Rate the Last Movie You Saw

the giver- 8/10

i haven't read the book, pretty sure it's way better than the movie. but the movie itself was good, liked it.
Big Hero 6 8/10
Enjoyed it really well animated
A Walk Among The Tombstones: 8/10

What I liked about the movie is Liam Neeson's performance, which is one of his better ones recently and I enjoyed the surprising lack of action scenes, what made more space for the psychological component.
Pacific Rim 9/10

I can't get enough of beautifully designed mechs slaying huge monsters in all the right ways! Graphics and special effects were unbelievable.
The Giver 8/10
I might actually read this book. Lois Lowry kinda turned me off her books after I had to read Number the Stars...
Lesson of the Evil 6.5/10 - would recommend.

Not bad for a Japanese thiller/horror movie. As far pyschopathic characters go, Hasumin might be a favorite.
Man of Steel: 4.5/5

I know it's controversial with the whole
Superman destroying the entire city, killing Zod blah blah blah

but I don't care, it's the best Superman movie I've seen in my entire life, right up there with the Original Superman. The fight scenes were amazing and the story was great.

I'm not much of a film critic as my brain partially shuts down when I'm watching a movie. I can't think of any legit criticisms on my first viewing of any given movie (except for maybe a Shyamalan movie).

One gripe that I did have with the movie was that Amy Adams as Lois was somewhat underwhelming. She's no Margot Kidder or hell even Kate Bosworth. Her version of Lois seemed too tame IMO (compared to the former two).
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Big Hero 6


Dear fucking god, I thought Frozen was pretty good, and I had high hopes for BH6 already, but despite it being not that original and the pacing being pretty fast (guess it's because it's not that long a movie), I loved practically every second of it. The characters were awesome (and a few of them hot too, holy hell Aunt Cass and Gogo), the action was really well done, the humour and premise is exactly my alley, and I don't remember the last time I cried while watching a movie that DIDN'T have a dog dying in it.

Would heavily recommend, currently one of my favourite post-2000 Disney movies right now.

It was ok, reminded me of a Fight Club lovechild. Would rate 8/10 because some parts were too long in dialogue.
Exodus Gods and Kings 7/10

Movie was ok ending was anticlimactic, worth checking on DVD
Went and watched Alien again and again. And then some more.

Just can't get enough, one of my all time favourites.
The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies 8/10 Q.Q #OneLastTime
watched Street Fighter again
I still maintain that this is a ridiculously fun movie
big hero 6- 10/10

pretty short but an awesome movie anyhow. baymax the huggable marshmallow robot definitely stole my heart.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
Big Hero 6: Rated 8/10. Good movie, great animation and a fairly moving story.

The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies: Rated 8.5/10. Tied things up pretty well, even though they turned it into the Legolas show in the second movie. Good action sequences.
Belle 9/10

One of those movies that gets ya in the mood in certain scenes... might just be me
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]The Interview 7.8/10

Pretty funny movie till about the last 45 minutes of it. Good watch, would rewatch it with a friend who has not seen it, but that the only time.
Hero 8/10

Never realized that Donnie Yen and Jet Li were in this together.
Annie 7/10

Into the Woods 9/10
Loved it! Toe/heel <3 Life lessons galore!