Where do you hide your hentai manga & doujinshi & stuff

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Fellow otaku and fellow otaku gamers i don't know if this question already asked if so please tell me and/or send me a link and this question is for you all who have any of them at all and i mean the physical copies and no i don't mean downloaded i mean the real physical copies and if don't have any of them at all or at least not at the moment then feel free say where would you hide yours if you ever own any physical copies at all.

So question i like to ask is Where do you hide your hentai manga & doujinshi physical copies at all?

I'll start as for me i don't have any hentai manga & doujinshi at the moment only hentai stuff is well pictures of some of my favorite anime characters,game characters and manga characters and my very first hentai DVD i purchase from Amazon if you like to know what was it well it's first volume of bible black with episodes 1 and 2 on that DVD so far I've hiding mine in a box in my cloest so far no one knows yet and hopefully no one will find them.

And don't worry I'm not ashamed of loving anime,manga,gaming and doujinshi and i might as well and throw in I'm not ashamed of loving foreign movies and foreign shows such as Asian dramas even though I'm a straight American white guy myself and lol yes i know this question sounds like either genshiken or i got the idea from genshiken maybe i have or maybe i have not and who knows i might use your ideas if i like to and if it's OK with you.

Have fun sorry for a long read take care and have fun answering about your hiding place thanks again :).
doujins get hidden in my wardrobe but I usually have magazines with naked ladies just out in the open if anyone fancies reading them, it's not a big deal. I don't buy hentai DVD's so I don't need to worry about that, but I probably wouldn't hide them unless the titles were really embarassing
What archaic rube still has physical porn? The internet exists for a reason.
1. Under the mattress
2. Inside the mattress
3. There's a hollow space behind my desk that can only be screwed open.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Japanese books are out in the open with most other books.

French books are hidden behind my Berserk manga collection.

Eroges: same as japanese books

Doujinshi are placed in a small box to avoid damages.
My hentai manga is in a shoebox under my bed. I'll need to rethink my hiding strategy once I get more... the shoebox can't hold many more volumes.
[size=12]I don't have any hard copy hentai stuffs.. I always read on mobile so yeah.. I just save it to my camera roll.., but if I do have a hard copy.. i might hide it under my bed or maybe under a pile of dirty clothes.[/h]
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Well, for now I only own some VNs as physical releases, and those are hidden in plain sight between my other games. Only one of my sisters has so far noticed anything about them.
I only have one physical copy of a doujin and one hentai DVD, which I hide in my bookshelf. Unless you really go through all the things on my bookshelf, you won't find it. I'm not too concerned about hiding those though since I doubt my mom would care, but most of my good stuff is on my laptop hidden in a folder within a folder within a folder with innocent sounding names.
Don't have any hard copy/hard material/anything that exist in 3D realm. Not weeb enough to do so.

And even if I have, I would simply shove them into my bookshelves, nothing needs to be hidden.
On bookshelves in the back of my closet or just generally in my closet. Also have some stuff under the bed. Other then that nothing too extreme in terms of hiding my stash, it's not like people don't know I am a pervert.
I don't have any physical copies of hentai on my shelf but they're stored on my 'school project' folder on my PC (so that it would seem inconspicuous)
Well, i dont really need to hide it, but im hiding it anyways tbh =p

Hiding it in a secret folder in my pc... no one that touch in my pc will find it i hope lol
Well, I don't have a physical hentai doujin, but I do have some porn magazine. And tbh, I just stuff them in the shelf in my room, along with all kinds of magazines, and no, somehow not my friends nor my parents ever catch it, and it's been there since I was in junior high (which is almost ten years ago)

This is like, hiding in plain sight.
lol I actually hide them in my safe right under my bed in the top right corner.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Small update:
Now most of my erotic manga are out in the open.

Only thing that's hidden is my dakimakura cover and my doujinshi collection. those are hidden behind my horror manga now.
Don't really have anything in physical form, sooo no need to hide anything :D. But i have done some strategic placements in my computer so that you need a little effort to find anything 'dirty' in this computer.
I really don't have more than 2-3 dvds of hentai. The rest I keep on my computer. Hentai anime you can just go into my anime folder and find the subfolder lol. Otherwise I really only keep cute pictures and read my hentai online.
I'll kill anyone who dares to enter my personal space without permission even more if they touch my things without asking. (family and close friends are exceptions)

This is where I "hide" my things:

BL Doujinshi, Originals and Merch: books goes on the bookshelf so ofc any BL DJ and books will be there, for the merch I don't own much but the things I own is in a box under my desk. Not rly for hiding purposes but more because I don't have much space in my room.

Manga, Anime, Artbooks: Shelf.

Merch: Depends on what it is. Posters hang on the inner side of my closet and a few on the outside. I don't like having too much hanging so just faves on the outside and likes on the inside. Keychains and other small things are placed on a shelf or attached to my phone or in a box cause I have too many haha.

Hentai, Smut: Bookshelf beside the yaoi and the rest of my manga.

Eroge, otoge and BL games: a mini shelf on my table.

TL;DR: I don't hide my stuff. I just don't bring people I don't trust to my room. Living room is empty and cool for prejudging people.
They hide in plain sight for me, lol I even have one next to a bible.
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