Sunburn Resistance

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Out of curiosity, I want to see other people's resistance to sunburn.

- How resistant are you to sunburn?
- Do you use sunscreen and/or sunblock? If yes, how often?

As for me, though I always go to the beach every summer with my friends/family and I love taking long walks or running outside, I've never had any sunburn. I just go tan and revert after a week or so.
Concerning sunscreen, I've only used it once. It felt really icky so I never used it again.
No sunblock unless my parents would force me. Only gotten sunburned twice in my life, and both just a tad on my face after an entire day in the Texas sun in the middle of summer.
Never go any sunburn, never put such thing as sunscreen.
I have skin tougher than rhino's hide.
I burn in sunight. Litterally. My skin crawls and turns bright red if exposed to mid day sun during the summer for more than a few minutes. I wear long sleeves.
I'm pretty used to being in the sun. Never used any sunblock.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I have little to no resistance to the sun at all.

I stay out in the sun for a hour or two and my cheeks start to sting and are red for weeks. I look like a constantly blushing anime character (minus being an anime character) when my cheeks are burnt. Doesn't help that I sweat in buckets for what seems like no reason at all, so I wipe the sweat off which can really irritate my skin.

You can imagine how bad it got at the Isle of Wight festival when the sun (finally) came out for 2 days straight (final day of the Isle of Wight festival, and the trip back). When I got home, after applying aftersun the skin on my nose weeped and crusted over for nearly 2 weeks.
I'm very, very resistant to sunburn. Since I was born in Florida, and now live in the Caribbean, I'm always under directs sunlight and heat.

I never use sunscreen. Never bothered. I tan easily, though. Like, I can go out into the sun for an hour, and be shades darker.
I'm quite resistant to it. I live in Puerto Rico, a place where the sun and temperature are always hot any day of the year. Admittedly, I'm mostly out of the sun. However, there have been some days where I'm under it for the whole day. When that happens, I only get a little tanned but that's it.
My skin gets a tan pretty fast, but it never gets sunburned.
I'm half latino on my father's side. In terms of pigment I seem to have inherited enough of his coloring to have never sunburnt. I very rarely, if ever wear sunblock.

Partially because I'm allergic to it, and partially because it's expensive as fuck.
I have olive skin that i inherited from my mothers side of the family, i have gotten a sunburn maybe once or twice in my life, i never wear sunblock either, even though as a child my parents forced me to. I was lucky because my father and brother both get sunburned really bad if they dont wear sunblock.
I don't think I've ever gotten a sunburn.. Well, maybe I did, but it wasn't serious and hurting like other people's so I guess I'm pretty resistant.
I always use sunblock. I prefer the spray versus using the lotion, since it's get all gooey. It takes a few hours for an Asian like me to get dark. I usually end up with freckles on my cheeks...
i don't really get burnt often, only a few times in my life. my skin is rather tough and usually just tans in the sun.
I’ve never had sunburn as far as I can remember but I still put on sunblock every time I go to the beach. I figure better to be safe than sorry
I burn pretty easily unfortunately, especially since I'm out in the sun all day at work. I use that spray on sun block stuff everyday I work, so yeah.
I never had sunburn. I also never put on sunscreen, I am glad. If I am outside for a extended period of time, I just get really tanned.
I don't get sunburn unless I stay in one place, all day.
My face, specially nose and cheeks get really red when i'm on the beach. But i don't have the same problem with the rest of my body.
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
I rolled a nat 20 on sun resist. I never have this problem.

It would suck if I did. I really dislike the oily feeling of most lotions.
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