[Anime] Rate The Last Anime You Watched

Serial Experiments Lain: 10/10

WHAT. THE. FUCK. The three words I have repeated all throughout the show. The series likes to dip its finger into your brain and you'll like it for some reason. The series sticks to its title as you don't get a single crumb of info until you're halfway in the show. When shit hits the fan, it doesn't spread. No, it sends it right back to the asshole that shit it out. That's just how the story goes for this series. The concept of the story is also scary as the world we live in is working toward the series' setting.

It's an old series but plaster in better animation and you got yourself a series that dwarfs "getting stuck in an online game" theme. It's just that close in our daily lives with technology. Overall, it's a great show. You'll overlook the animation as the opening song is really that good and the story is mind boggling.

Appleseed XIII: 0/10

It's shit. No really, it's shit. It's an appleseed series that is a god damn shame. Why? Because it is when you compare the 2004 and 2007 movie with this crap in terms of animation. It's hard to believe this had 13 episodes considering the time gap of 24 years. It bombards with stained glass images that the animators apparently think it IS better than showing you cutscenes, it also follows through with unreasonable hairdo that makes yugioh proud. The story is not enough to make you forget the greatest insult done to its heroine as she turns into some pouty cutie wannabe that is way far from the 2004 movie or the deus ex. It is a complete character change and it's really not that great because primarily, that's the support character hitomi already does. Come to think of it, she barely had any hand in this series despite her position.

Appleseed Alpha: 5/10

Appleseed for me is something that gives you satisfaction from start to finish. Alpha, two years after the sad XIII OVA series is yet another XIII-ish movie series. Thing is, the movie isn't actually done. It's just 1 part of a set that has the danger of getting rushed to end or being left hanging. Another is that the characters, although bree became cooler than before, deunan didn't but i guess that takes some getting used to until.. well.. hitomi looks like a clone. Sorry, to be specific, she was cloned and the original doesn't look different when the clone itself said that she was "made" so with that in mind, the source should LOOK different as the whole predicament centers around the knowledge of the source. I mean, who in their intellectual mind would just manufacture a clone and not alter its appearance to further protect the original? I take that as something as a lazy/no attention to detail.

It's not as awful as XIII but it's too early to settle that this is great either. So far, the CG is the only thing going for it.

Appleseed Deus Ex Machina: 4/10

I'll make this short and say the movie is about skynet but with zombies. Animation was good, Nyx gave me a hard on and hitomi's jaw-dropping. Nothing else to say really. It didn't give me the feeling I had when I watched appleseed 2004 movie.
spyralhax Traps = confused boner
NouCome - 5/10. The show was a 11/10 for the first 9 episodes. Then the heinous, horrifying, mind numbingly predictable no-ending. Then the OVA killed it, basically straight up telling the audience the guy will never end up with one of the girls. Waste of time, but up to that point non-stop laughs, pretty much. I can't think of a more random anime I've seen lately.
GJ-BU: 6/10 dropped it at episode 8 because I just couldn't get into the humor of it.
Space Dandy : 9/10. One of the funniest and most creative things I've seen, I love how it doesn't take itself seriously and each episode is based around a very random thing, but the story develops beautifully. Also it's awesome that most if not every episode has a different animation style
Redline- Friggin' Speed Racer on Amphetamines. The art style is psychedelic and made me laugh at it's bizarre nature. The racers were hilarious as were their introductions. The main race was just insane and over the top. I wasn't too keen on the romantic ending though.

Tantei Milky Holmes - 6/10 Got lowered thanks to Season 3 OTL it should be 7/10!
Akame ga kill 8/10

I love the characters and story, but why are they all dying? Last 3 episodes felt rushed as well..
Koi kaze. 9/10
Ghost Hunt: 6/10.
The anime was alright but there were times that I lost interest. Guess it wasn't grabbing me hard enough but it was still alright. Just not great.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Akame ge Kill! 8/10

Why the manga is better I still like the anime. The last few episodes were good at some points, but the anime lost some points with me when it jumped to where the manga is and made a ending just for the anime.

A lost was skipped and that really sad, but over all the anime was still good. The manga is still better.
Akame ga Kill 8/10 ;)
Psychopass 2
Akane: 8
Suspense factor: 8
Ending: 4
Overall: 7

Decent and pretty entertaining until the last episode.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 9/10

All of my problems are deeply related to it being shounen but I also think it wouldn't work so well if it wasn't shounen. So it's a love-hate relationship I have with it. Overall it was great - though it doesn't top my other favorites.

Psycho Pass 2

It became a lot more interesting after the omnipotent paradox. I actually want more of it.

Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season

More of the same great mushishi. Woop for a movie.

Denki-gai no Honya-san

'tis alright

Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle

Gugure~ Kokkuri-san
8.5/10: Very funny slapstick comedy. Sometimes there's a dead air for me though.
Plastic Nee-san- 9/10 because I couldn't stop laughing. Though, that laughter may have been more of a confused laugh because I'm still not sure what exactly I watched.
Trinity Seven

Decent fanservice but the plot was awful.
Kids on the Slope - 3/5

Because it was from my favorite director Shinichirō Watanabe, i had really high hopes for this, mainly because Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo were both so good. But this didn't really deliver the same amazing feeling or the excitement. Over all story was pretty good, but i just personally don't like these high school dramas, (maybe because i am myself shy, idk) but it didn't really interest me. Non the less i am still glad i watched it all the way, and some what enjoyed it.
Avatar: Legend of Korra, if an anime 10/10. If not, then Kill la Kill, 10/10. Would say as good as SnK, but in a different way.
Amagi Brilliant park 8/10
Gugure Kokkuri-san 8/10
Mushishi Zoku shou s2 10/10
Ookami shoujo to kuroo Ouji 7/10
Psycho pass 2 9/10
Sword Art Online II: 7/10

- It was interesting until GG:O ended
- The Asuna arc was so random
- Ep. 15-17 were basically fillers (lmao)
- Ending felt hella rushed