The Direction FAKKU! is going...

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"Fully Edited" Well, this topic could work as a way to talk about the way that FAKKU! is moving, I had a little problem with the FAKKU Books, according to myself, I couldn't tell wich books were selling material and every time I was thinking that i was going to read some nice hentai I hated the "U MAD?" sign. But since we have alredy pass that stage i guess we could focus more about how is fakku doing.

Perhaps there's another "Topic" around talking about the same thing but meanwhile...

Also thank you very much for all your comments and opinions about the matter, it's quite a nice debate so far.

Have a nice fap... i mean... yeah.... fap XD.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Let's consider one thing you might have missed.
The fact that those chapters you must buy are not scans taken illegally, but actual legit stuff.

This is obvious you have to buy them because it's actually licensed for english release.

For someone who missed the events around Fakku Books it sure is confusing, or annoying, but this event is pretty good news.
Bunny5390 The Defenestrator!
The thing is, they're not saying to go buy the content from the publisher, rather, they've become the publisher. All the Fakku! Books stuff is officially translated and liscensed now, by them.

You can find more information about Fakku! Books here: ,
here: ,
here: ,
and probably here:

While I think it's sad that they don't leave some of the now liscensed scanlated stuff up until they publish it, I'm still really happy for Fakku becoming an official publisher, the stuff that they've put out so far has been awesome.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
george4 wrote...
While I think it's sad that they don't leave some of the now liscensed scanlated stuff up until they publish it, I'm still really happy for Fakku becoming an official publisher, the stuff that they've put out so far has been awesome.

While this would certainly be nice for us readers, it's really impossible after the takedown notices from Wani, especially if Fakku wants to stay in business with them and publish more manga for us to read.
I've mentioned this before since people don't seem to understand. When wani asked to takedown the content you need to realize that this was a serious legal issue and none of the content would be on here period. Legally wani has rights over the original works that were specifically taken down, parody doujinshi is a bit more tricky legal-wise since bigger corporations have copyrights to that material.

Fakku could have fought back, but it's pirated work and instead of informing something technically wrong they're trying to promote the legal distrubution of material. It's pretty nice quality as well and if it's marketed right it could get popular. Also the prices are fair enough for those that wish to purchase. If it's that big of a deal you can always find pirated work on the Internet.

The community may change with this introduction of purchased content, but that happens with any big form of change. Those that don't like it don't have to support it, those that support it will stay. know it's not a big deal for me personally to buy some of the works since I love buying manga and anime when I have the cash. Regardless of the change, Jake still loves this place/community, I mean it's his baby. When you have a dream such as making hentai legal, you can't please everyone (aka those against paying for porn for whatever reason), so just roll with the changes and if it's too much for you then try other sites.

Time will tell were this endeavor goes to, but I think it's a good move personally. I feel like the site would have had more difficulties otherwise (when one company complains who is next?).
> by a lot
> five books
> fakku library is 99.9999% free content.

Has a pirate and still a pirate that a stretch. It's not like fakku is the only place to find hentai free and unlocked. Even those books are and will be on other sites if you Google it. It not like Jacob had a choice. They send the letters of removal and he complied. Just he thought if they would..... why not make the deal of fakku to be the holder of wani's books outside nipon and uncensored original masters.

Now I'm not saying that you should spend money on it if you don't have or want them, but hey. Of the five out for ordering and four planned I'm only getting three since their the ones I want. If I want to read the others in uncensored then we'll google or I'll buy digital or gold access when it out. I spend more on coffee then porn. I can just skip a few days of shitbucks.
TrixieTang Magical NTR Princess
I witnessed some of the fallout from the Fakku/Wani deal on some other hentai sites, and let's just say that the word "Jewcob" was tossed around an awful lot. That's actually how I found out about Fakku Books, and it's actually why I ended up going along and supporting them by purchasing every release thus far.

One thing that people seem to be missing is that Fakku's releases are official uncensored versions... and I'm fairly certain that that is something that was unheard of before Fakku partnered with Wani. What you're paying for is a far cry from what was being offered for free before the deal, it's higher quality, it's uncensored and it's actually supporting the artists that produce the content that you so enjoy.

So yeah, if people want to believe that Jacob and Fakku are just sellouts then they're just showing that they really have no idea what they're talking about. There are still sites out there that offer Wani content for free if you know where to look, but those are of inferior quality, unofficially uncensored and redrawn by fans and they don't support the actual artists. Here's hoping that those sites don't start stealing Fakku's superior releases and redistributing them, but who am I kidding...

Anyways, if you like the artists then at least consider supporting them by buying Fakku's official releases. In my opinion you're getting more than your money's worth on them if you go for the pre-order, I mean you get the physical and digital for $20, it costs about that much just to import the original (and censored) Japanese versions from J-List when you take shipping into account. (Trust me, I know all too well.)

Oh yeah, and to Jacob and the rest of the Fakku crew, keep up the good work.
Think of it this way:

1. The Fakku books take up only a tiny portion of Fakku's hentai archive. Just because they're now front page material doesn't mean that Fakku's hentai archive has suddenly been overrun by them (though I do admit that I didn't like it at first)

2. There's loads of sites that offer free content out there. Pururin and EXHentai (assuming you know how to get past Sadpanda).

3. The money that comes from the sales are probably used for our benefit (site upgrades, maintenance, new content etc.)

4. The Fakku books themselves are uncensored and offer better image quality and so on. If you like lightsaber dicks well go ahead but uncensored stuff is way better IMO.

I hated it at first when some of my favourite doujins were turned into paid content or taken down entirely (Homonculus and Hisasi for example), but I can live with that. As long as there are alternative sources of Hentai out there I won't complain.
I wonder does doujins work like how textbooks work. After a certain year, the copyright doesn't hold any precedence anymore
jwub4 wrote...
I wonder does doujins work like how textbooks work. After a certain year, the copyright doesn't hold any precedence anymore

Doujins are parodies of copyright works or wholey original non commercial fanmade work/circle based work. Like if you drew a comic and self published it without corporate help or distribution. So only the artist and/or group hold the copyrights to it. Parodies are exempted to copyright unless you say you made the based material and don't have a disclaimer to the copyright holder and artist.

Or something like that. I skipped copyright law class in school. I rather go to constitutional law and victimology.
animefreak_usa wrote...
jwub4 wrote...
I wonder does doujins work like how textbooks work. After a certain year, the copyright doesn't hold any precedence anymore

Doujins are parodies of copyright works or wholey original non commercial fanmade work/circle based work. Like if you drew a comic and self published it without corporate help or distribution. So only the artist and/or group hold the copyrights to it. Parodies are exempted to copyright unless you say you made the based material and don't have a disclaimer to the copyright holder and artist.

Or something like that. I skipped copyright law class in school. I rather go to constitutional law and victimology.

Thanks. That explains why original works are taken down, but comiket works which copy a series aren't since they're made by fans who are artists.
I must say I was expecting a little more of a fight against this topic, but it seems like I was right about this community. Thank you for all that information, as I mention, I know that this world works with money and that even a web site needs something to get even bigger than before.

I kind of knew that fakku made some deals to become bigger and better and I get that there's other places to search for what each people want.

On the other hand I don't know if I want to Fakku become a full publisher thus becoming a full selling products "company".

So in the end I think is something like this "To gain something you must sacrifice something of the same or higher value".

Also... "Cards out" I don't have a job so for me it's hard to buy those books, I would like to but I have a little more things to mind before buying porn online.
Perhaps in the future I will, but still, I would need to change my money to dollars, which means that around $11 or $14 of my money makes $1 Dollar depends on the day :P, Well it's kind of a hard hit for my wallet.

I don't know how many of you work or are good at saving/making money so I guess I could be alone in this matter...

Anyway thanks to all of you who bothered to answer my post and I hope to see you again. If you must, keep the news up or share your thoughts about this matter, I know it's hard to get a final conclusion but it could help for those who don't know what's going on with Fakku, maybe those as lazy as me XD. Sorry...

It sucks that some people won't have the money to buy the volumes,a few of my favorites have been taken down already, on the other hand I'm very happy to know the artists will be getting the recognition and money they deserve.
Rather than pulling out completely from sharing doujin, I think this alternative is better.Considering how beautiful the work is, quality ,price and no censoring I think the price is fair.
Bunny5390 The Defenestrator!
luinthoron wrote...
george4 wrote...
While I think it's sad that they don't leave some of the now liscensed scanlated stuff up until they publish it, I'm still really happy for Fakku becoming an official publisher, the stuff that they've put out so far has been awesome.

While this would certainly be nice for us readers, it's really impossible after the takedown notices from Wani, especially if Fakku wants to stay in business with them and publish more manga for us to read.

I'm probably just not up to date on the specifics of the Wani deal, but wouldn't it be the case that since Fakku holds a license to these works, they should be able to leave the scanlated ones up? Or are they only licensed to distribute the unscensored material, meaning that the scanlated stuff wouldn't actually fall under they're license?
lrn2pirate and run to the hills for better forums. If you find sum, link me 'em.
TrixieTang Magical NTR Princess
george4 wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
george4 wrote...
While I think it's sad that they don't leave some of the now liscensed scanlated stuff up until they publish it, I'm still really happy for Fakku becoming an official publisher, the stuff that they've put out so far has been awesome.

While this would certainly be nice for us readers, it's really impossible after the takedown notices from Wani, especially if Fakku wants to stay in business with them and publish more manga for us to read.

I'm probably just not up to date on the specifics of the Wani deal, but wouldn't it be the case that since Fakku holds a license to these works, they should be able to leave the scanlated ones up? Or are they only licensed to distribute the unscensored material, meaning that the scanlated stuff wouldn't actually fall under they're license?

Even if Fakku holds the license, that doesn't mean that they can necessarily just do as they please; licenses have terms behind them. The issue that led to this deal in the first place was Fakku distributing Wani content without permission, and so long as the deal is in place, I don't think you'll see Fakku distributing Wani content for free again. (Sample chapters and such excluded.)

The deal means that Wani and the artists have to be paid by Fakku from now on. And in order for Fakku to be able to pay Wani, they need a source of income. That's why they can't just leave Wani content up, they have to either make it so people pay for specific content and/or implement a subscription model that allows members to pay monthly/yearly for access to large amounts of content. (Kind of like Netflix or Hulu.)

Think of it this way: You pay for the hentai, Fakku then uses part of that money to pay Wani for the rights to use/distribute their magazine's content and then Wani pays the artists who make the hentai that we all love so much.
TrixieTang wrote...
george4 wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
george4 wrote...
While I think it's sad that they don't leave some of the now liscensed scanlated stuff up until they publish it, I'm still really happy for Fakku becoming an official publisher, the stuff that they've put out so far has been awesome.

While this would certainly be nice for us readers, it's really impossible after the takedown notices from Wani, especially if Fakku wants to stay in business with them and publish more manga for us to read.

I'm probably just not up to date on the specifics of the Wani deal, but wouldn't it be the case that since Fakku holds a license to these works, they should be able to leave the scanlated ones up? Or are they only licensed to distribute the unscensored material, meaning that the scanlated stuff wouldn't actually fall under they're license?

Even if Fakku holds the license, that doesn't mean that they can necessarily just do as they please; licenses have terms behind them. The issue that led to this deal in the first place was Fakku distributing Wani content without permission, and so long as the deal is in place, I don't think you'll see Fakku distributing Wani content for free again. (Sample chapters and such excluded.)

The deal means that Wani and the artists have to be paid by Fakku from now on. And in order for Fakku to be able to pay Wani, they need a source of income. That's why they can't just leave Wani content up, they have to either make it so people pay for specific content and/or implement a subscription model that allows members to pay monthly/yearly for access to large amounts of content. (Kind of like Netflix or Hulu.)

Think of it this way: You pay for the hentai, Fakku then uses part of that money to pay Wani for the rights to use/distribute their magazine's content and then Wani pays the artists who make the hentai that we all love so much.

It's not only the tanks. Fakku is gonna translate the wani anthology magazines also soon. Hentai monthly magazine... probably uncensored too. That and fakku gold will have the past books content accessible in reader form.

Well that's the plan i read.
Though I usually just lurk around and may have posted a bad topic once or twice, this issue does have me thinking.

I personally don't want FAKKU to go down because they couldn't compromise with selling a few of the legal stuff, but whenever I see the certain artist and I know the works are now part of the books for sale, it bugs me a little I can't read them even though I may have done so in my years of lurking.

It's an annoyance but not something I can't tolerate. Though if it keeps getting shoved in my face to a higher degree, thats when I'll start "joining" the "fight"

LEL, hope my insight meant something here. A good FAP to all! :P
Antw0n Remember me?
Fuck the artists, right?
We should get their works for free just because that's how it always was.

Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
Frankly, while I'm not entirely satisfied with how the Wani fiasco has turned out I think the fact FAKKU managed to get Wani to go along with its plans is awesome.

What astounds me though is the degree to which the whole hentai community on the net has been acting like a bunch of needy, petulant children over having their free chew toy taken away that they never had any inherent right to own in the first place.

The ideal outcome would've been for Wani to tolerate fan translations as long as the title in question wasn't licensed yet, but given that they were trying to pull the plug on >>EVERYTHING<<, I don't think FAKKU's actions can be taken as "selling out"...

Especially since instead just appropriating the work of fan translators (like Mangafox and its ilk does) and/or denying them the chance to do what they like (how most professional publishers operate, bombing everyone with C/D letters and taking their sweet damn time getting stuff done) FAKKU works >>WITH<< the fan translators, allowing them a chance to get their work published and go into the major league.

Somehow I don't see this mentioned et all, it's just Jewcob this, Jewcob that, FAKKU sold "us" out, etc. (Who is this us, people keep mentioning? The community? Readers? Translators? Hentai website hosters?)
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