what was the stupidest thing you did to your first comp.

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Setting up a boot time defrag then freaking out when the computer showed a plain white screen when defragging.
Delete System 32
tossed my god of war 3 collectors edition pandoras box lid towards bed n threw it to far n it skidded across top of my tower.

Have a permanent grayish mark on side top of my case :P
Downloading porn and getting dem viruses.
Stupidest thing ...? Uuhhmm.. when i just bought it, i dropped the monitor right after i got it out of the box........
Clicked on ads.
I bought this old GeForce 5500 FX and I thought it was actually good.

the first stupidest thing i did to my first comp was when i was in elementary school.

i don't know if any of you remember the IBM with those 7" floppy disk, but in elementary school, i was banned from using the IBM when i reprogrammed one of the math game to make it harder and to include alegbra on it. :(

and yah, i was only banned for the rest of the school year...and that was a good 7-8 month...
Letting my Dad use it.
stabbing the screen
I think I deleted some important file, but I never really found out
taking out the keys on the keyboard and playing with the ball on the mouse.

This, and surely did a bunch of other things.
Most clear one in my mind is when i used to press many keys at the same time and made the computer freeze.
Got tricked into downloading a virus...
Accidentally reset my computer to factory settings without saving my anime, pictures and most importantly, hentai FML
I kinda partitioned an allready partitioned partition. As a in primary partition inside a primary partition. With a third party partitioner software.

He didn't like it at all and was only saved through intense "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, reinstall, reinstall!" on my part.
Hubs wrote...
Clicked on ads.
It wasn't actually my first computer (my first PC was a budget gaming PC that my dad built for my birthday, he set it up good, so no problems there), but my first PC that was truly mine was a laptop, and one day when I was getting off the couch with it and going to place it on my desk, my hand slipped and the thing landed hard on the table, which made the fan start making a rather bizarre rattling noise.
No harm done, a few months later, I still haven't called the repair service. The rattling has gone down, and the little guy doesn't seem to have any problems; strangely enough, has actually been doing better in games than before the accident. Weird.
Derailing a bit but whatever.

In 6th grade I accidentally made a computer self destruct by flicking some sort of red switch on the back of the computer while trying to make it turn on properly. I think it was some sort of voltage control but I can't be sure, to this day I'm not entirely sure what I pushed as I've never seen the same button again.

Then when I was 13 my first computer exploded slightly after what I assume was death by dust. There was a ton of it covering the exhausts, it just wasn't something I thought to clean back then.

When I was 17 I felt up my new AMD CPU while installing it not knowing about static energy. I told AMD that it was dead on arrival and they were kind enough to give me a new one... I'm really sorry AMD...
So, my story goes like this:

  • Young kid.

  • Discovered Hentai.

  • Leaving the computer to get oreos or something.

  • Mom goes into room to do ninja cleaning.

  • Get busted

  • Make up shit about doing homework and computer viruses.

From that day forward, learned to use the minimize button. Aaaand like other people, deleting Windows System files to make more room for hentai. (HDD was like 2.1GB)
On my laptop (That I still use today) I used to leave it running 24/7. I also went on vacation for a week or so and never shut it down. I currently have 5-10 minutes of battery power.
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