Do you play League of Legends?

Do you play League of Legends?

Total Votes : 4,941

I'm diamond 4 actually, but i stop to play a bit, because i have tons of others games to do on 3ds and ps3.
And others consoles too, because i play to old games sometime too...erf, i don't have enough time.

hiegen1 wrote...
Then with time I realized it became very "Pay to win" due to being able to buy the better, newer and more unbalanced heroes out there.

It's not a P2W. If you win, you're just better than the ennemy, and it's not because they paid more or less huh.
I only paid for some skins, nothing more. And i ALWAYS used understimated characters (zilean, soraka, gp...because i don't like to pick overused and op characters, it's the same in any other game like the Vs battle) and win a lot with them .

And i prefer lol over dota 2, by far (and i was a big player of dota 1 back in warcraft 3 time), because i didn't liked a lot of things in the original dota, so i was happy to see how lol is different, and way better (for me).
Well I play in the asia server instead of the north american servers and I can tell you guys that there are so many trollers in ranked games its hard to promote
My main role is support
Main champs:Thresh, Blitzcrank, Sona, Soraka
I used to, but I started playing Dota and liked it more. I didn't have to grind for characters, there seemed to be a better balance, a little bit less hate in every single game. I like the heroes art style more as well.
Man no way. I wasted my life with starcraft... Never again.
started at bronze 5, now at silver 2 and trying to get gold too
League of Legends?
I've heard a lot about it, but I still don't know anything about it. Other than a game that a lot of people refer to as "Cancer."
I play when I have the chance, sometimes I can only do my win of the day, have been playing only aram lately, i'm Silver 3 ._. i dont deserve it
Flat Right out HELL NO!
I feed, and I mean this in LOL terminalogy
Practically everyone on my mom's side (the particularly Asian side of the two) plays the game. I play all sorts of games but not enough time for that one
AssasinZAssasin wrote...
I was tempted to try it, but it looks a lot like Dota in which i got bored of really fast (mostly because you start from zilch every time). Maybe i'm just too much of an RPG gamer who loves having progress stick to enjoy these kinds of games.

To each their own though, i guess.
Not really an rpg, more like an online battle arena. So it is called a MOBA (muliplayer online battler arena) not an mmorpg (massive multiplayer online role playing game).
Yea, I play alot also going for gold but I am in a 4lp gain 4lp loss cycle T_T
I think dota is easier
[color=red]Btw just to add on my last comment, LoL can get VERY addicting so play with caution. :3/color]
Nope, I prefer DotA 2.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
Been playing since Phantom Dancer gave dodge chance. I've tried to get out, but it keeps pulling me back in ;~;
Could never get into it to be honest. i told myself id never play it ever again
I am still a little unclear on what League of Legends is. I'm primarily a console gamer.
Never have never will. Its like Diablo except you are forced to work with others no thanks.
Monster Girl
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