And people wonder why I try my best to live in the present, and not give a shit about anything else anymore. You never know when you'll come to your end, and regret everything you didn't do/ all the things you did. So I'm pretty much just trying to do what I want to do, things that I'll remember forever, and won't regret. One of these things I won't regret is my car. The other is my ex. I will never regret that, that was the first time I'd ever truly loved somebody. and I cannot regret spending 1.6 years with a person I truly love. I only regret it all ending...
It'll sound like a love story but it's true. My biggest regret is that once, a french girl moved into my city to stay some time here because of her parents. I got very close to her and of course, started to have a fall for her. Her friends always kept on telling me to say to her my feelings saying that she felt the same way for me but i never did it and always kept on saying someday i would do it. Well, the bad thing is that in 20th december of 2002 she went back to France without saying to me or her friends. That's my biggest regret, always believed this could only happen in sad movies but happened to me. Gotta say, not the best time of my life you know @-@
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