Where do you hail in from?

Wow. You guys all soooooo far from me..That's too bad. I'm in Russia) Hope you don't hate russians.
I'm from a state in the U.S. that puts the words "Famous Potatoes" on it's license plates. Although, I mostly grew up in Santa Cruz and Scott's Valley, California.

If you can't figure out what state I'm from, I'll give you a hint... It starts with an I and ends with ho.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Risch wrote...
anomaly wrote...
Am I the only asian here?

Check my post in the 1st page, it's after the topic post.

Hey, I'm from East too, and I'm 100% Asian, I Hail From Indonesia, Now Residing in Yogyakarta to Attend College in Gajah Mada University, Born In Jakarta.

If anyone think that I'm proud with my country, you're definitely wrong, I prefer the time where i was living in The US. I live in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania for about 2,5 years.
Former Laotian refugee, that means I'm from Laos, but I grew up in Texas, and still reside here. Contrary to popular belief, Texas whether is not always hot, hell it's actually cold, and when it's suppose to be cold it gets hot, it hails in the summer, rains while it's sunny, has rain clouds for 2 weeks without ever seeing water drop subsequently causing a drought. Anyways, Texas, where even asian penises are bigger.
I'm from Boston, MA (United States).

It always amazes me how diverse everyone is :D

(which reminds me I promised to post those country maps and never did)
Jacob wrote...
I'm from Boston, MA (United States).

It always amazes me how diverse everyone is :D

(which reminds me I promised to post those country maps and never did)

Shows that your advertising paid off.
Neko Charmer wrote...
Im from Canada! ~Woot Canada~

Canada is awesome i love the winter because i love to snowboard! i moved there when i was 3 (was born in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but I'm actually Egyptian since both my parents are) i lived in Switzerland for a year when i was 9 and then i lived in Saudi Arabia for another year, currently i reside in MONTREAL best night-life in Canada and i enjoy it :P!

... if you c me snowboarding, the way u'll notice me is that i have a massive FAKKU logo on my back! :P i snowboarded in cali, new york, vermont, maine, ontario AND british colombia (WHISTLER)

Another one from Indonesia here! I live in suburban Jakarta, and am enjoying Fakku through my lousy dial-up connection. I wish I could contribute, but right now I have so little extra time, or bandwith, heh.

It's nice how Fakku has become a community... wish it well!

Finland :/

But no polar bears here...
And I'm actually ½ italian.
Born in Jamaicagoogle,Found myself today in Florida,USA (FO SHO)Fakku.net
I'm from Switzerland, currently in England and trying to go to Canada :)
I live just outside London (UK). 8)
Malaysia i am from to be exact is in the Selangor state...
i'm an austin tx baby... and grew up oregan... back in tx workin' it.
in this order: born in boston, moved to new york, then back to boston, moved to new hampshire, then i moved to north carolina(my mom kicked me out and i moved here to go to school(age 17)). now im planing to move to okinawa japan, i was a stowaway on a cargo ship that had a 2 week stop-over there and fell in love with the culture sence then.
Im roughly in the northeast. I like to move around, so I don't really have any permanent living arrangement. Im usually working around East Mass and South New Hampshire though. But I'll most likely be gone to the south in a month or 2. Then... who knows? :lol:
I live in about an hour north of NYC. Amazing how many people from all over are members here.
I was born in Canada but my heritage is almost 100% English. I recently discovered that I have some Irish in me but it's Ulster (as in, English colonized North Ireland that still wants to be in the U.K.) so basically it's just English off the isle. Damn proud to be a white English man too. I wear my cross of St. George shirt with pride :D
I'm from Ottawa, Canada and proud to be Canadian!
London Ontario (Canada)its not a big city but its not small either. I have no problems with, it a perfect place to raise a family too.
Monster Girl
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