Do you play League of Legends?

Do you play League of Legends?

Total Votes : 4,941
Hell yeah. My mains are Volibear, Vi, Sejuani, Ziggs, Jinx, Yorick, Ezreal, and Jarvan IV. Reached lvl 30 2 weeks ago and I love to play with my friends. I'm also trying to get some youtube videos up so as soon as I can figure out how ill be putting them up. If yall wanna fight me or with me or be in one of my vidoes, just look up and add Drego117. I look forward to meeting ya and I'll see you on the battlefield.
i play dota 2 and never got really into LoL, been meaning to try it
It's just not my kind of game and it stole my best friend from in Vindictus :c we were an unstoppable duo slaying fomors in Vindictus and she quit to play LoL. I tried to play it but again, not my kind of game.
Bronze 4, and it I completely understand the reasoning behind that third option, but its just way too much fun.
Yes... And I'll admit that I'm so bad that I can't even pvp without going 0-10
Gold 2 but ranked and solo Q make me sad. I mostly enjoy playing with friends. It's a fun pasttime
holoofyoistu is my summoner name, hit me up!
just say ur from fakku and add friend
Nope... Internet is retarded.. I keep gettin 400ping, which in hon makes me freeze for ages.
Basically, I used to play hon, and the freezing thing happened on this end, so I don't play any now
Yeah, I play LoL. I'm gold 1. I was forever silver 1 at one point but once I reached gold, I hit gold 1 so fast... now I am forever gold 1.
- Jacob if you need help you should try to duo queue with some fakku members :D
No, I play Dota 2.
Been thinking about it, but I not sure if I do want to play it. Looks fun, and some of the character look cool too.
milkyjoe Milkiest of All
I've heard a lot about it, and I've been meaning to play for a while now, but I just can't ever find the time to even boot up my computer.....I'm lazy
still at bronze V huhuhuhu :(
I played LoL before Dota 2 came out and I thought they had a good thing going for a while. Then with time I realized it became very "Pay to win" due to being able to buy the better, newer and more unbalanced heroes out there. I'm sure they are doing a lot of things right, but they should have taken more from Dota2 as far as player shops go, keep it strictly aesthetic. I feel Dota 2 has more of a balance than can shrug off a lot of spammy stun and DoT skills in LoL and then maaaybe you'll get taken down. But when an enemy in Dota hits you with just one skill, a nuke, a stun, you begin to shit yourself, you know there is a very good chance you're already dead.

Just my opinion though, everyone's entitled to it and in the end, what matters is that you're having fun doing what you like.

nope...never played it...but plan to someday...maybe p~p
I love to play League, im gold 3, it was a grind haha. I would love to play with my fakku brethren sometime
Username: PrimoVongola
Played LoL twice, and then decided that Command & Conquer was way better.
nope i play dota so no need for lol
i play lol its a fun game espicaly when you play with friends do i due hate getting stuck in jungle :( lol
I'm a okay player but I do love the game; it depends on the lane and how good my team is compared to the other team.