One insignificant thing that made your day better

It is Friday and i am ready to parteeeh and dance!!
It's friday and I can't wait to spend the night home alone with candy and movies
SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
[color=#993300]I made up my mind and got something big off my chest
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Lessons involved just listening to music for the whole afternoon. Not a bad way to spend the day.
managed to get home in enough time to relax
Cherry gave me her old grey jacket because mine is pretty shit at this point, so I hugged her and she was warm. Really really warm... Turned out she had a fever, but the warm hug was nice.
I'm also going to try out sewing and other crafts. I like the kitchen, but I've had other ideas that I just couldn't do anything with yet.
Found out my guitarist/girlfriend likes Hentai too.

Life is good fuckin' awesome!
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Ero-Jazz wrote...
Found out my guitarist/girlfriend likes Hentai too.

Life is good fuckin' awesome!

Start reading kinkier tags and imitate them in real life.
artcellrox wrote...
Ero-Jazz wrote...
Found out my guitarist/girlfriend likes Hentai too.

Life is good fuckin' awesome!

Start reading kinkier tags and imitate them in real life.

Knowing her, i'm not sure that's a good idea. Better not tempt fate.
SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
[color=#993300]Just me, by bed, and Fakku friends.....
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
i dont have to be at work till 6 tongiht, so i slept in till noon, and now im gonna get caught up on my anime, play league, and eat cold pizza.
Big bro came to eat homemade sushi with the family!
Not working today.
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
It's Sunday. There's no post on sunday!
Also I didn't work today.
SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
[color=#993300]Chatting with a good friend I haven't heard from for a while
My new technique made my love's eyes roll.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]Got to see someone I've not seen in about a year and a half.
Well, despite the fact I screwed up really bad and got everyone mad at me, and now feel lonley and guilty...
Cherry still gave me a kiss before leaving and said outright "I'm just... Really pissed off at you right now, but I still love you. I'll be over thanksgiving and I will drag the twins here if I have to. "
Changing my steam username to Vq.| Polish Winged Hussar. It's got a nice ring to it.

Also taking this amazing photo of my guy, he's so photogenic. Into my shlick folder... erm... photography folder it goes.

Forum Image:
Was feeling stressed out a bit when one of my coursework groupmates had the bright idea of looking through skateboard fails. The huge amount of nutshots and general pain in the videos completely destroyed that groupwork session for me as I'm the kind of guy who can't stop laughing for a good minute. Haven't had a laugh like that since who knows when :)