Cat Thread Q, A, and Plans

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So I was at a park 2 blocks away from where I lived at 10pm at night (don't ask) 3 days ago and saw a stray house cat that was abandoned. At first I was creeped out since the cat randomly meowed in the dark, dark park... but then it came into the light and it wasn't so bad. Being the nice guy that I am when I heard it's stomach growling from a mile away, I told the cat to follow me to my place and I feed it once.. and here's where I regret doing that...

Now it's here everyday ;_; Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I shouldn't have done it. Now to hatch a plan to get rid of the cat.

Here's mine..
>Wait until like 3am or something
>Take a handful of food and lure the cat to another person's front door (at least a block or two away)
>Feed it there and run away

Will it work and make the cat go to that person's house everyday instead? Should I do it? Yes? No?

Or should I take my friend's idea instead which is to "Kill it and we BBQ" since "Asians eat cats" and all..

Gimme an idea.

Tl;dr - I fed a cat 3 days ago and I regret it. Planning to get rid of it.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Keep it. It's yo' friend fo' life.
B-but we already have a dog... and she's enough trouble already..
Set up a sprinkler in the area where the cat frequents. Turn it on whenever the cat is there.
I know this is wrong because i know Hmong's... but the Hmong town in fresno, you never see a stray running or a lawn... they dig it up and grow food.
>Bring the cat in your car
>Drive to a highway around 3 am
>Throw the cat out through the window
Train it to become a ninja. Then give it missions.
Mickey D's wrote...
Set up a sprinkler in the area where the cat frequents. Turn it on whenever the cat is there.

If you open the door and look down the cat will be there. It's always by the door.

animefreak_usa wrote...
I know this is wrong because i know Hmong's... but the Hmong town in fresno, you never see a stray running or a lawn... they dig it up and grow food.

Our's is in our back yard :D

Ryssen wrote...
>Bring the cat in your car
>Drive to a highway around 3 am
>Throw the cat out through the window

Sounds like a pain. I need my gas.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
You can drive the cat away and release it on the other side of your city.
Put a bow on it, and drop it on some guy's porch.
Bath it, feed it, make it pretty, and give it away to someone as a present.
1, you'll get rid of it
2, You'll look like the nice guy giving a cute present to someone (and totally not as the guy who passes and annoyance to somone)
You can't lose with this option. [size=3]unless you don't have any friends to give a present to, in this case, it sucks to be you.[/h]
Put cianide or boric acid in a can of cat food (3 table spoons should do it).
Once he finishes eating it scare it away with the hose
It will die in less than an hour
You'll waste like 12bucks in total but hey, beats giving it food or having to hear it's meowing til GOD knows when

I honestly can't figure out why nobody thought of killing it
- Open your car's trunk.
- Feed cat(optional but it will make you less guilty)
- Grab the cat.
- Walk towards the trunk (this part is tricky. When the cat sees the trunk open, he'll trash about because it'll know what's going to happen).
- Throw(yeah, throw) the cat in the trunk and quickly close it.
- Drive away to another place that has houses nearby.(that way, the cat will eat over there. At least, if it finds another nice guy to feed it).
- Open the trunk and the cat will jump out scared.
- Whatever you do, don't look back. Why? The cat will keep staring at your car thinking: "Why? I did nothing wrong." while you disappear from it's sight. It's a sad sight :(
>Cats are like babies and gremlins. You're stuck with them if you feed them. Dipshit. Can't believe you thought it'd be a 'one-night-thing'. >_>

Cats are lazy as fuck, if they don't have to hunt, they won't.

>There is a sizable list of benefits that comes with adopting a pet.

>If you really, really, really want the cat to leave you alone..

The tried and true method of shooing-away-with-a-broom and being consistent about it will lead it to eventually come to the conclusion you will no longer be hospitable to it. It'll eventually get bored of coming back. If you try to lure it away with food, it will still associate you as a food source and continue to show up on your doorstep. It now knows for a fact you have food. Don't let it see you with food ever again.

>The terrible advice the other people posted should be ignored. If the cat should go anywhere with you, it should be to either Animal Control or an Animal Shelter. The stray will need to be thoroughly examined before anyone should consider adopting it.

--Abandoning it anywhere will just make this someone else' problem and won't actually be doing anything productive about there being a stray cat just.. wandering about. -_-

--If the stray was born a stray, it could carry diseases. Obviously the more likely scenario is that this cat was once a pet, but you never know. And because you never know, you should never give it to someone who also knows nothing about the cat. :D
Wait for it to turn into an anime cat-girl and become your sex slave. It happens in hentai all the time, I don't see how real life is any different.
Let it into your life like I did with the neko I found.
Ammy wrote...
Wait for it to turn into an anime cat-girl and become your sex slave. It happens in hentai all the time, I don't see how real life is any different.

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Alternate option:
Kill it with fire...........or a microwave
Put out a sign for it giving.

'Free pussy'

Watch the virgins and pervs come. Film it. Call it 'The invasion of fakku users.'
animefreak_usa wrote...
Put out a sign for it giving.

'Free pussy'

Watch the virgins and pervs come. Film it. Call it 'The invasion of fakku users.'

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animefreak_usa wrote...
Put out a sign for it giving.

'Free pussy'

Watch the virgins and pervs come. Film it. Call it 'The invasion of fakku users.'

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