How volatile do you consider yourself emotionally?

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The title speaks the intent. For me, I am more often than not, quite volatile, especially since there are certain topics that automatically set me off. And getting struck physically by a solid punch or kick can put me into hyper-berserk mode almost instantly, it's a mechanism I have never found effective ways to mitigate. I usually just try to avoid finding situations that would put me at risk for that.
Quite volatile in fact. To me, a perfect day can be ruined by finding out something trivial and absolutely stupid like suddenly realizing I have a dentist's appointment next week. Or, I could suddenly turn gloom for no apparent reason which leads me to skip class and wander around.

It is quite a downside being struck hard by nonsense but the good thing is that the opposite is true. In other words, tiny, seemingly irrelevant good things can put me in a good mood. So, pretty volatile I suppose.
I'm like the noble gases when it comes to emotion. I don't react to much.

My standard state of mind is 'contented', and it takes a lot to move me one way or the other, and I'll generally calm down pretty quickly. I can count the times I've cried in the last year on one hand, and count the number of times I feel I've been truly happy in the other.

One thing that does tend to get me down though, is seeing other people around me who are emotionally volatile (and I now quite a few), get really depressed or angry. Although that is partly because I dislike not being able to cheer them up.

Overall, it's not a bad way to spend your life, but it can become a bit boring at times.
Revelation Defender of DFC
I sometimes feel like I have no emotions. Literally 2 hours ago I figured out we had to put our cat down. I was sad but i felt like I didn't care even though I love my cat.
I am not volatile at all. If I encounter something trivial, it is most likely not going to change my state of mind that day. That said, I am only human, so if small insignificant things pile up, that is obviously going to put me into a bad or a good mood.
I feel like I'm the last one who'd be able to answer that. While I probably know more about myself than anyone else, artists shouldn't critique their own works. Not to say I wouldn't absolutely love to know how "volatile" I am, as strong a word as that is.

One part of myself I think might be volatile is my tenancy to praise selfishness. I don't just mean typical greed, but instead just "thinking in your own best interest." Allot of the time I see people doing things for seemingly no reason, and it bothers me. Allot. Does this mean I hate charity work? No, you'll be happier for doing that, there absolutely is an advantage to it. Belief in shared happiness has let me curve my respect for self centeredness into something more reasonable.

Look at things like "arguing" though. I don't mean soft debate, I mean loud arguing. Why do it? What's in it for you? People pretty much never "win" arguments, assuming winning equals convincing the other person of your perspective.

Are there times where I argue? Oh yes. Usually I save myself for things I find important, where if I did "win" it'd make me feel, I dunno, helpful. That or it lets people know me better. Sometimes the potential reward can rationalize the risk of wasting time. Though there are plenty of times where I don't have a reward to rationalize it, which leads me to believe I should be a more self centered person in order to act senselessly less often. At the same time, I think there are times where I do something I should consider wrong, but justify with that line of thought. Which is why I would like to ask if being more self centered is a volatile goal?
I'm about as stable as they come. I'm very calm, even in extreme situations. I'm a lot less emotional than most and a lot more logical.

It takes a lot to get me riled up too, though... if you ever do manage to actually push me that far then whoa buddy you'd better run for your life lol.
I'm fairly calm and laid back. That said, I live in Japan, so compared to the Japanese (who mostly keep everything inside) I seem really emotional.
I consider myself to be very open and calm, always to reason and quickly solving problems so that I can have my calm peaceful day. However that changes quickly when I see how people succumb themselves to do stupid actions or even talk about stuff that doesn't make sense. I come from a family like that, they always talk about the past and get in each others business and even talk about others behind their backs, which pisses me off so much that I explode because stupidity really does hurt me. Also the fact that they are destroying themselves because of this senseless problem that they have created for themselves, it's kinda like suicide in a way, they are hurting themselves and in the end they will be destroyed by it, and that really boils me up.

I also cannot stand the fact that even though people older than me are supposed to be smart and wise, in front of my eyes they are anything but that, which in return fires me up so much because of their behavior which destroys my actual beliefs of what an elder supposed to be. So there isn't anything that pisses me off in the world other than that specific problem, which lies directly in the family, but then again that is a demon who isn't easy to fight.

I am not sure if what I wrote makes sense in this topic, however if it doesn't then feel free to correct me.
Golden_Lightning wrote...
I consider myself to be very open and calm, always to reason and quickly solving problems so that I can have my calm peaceful day. However that changes quickly when I see how people succumb themselves to do stupid actions or even talk about stuff that doesn't make sense. I come from a family like that, they always talk about the past and get in each others business and even talk about others behind their backs, which pisses me off so much that I explode because stupidity really does hurt me. Also the fact that they are destroying themselves because of this senseless problem that they have created for themselves, it's kinda like suicide in a way, they are hurting themselves and in the end they will be destroyed by it, and that really boils me up.

I also cannot stand the fact that even though people older than me are supposed to be smart and wise, in front of my eyes they are anything but that, which in return fires me up so much because of their behavior which destroys my actual beliefs of what an elder supposed to be. So there isn't anything that pisses me off in the world other than that specific problem, which lies directly in the family, but then again that is a demon who isn't easy to fight.

I am not sure if what I wrote makes sense in this topic, however if it doesn't then feel free to correct me.

I can understand that completely, as a matter of fact. It is by no means misplaced here. My attitude towards the willingly unintelligent and people who scorn actually becoming a little wiser invoke this particular image I'm about to link.

Fitting, isn't it?
Taltharius wrote...
Golden_Lightning wrote...
I consider myself to be very open and calm, always to reason and quickly solving problems so that I can have my calm peaceful day. However that changes quickly when I see how people succumb themselves to do stupid actions or even talk about stuff that doesn't make sense. I come from a family like that, they always talk about the past and get in each others business and even talk about others behind their backs, which pisses me off so much that I explode because stupidity really does hurt me. Also the fact that they are destroying themselves because of this senseless problem that they have created for themselves, it's kinda like suicide in a way, they are hurting themselves and in the end they will be destroyed by it, and that really boils me up.

I also cannot stand the fact that even though people older than me are supposed to be smart and wise, in front of my eyes they are anything but that, which in return fires me up so much because of their behavior which destroys my actual beliefs of what an elder supposed to be. So there isn't anything that pisses me off in the world other than that specific problem, which lies directly in the family, but then again that is a demon who isn't easy to fight.

I am not sure if what I wrote makes sense in this topic, however if it doesn't then feel free to correct me.

I can understand that completely, as a matter of fact. It is by no means misplaced here. My attitude towards the willingly unintelligent and people who scorn actually becoming a little wiser invoke this particular image I'm about to link.

Fitting, isn't it?

Forum Image:

You read my mind my friend .....
An additional bit about my "hyper-berserk" mechanism, my belief is that it exists as a means to defend myself should I end up in a situation where holding back would be riskier than simply "shelving" my capacity for rational thought, and letting my aggression direct my intent.

The unfortunate thing about that, however, is that I'm a person who prefers to live by the idea "all or nothing", so either I fight with no restraint, or I don't fight at all. What I worry about in such a potential circumstance, is that in every major meltdown I've ever had, my last-second restraint fail-safe only stopped me because my "target(s)" were either friends or family members. Were I facing a complete stranger, that fail-safe would probably be circumvented, and I know just from the feelings I felt during the previous episodes that I could easily act beyond my normal inhibitions and moral beliefs.

The possibility of being extremely brutal physically to someone is a prospect that deeply frightens me, and helps hinder my better intention to simply get outside more.

Maybe this sounds a bit melodramatic to the rest of you, but bear in mind that this very instability has landed me in the mental ward of Jubilee Hospital 3 times already, in handcuffs.
I'm not volatile.

Most times. I don't give a shit about anything. I don't exactly why I'm like this. I just know that a lot of bad stuff is happening and one small bad stuff doesn't mean anything compared to it. I actually don't care if people insult me, or bad-mouth me as long as they don't touch the people I really care about,
everyone has a topic that they will berserk on, mine is rape, granted its calmed down over the years, but its still a topic i seriously dislike.

otherwise i'm pretty apathetic when it comes to most stuff.
Dependent on the day. I used to struggle with depression, and that made my mood very volatile, but I'm in a state where I don't find myself easily influenced. However, there are certain scenarios that cause relapse, but I find those scenarios, while less controllable, to be comparably short-lived than when my depression was full-blown.
Depends on the situation, but I admit that I can get pretty volatile sometimes, even with trivial things. Also, I too have certain topics that automatically set me off in a wrong way, though fortunately I never had to resort to violence - the last time I really lost myself, two friends of mine had to talk me out of it and even then, I exploded because of a douche taunting me during a very difficult moment.

Of course, being mildly paranoid and having psychological problems (I've been under counseling for years) doesn't exactly help.
[color=#FF1493]i tend to take everything with a smile. it sounds dramatic, but i'm a stupid person who will, and has, let others use me as a punching bag if it will make them feel even a bit better.

unless it's about someone i need to protect, paranoia, or one of my very specific triggers, then i flip my shit and destroy the universe.
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
I deal with homophobic asses everday, so ya, i dont think that im that emotionaly volatile. But if i do blow my stack, hoooly shit i can scare myself.
My temper is a mix of being calm and somewhat caring (although on the outside i keep a mask of indifference on. it convenient), and at times my friends who are not gentle people by far, call me a nutcase.

But i think most people are like that, its just that they often like to pretend to either be super sensitive fags or sociopaths because they thinks it cool, rather than admitting they are more or less average like me... :/
I do consider myself calm, and I always try to be logical. though when it comes to death, then I'm pretty volatile.
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