How do you celebrate Halloween?

How do you celebrate Halloween?

Total Votes : 3,744
From what I remember of the night? I dressed up as Pikachu and went clubbing. Got drinks bought for me, because everyone wanted to buy Pikachu a drink. I also danced a hell of a lot, and by the end of the morning, I've been told I could no longer form coherent sentences and was saying 'pika-pika' to everything.
And for all those people who think of halloween as a waste of time: Shut up, dress up, and get it on. And most importantly, have fun! (^^)
"other" got stuck working ;/ work for a pizza hut
nah idon't celebrate my country,we don't celebrate halloween
well, I just followed my school tradition for Halloween, that's running around school grounds in a costume and shooting/sparring with whoever challenges you. I was dressed as a ninja, and I had my cz 85s: hex & solace and my bowie knife, Mr Oof . It was fun.
I stopped caring about Halloween when i was 12.
I love holloween. I hang with friends, go trick or treating, and I party all night long. Some people say I'm to old to dress up and go trick or treating but I say your never to old to get free stuff.
I lay prone in the bushes in front of my house, and 'hand out candy' by pelting people with it. Aaaaah, I love Halloween.
Basically use it as an excuse for the girlfriend to dress up as something hot lol... at least one thing in life goes awesome :P
I play Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, not all that exciting as it was when I was a kid.
i like da candy and no im not to old for that harumph
anything will do.
Its usually like every other night. I've trick or treated once, though I was like in my 20s, and it was inside my college dorm. Didn't even really dress up, just bought and put on a cheap Freddy Kruger claw. Got drunk afterwards and my candy was mysteriously missing...

But that was like just one year. I do try to draw a picture for these occasions though. Be it X'Mas or Halloween.
KingCrazy wrote...
Well i am too old to trick or treat but i still eat candy, and i have no interest in parties, except in gaming, and i can't say that its just any night. so other.
Same here! I usually have a horror movie marathon or play a lot of horror video games. I like your style!
Other. We don't even have Halloween.
Instead, it's two days of visiting graves (you go on Nov. 1. or 2) and mourning our decased.
Not the happiest occasion.
Generally speaking Halloween does nothing for me. If I lived elsewhere I might go to a couple of parties.

That said, I did stretch clingfilm over the front of my porch this year to keep my house childproof...
I'm one of those unfortunate groups of people that has to work on halloween night. >:( But that's life.
I went trick-or-treating!~❤
Does drinking with mates count? Surely not right?
i played ac3 with some friends and eat some candy
hellowbeer fest for us!!
Monster Girl
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