What is your favorite genre of anime?

What is your favorite genre of anime?

Total Votes : 4,846
i don't have a fav because the combos help make the best one
I prefer Sci-Fi, Action and Romance.. But my Favorite anime would be Guyver Sci-fi, Action and Gory.
If you asked me my first answer would be Mecha, all the way. Gundam (from Wing to the Present), Macross/Robotech, Vandread, Break Blade, Escaflowne, Ghost in the Shell, Eureka 7, Power Rangers (yeah I include them too), the Animatrix, Halo, Daiguard, Goddanar, Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagan, Heroic AGE, Raxephon, and don't forget the heaven sent Transformers (Beast Wars, Transformers [Gen 1] movie, & the recent Shia La bouf epilepsy special too, and the video games - War for /Fall of Cybertron). But I'm into a lot of stuff; Fantasy, Comedy, Slice-of-life, Sci-fi, Historical, Shonen, Shoujo, Spiritual/Ghost/Mystery, Fighting (yeah that includes Samurai too), etc (the list goes on). I'm still reading Bleach, and I'm going to rewatch the Naruto anime.
It always surprises me how many people actually vote yet not even half that number post in the forums. What a shame.
Action no doubt, but I'll watch any almost anything as long as it has an interesting story and well done characters. That more often than not excludes the retarded ecchi and moeblob shit that they seem so keen to keep making more of, so I fail to comprehend how ecchi can be second highest. I know I shouldn't expect anything else on a hentai site, but other than getting you frustraded what good is it for? Especially when you have hentai only a few clicks away...
Where's the option for ecchi/comedy/romance?
My favorite anime type is action fantasy, and sci fant. My favorite anime include The Slayers, Noir, Mushi-shi, and
(Fuck it i'm including a hentai) Wordsworth
I'm not surprised romance is in the lead...
I generally like stuff with a good balance of Action, Romance, Drama, and video run time (that way it gives the show enough to run on so I'll be interested in waiting for the next episode). I like Harems too for example Vandread or Maburoh, reverse Harems as well like Fruits Basket or Orin.Highscool. And ecchi is always cool because it can add onto character depth or lead up to a joke and still maintain a sexual flare to it.
I think my favorite stuff is the stuff that really makes you question concepts, such as Kokoro Connect.
Mecha, Action, Horror, Seinen, Shonen, Fantasy.
Probably romance. And I mean the good romance like Clannad or Kanon. Not the crappy ones like Rosario Vampire or Girls Bravo
Romance & action, but I can watch any genre
too many choices.. but still nothing beats a genre with love comedy drama and slice of life.. i remember toradora and clannad lol.
Mecha, my anime life is not complete without Mecha series. I'm willing to die if I don't get any mecha series in every season!
Where's the option for mystery? LOL.
im an ecchi type of guy...
I'd go for Extreme Mind-Twist Anime with both Action and Romance.
In others, I'd go for almost anything as long as the plot is Interesting Like Kokoro Connect
Comedy, Angel Beats