League of Legends (LoL)

MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
Takerial wrote...
PenguinDemon wrote...
it's easier to trade, because of the nerfed shield time, but it's not really a nerf, more of a change to her, since the bonus damage is based on total AD instead of bonus AD now.

It will mean that she won't have instant lane dominance. And it'll also mean that she won't be "LAWL SHIELD!" at all times while building only ad all game.

Basically, it means she'll actually have to utilize defensive items if she wants survivability in the late game and can't just get away with full on damage anymore.

edit: Oh and now Annie's ult at level 3 with 40% cdr is a 48 second cooldown. Tibbers last for 45 seconds.

You now have a new pet to follow you around in the late game.

i just miss the time when i loved playing riven, she was my best champ and was my favorite video game girl (got her as a waifu last game, and got a "love confession" from her voice actress at a con.) but after one of my friends stated to main her, and was a lot better than me (stupid diamond jerk), my confidence with her plummeted and i refuse to play her now. But I still love her.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here

Leaked? Nah... Intentionally leaked? Sure thing.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
This could be Kog'Maw's father.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]Woot! I just got a email saying that i'm back in the PBE.
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/9zDKe8Q.jpg

I can never finish my build. God Dammit!
Takerial wrote...
This could be Kog'Maw's father.

Or son XD
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Felixcat wrote...
Takerial wrote...
This could be Kog'Maw's father.

Or son XD

He has no son, though Kassadin does have a daughter.

*sighs* went 5/5 in placement. It's like everyone forgot how to play.

Got placed in Silver II though. So only one behind where I was at the end so not a big loss. Though I was hoping to use my higher MMR to place somewhere in Gold and bypass the promotion to it.
Takerial wrote...
Felixcat wrote...
Takerial wrote...
This could be Kog'Maw's father.

Or son XD

He has no son, though Kassadin does have a daughter.

*sighs* went 5/5 in placement. It's like everyone forgot how to play.

Got placed in Silver II though. So only one behind where I was at the end so not a big loss. Though I was hoping to use my higher MMR to place somewhere in Gold and bypass the promotion to it.

I went 7/3 and dropped from S3 to S4. A plat friend of mine went 4/6 and dropped from plat 1 to S2. Im confused as to how it works. I was expecting to be put in Gold5 or atleast S2. My brother's MMR is so high that he's gaining 20-30 LP/match in Gold 1. Fml should be called league of retards.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
I went 11/5/13 on Kayle with 150-200 ping all game.

I think I might be decent on her.
The way the reset worked was that it reset everyone's MMR and made everyone have to run through provisional matches, which can be seen by people in Challenger that had to climb back through gold, plat, and diamond, to get back up there, most are still in plat or low diamond that were in Diamond 1 or Challenger.
Finished my placements.

Got Gold II
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
So it looks like they're trying to tone back some of Kayle's damage on her Q while increasing her Heal and making her ult a no cost one. So basically increasing her utility while toning back some of her damage.
I feel that any desire of professional progression I ever had about League of Legends just vanished today after watching SKT T1 decimate the Korean scene with a grand total of 18 matches and 0 losses.

OGN was explosive. Faker and Piglet are scary as fuck. .____.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Korea is another level in terms of game mechanics and expertise. It is quite surprising to be honest such a fact, but it is true and actually I am happy, EU and NA games sometimes seem dull and boring, on the hand, KR games are completely crazy, at least, the few ones I have seen... featuring Faker mainly lol.

Actually, I think there is a joke around about how to marry your dream girl in Korea... You have to win against her father in a 1v1 match of StarCraft 2 or League of Legends to be able to ask her hand. XD

Found this video recently, so funny XD
I finally finished my placements and got Bronzie 1.

The struggle begins...

How is it going for your struggle, guise? Xerath rework coming soon... the way they changed the new jungle items made them somewhat better-- I was barely running out of mana in the jungle as both Kha'Zix and Vi, and the lifesteal adds nicely to the Tiamat/BotRK items. Soloing dragon has never been easier.
It was a game I've never played before; I played support in a ranked team match with 4 Diamond players. I was invited by my friend who was in Diamond 1 in Season 3 to play support with the team. I'll never, ever, ever forget this day because I was paired with the BEST marksman I've ever had the pleasure to play with. Ah, the joy of being a support! I never knew how intense Diamond players play. We were ganked like 4 times straight in bot because Varus was in a killing spree. xD I have so much respect for my marksman because the enemy got first blood on him during an invade on our blue. Varus was level 3 and Vayne was level 5 when we started laning but he was able to catch up and surpass Vayne. I think the turning point was when he got a double kill on Vayne and LeBlanc. Watching him play was an eye opener. I remember thinking to myself, "So this is what they mean by KEEP CALM". I honestly thought he would die in that gank, but he proved me wrong. I wasn't even able to get an assist on those two kills, so it was all him on that one. xD He's amazing. Seriously.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1882123-HV047HZ.png
YOOOO. I've been here for like 2 years, but I've never bothered checking out the forums.

If y'all interested, IGN's Exepher.
Platinum last season!

I'd like to play normals or duo rank with any of y'all! Also looking for a rank team to join just to mess around and have fun!
shit, it's been quite a while since i checked in. School, life and other stuffs got me busy so I havn't been playing LoL much. How's everyone doing so far into the season. I lost 7 out of 10 games on my Dia 5 smurf and got it demoted to plat 5 lol. As for my main, i only played 1 promo so far, because i'm too scared since it feels like every promo game i get matched up with 4 other players who instantly go on tilt when something doesn't go according to plan >.>.
Anyways, been liking the new changes and such, getting accustomed to them now, though i still feel that tanky champions are still a bit unbalanced, but oh well.

Oh oh, and has any1 else heard of ghostcrawler joining the LoL developer team. I heard a lot of bad things about him, like how he ruined WoW with his stupid changes and such, not really important but i just thought i'd throw that out there in case any1 else had more info on him.
Well that's pretty much all i can think of right now, its like 12 am so im a bit tired anyways lol. See you guys around hopefully!
Monster Girl
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