The removal of Scanlations from the site to become "legit"

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Winged-Fapper wrote...
I wonder if the oldfags get grandfathered in for free.

What to be grandfathered in to?
solanin wrote...
I've really only use fakku for the forums so I'm more curious how things will turn out than worried.

indeed. the integrity of the forums is what concerns me.
but then again, the free, easy to navigate content was one of the things that allured me to this place to begin with. so, idk.
The removal of scanlations from Fakku is a necessary business move. As a user it only bothers me a little. I am not opposed to paying for the books I want. However, the free access to scanlations has made me aware of more books that I would be interested in. If there weren't free scanlations I would not have become interested in "Otaku in 10,000 BC", "Triple Mix", "Twin Milf", or "Hustle Danchi", just to name a few. The free access to these materials let me decide if I would be interested in purchasing these books if they came out, which at one of them did come out by Project H and I intent to buy it when I get some money.
YQII FAKKU Translator
mister_coffee wrote...
solanin wrote...
I've really only use fakku for the forums so I'm more curious how things will turn out than worried.

indeed. the integrity of the forums is what concerns me.

You will have the same access to the forums as you have now.
Well I think censorship is also a concern here. There have been a number of threads that have been deleted/locked on short notice. This can lead people to believe that they're being silenced.

That said, most of these threads are completely redundant and add nothing to the discussion. This might as well be spam which isn't permitted by the forum rules. Discussion of these things should take place in a single thread. But of course people are going to misunderstand.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Yeah, the only locked threads that I've seen are ones that just repeat the same question. There's a thread dedicated to this discussion already: Discussion: Unlicensed Content Removal, so if someone makes a new thread on the same topic, they'll be pointed to that one and the thread is locked.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
Well I think censorship is also a concern here. There have been a number of threads that have been deleted/locked on short notice. This can lead people to believe that they're being silenced.

That said, most of these threads are completely redundant and add nothing to the discussion. This might as well be spam which isn't permitted by the forum rules. Discussion of these things should take place in a single thread. But of course people are going to misunderstand.

As long as a post is made before locking that says "Hey this is redundant--go here for all your concerns/questions/whatever, there hopefully shouldn't be any misunderstanding of censorship (yes I know people are dumb).
im more than willing to pay for some hentai to support fakku and get aditional content that we can only get by paying for it, im even ok with a monthly sub fee, thats ok too, but when the content starts to go away, no more doujinshi, and only some ohm, i start to be resistant to change
Sooner or later money will dictate the direction of the site. Doujinshi by nature is copyright infringing, and the scans will surely disappear if the publishers hop on board with distributing through this site. Not all the scans that they removed are translated and available yet, so it isn't a matter of choice, it is a matter of bowing to the publisher.

If the free content is gone, so will many, but those many wasn't likely giving Fakku any money, so the choice of change is about money. They put together a good site and a large community, it is up to them what they do with it.
Coyotetrickster wrote...
Sooner or later money will dictate the direction of the site.

People say things like this but it's not as black and white as it might seem. Jacob could have given Wani the finger and converted FAKKU to a paywall operation (see Doujin Moe). In this scenario Jacob earns (probably) more profit for himself.

- He wouldn't need to pay so many staff members (he's got two localization teams now)
- He wouldn't have to send money back to the artists/publisher for every sale he makes
- There wouldn't be any costs for printing and shipping physical books

If all you want is profit, there are much, much worse things you can do. If people are paying attention they should see that FAKKU is working very hard to produce quality work and good service. That's not something you see from a lot of profit driven businesses. The likes of which believe cheaper = better, because it puts more money in the hands of the people at the top.
I'm really cut-and-dried when it comes down to these things--so sorry if I come off as harsh.

In all honesty, I don't think we're entitled to access to eromanga at all, so it's really no business of ours if we don't have any on Fakku anymore. It would be a shame, as I'd have no way of finding Sasamori Tomoe's stuff (and I just fell in love with their work), but hey, them's the breaks. My desire for free stuff doesn't really justify anything.

The guys of Fakku are doing the right thing by going legit. If it means losing out on the scanlations I love... well, that's a tiny price to pay. "No pay, no play": if I don't have the cash for something... well, I can just hold off on it until I do.
Why are there Kancolle doujins if the site is removing scanlations?
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