What did you learn today?

Today I learned that I don't have the ability to defy gravity and fell down some stairs.
i learned that i should really stop my procrastination
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that Capcom is in trouble financially. Serves them right for fucking up the Breath of Fire series, ditching Mega Man and other bullshit decisions.
Not enough people post in the k-pop section. I went to update a thread and I was the last to post in it a million years ago Dx
There are still some people out there who still thinks that I'm 15 years old at first sight. At least that's better than a few people who that I was 12 years old. Movember ain't helping as well since I can't grow any facial hair.
I learned that i have to move out of the house im renting in april cause the roof is getting replaced, so i need to relocate for 8-10 weeks
I found out about notifications.
[color=#993300]I'm still physically weak after "that"
My guitarist likes to use her feet.
I also learned that i have a girlfriend, it seems.
[color=#993300]I'm getting weaker and more unstable, I need sleep
It's possible to be ninja'd by two people simultaneously.
I just learned that the iOS 8 version of Safari does something really annoying.

If you switch to another tab, it no longer keeps that tab you switched out of active... It treats it as if you closed the tab and will reload the entire page when you switch back to it. This makes switching from Fakku to some hentai I'm browsing really annoying because every time I switch to the hentai, I have to wait for the page to reload, and every time I switch back to Fakku, I have to log in again as though I closed the window and re-opened it.

And yes I use Fakku in private mode, because I do that with all porn I view.
That you have to make your own contentment, not rely on others to make it for you. Because in the end they don't care an ounce for how you feel.
[color=#993300] I'm not the only one who thinks my cheeks are pinchable...
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned I have a lipse. Never knew that until my cousin pointed it out today.
13-19 year olds are called teens or teenagers because 13-19 all end with TEEN.
[color=#993300]My parents have no faith in me...
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned my niece and cousin share the same birthday.
That I waste a lot of time in the kitchen eating
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that in the story of Moses, it was God that hardened the pharaoh's heart. Knowing that just makes the story seem weird and stupid at the same time.
Monster Girl
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