[Anime] Rate The Last Anime You Watched

Attack on Titan.
10/10 Epic Amazement.
Date A Live OVA - 8/10
Ecchi-sama Vanilla Essence
Kakumeiki Valvrave - 9/10.
Wow, looks like there's going to be quite a lot of shows I'll have to look into, seeing all these pretty high ratings for anime I don't know about yet.

Mawaru Penguindrum - 9/10

Overall, this anime is absolutely amazing. Penguindrum has tons of symbolism, obscure dialogue, and fanservice... all the whilst taking place in a relatively normal setting with normal characters. Just add penguins to the mixture, and that's this anime.

I was dubious while watching the early episodes (some scenes felt rushed and characterization was weak)... but from a certain episode onward until the end, the show kept getting increasingly better and better. After finishing, I was so greatly impressed at just how well the plot tied together and the depth of that plot, that I stopped caring about what my complaints entailed. Though not everything was revealed and made sense, the nature of the anime itself allowed for self-interpretation on that matter. Certainly not the type to spoon-feed answers, which I found pretty admirable.

I cannot stress enough how utterly weird Penguindrum is. I also can't define this sort of anime into a specific genre, either. So with that said, Penguindrum is as obscure and niche as it gets. It's a "Thinking-type" of experience, as opposed to much of the "Entertainment-type" experiences (I'm more fond of these at heart) that you'd so often find.

The biggest aspect I like about Penguindrum is its theme, definitely.

Sorry this review was so long (and being the only recent anime I watched...), but I felt this particular show needed my full attention. I plan to watch the more anime that's out there at once so I can broaden my horizons. I feel like I'm missing out big-time here.
Just finished watching season 1 of Digimon :D 7/10.

It's hard to watch now that I'm not a kid, because I noticed ALL THE CORNYNESS, but it was great to watch high, always a riot :).
Death Note: King Light/10
It would have been perfect if Light killed Near, obtained total victory, then had sex with Misa.
Mazinkaiser SKL, probably the manliest 3 episode series I have ever watched. Eternal/10
Yuru Yuri S2 8/10 cute girls doing cute shit love it
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
The Devil is a Part Timer:
The backstory for the characters is really interesting as they come from a world where the Devil is real and in the midst of controlling the world. But he is forced to leave into our world to hide from the hero who is hunting him down and even follows him into our world. But because magic does not naturally exist here he and his minions need to find a way to get their magic back so they can go home. Also the devil gets a part time job working at McRanalds. Its funny but dont expect a satisfying ending in the show.
Bubble gum *something, I would have been into it way more, but the blonde voice, just ruined it for me, I can't stand her voice, 4/10
Steam Boy 8/10

It had really good animation but character design. But nothing else appealed to me. I'm not even sure which side I was suppose to cheer on.

Wolf Children 9/10

Loved it. It was like Usagi Drop but for furries. And damn that's a kinky mother. I'd buy it.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Love Live! School Idol Project 9.5/10
Loved just about everything about it and oh god the music in this anime is some of the best.
Corpse Party. I really wanted to love this but they skipped over important lore from the game and some scenes were thrown in for the wow effect rather than telling the story...I would not recommend it to fans of the series but for new people it's definitely a surreal experience compared to most anime these days.

I lost my shit when I realized that it was going to be one of the bad ends in the game...I really wanted to see the best end or at least the Book of Shadow's prologue.
Buddy Complex - 3/10 - (dropped at ep 7; preview of 8 is 'requisite main protag & enemy on deserted island') I dunno how I tolerated more than 5 episodes of this shit. This is what I get for trying to get a mecha fix, despite warning signs with just the OP (If you've watched various Sunrise mecha series, esp. SEED, you'll know what I mean) from the first ep.
Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai.
I do love this anime but i simply cannot give it more than 9/10 since its not better than SAO.
Its a funny anime with a cute and somewhat sad story.
So far the second season have been even better than my expectations.
[size=10]Rikka is my wifeu...[/h]
Just finished watching Outbreak Company
Forum Image: http://s9.postimg.org/gxzrkh8zj/safdasf.png

Truly entertaining and funny. It does so many parodies and references. It uses silence perfectly as a tool for comedy.
Though, not a masterpiece of its genre (I stand that Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is the best anime comedy out there). This is a must watch for every otaku out there since they're probably the ones who can relate and understand the references.

But of course, the show has its downs; for example, a poorly written and executed ending.
Assassination classroom OVA- Meh
Kara No Kyoukai - Mirai Fukuin 7/10

Overall decent. Wasn't filled with too much dialogue or too much action, just the right set amount of both to keep me interested. I flipped the fuck out though when I saw Mana though. That made my day. Shiki's and Kokuto's daughter is so freakin' adorable. I'm a big fan of this series and this OVA left me satisfied for now, but yearning for more. Hopefully this doesn't die out too soon.
[color=green]The IDOLM@STER- 7.5/10

It was simply amazing. It was what led me to Miki and falling in love with her.[/color]
Code Geass. I personally found the entire series to be extremely overrated, but the final episode actually got me. Outside the entire series there was probably 3-4 episodes that really hit me, but this final episode just hit me so hard.

Series wise, 6.8/10
Ending-wise, 9.2/10.
(I consider FMA:Brotherhood's ending to be a 9.8/10, the events following into the ending was just too good and so well done.)