What did you learn today?

CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Tree sap is difficult to clean off your hands without dish soap.
Most robits in Fallout 4 require actual strategy to brutally murder.
i learned that my F&$% buddy got a new boyfriend.....well f^$@
Craig and Tweek might be gay...

I've been watching South Park all night and as such it's the only thing I learned
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I've learned to become less bias when it comes to white on black crime and look at the bigger picture. Just one small step to being able to call myself a humanist.
There's a city/town near my area called Bon Bons, and another called East Sandwich.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I've been getting dull aches on my top-left teeth and have been unable to eat on that side or I get a sharp pain, and with my mum's help I found out why; the filling's worn away.

Something to bring up with my dentist when I'm next in.
That there is no more free hentai on Fakku, at least not yet :(
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that it is better to drink water from a young cocconut than a mature one. Businesses that sell coccunut water, sell the watered down, less nutritious water from mature coccunuts, because the young ones are pricier.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
That getting Attuned Crystal armour on RuneScape is a bit more of a grind than I anticipated. It has taken literally days to get 3 pieces (though this factors in days I've been working as well).

Although the regular version is much cheaper, I want the Attuned set for the superior stats and set effect so I can deal with my Crystal shapeshifter Slayer task, since I don't have good hybrid armour to deal with the combat style switching. Well okay that's a lie, but it's not as good as what I want and this set is pretty much made to deal with them.

Edit: I got it in the end. Task breezed by. Still had to use Soul Split and Rocktail Soup as food but at least I could deal with more than 2 per inventory of food.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that its best to sell a tv for over $100, otherwise shipping will eat up what you earned.
That too much dairy makes me shit like a fountain. Unfortunately.
FinalBoss wrote...
I learned that it is better to drink water from a young cocconut than a mature one. Businesses that sell coccunut water, sell the watered down, less nutritious water from mature coccunuts, because the young ones are pricier.

Thanks for the info

I didn't learn it today but real girls > fictional girls
i got my final grades back! got myself a 3.2 gpa, pretty proud of that. had some hard damn classes
Gravity cat the adequately amused
My great grandfather from my mum's side came over to the UK from Germany in one of the World Wars, and my dad's side of the family hail from Scotland.

So I'm part german, part scottish.
Explains why I like haggis.
I learned the true answer to the Riddle of Steel.
all the power of both steel and flesh come from one's beliefs.

I am now ready to enter Valhalla.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
There is a Gravity Cat game.

25th July
Wasn't today but I found out a few things on minecraft, some of which are because of ThinkNoodles' let's play.

  • I already knew that you can transport mobs (villagers, cattle, hostiles) by Minecart and they'll stick to the track and not wander until you break the cart, but I never put it into practise. I learned it's how you populate Iron Golem grinders. So I made one. Really easy to make. Bit resource intensive on rail tracks though.

  • Mobs on the Console Editions no longer phase through walls when they all crowd into a corner. Means my penned animals no longer need moats. Means my sheep spend less time swimming and more time eating Grass.

  • The white parts of regular Glass are not transparent, but the same parts on coloured glass is, which makes it easier to see through. So I've started using coloured glass instead.

  • After TU31 the Taiga biomes on my world stopped snowing and rained instead, and Ice stopped forming. Apparently it's altitude-dependant now.

  • Silk Touch shears are not only great for nabbing cobwebs, but they can also nab glass, ice, and grass/mycelium/podzol without using durability. Shame the ability to apply Silk Touch to shears was removed in 1.9, so it's only a matter of time before the same rings true for Console. But at least cobwebs are easier to get now.

  • Splash Potions of Healing/Harming are great for killing many hostile mobs at once in a drop-based mob grinder. Switching to a Looting sword just before they die generally yields more rewards without using durability. More noticeable with Zombie Pigmen.

  • Switching to Classic Crafting (PC Crafting) allows you to repair your items by putting two damaged ones together, just like on the PC. EZ-crafting has no such recipe; only way you can is the Anvil.

  • The distribute feature on the Crafting window, both on PC and the Console editions.

  • A fully powered Beacon unlocks Secondary effects, where you can choose Regen along with a standard buff, or a stronger version of the buff you choose. I always assumed I could have both. The UI was never really clear on that.

  • I can duplicate my Console Edition save; handy for previewing what my world would look like with an expanded map size, or going into Creative and fucking about with TNT. I always get tempted to blow my own creations up, so now I can.

  • They patched the X-ray trick with Ender Pearls and TNT. Tried sitting in a minecart, just took suffocation damage. Looks like TNT is now a full block.

  • But you can still use Ender Pearls to teleport through Bedrock in the Nether just like in the PC edition. Quite surprised at that since you can't break the final layer of bedrock in Creative on Console editions. Gonna make some sort of mob grinder eventually.

  • You can name bats with a Name tag. A bat spawned in the ravine located just under the subterranean parts of my house and it flew through the trapdoor into the basement. Decided to see if you could leash and name them; you can name, but not leash. I named it Juan and it flew through my basement into my player-made village where it made its home in one of the buildings. Trapped it between 4 iron doors.
Today I learned that friends can indeed be made at the workplace... if you talk to them.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
4th August
Was my first opening today, which my manager showed me the ropes for. Opening the shop is easy as fuck.
Still iffy on the computer stuff they expect me to do, was a lot to take in all at once.

4th September
Found out someone I used to speak to has become full-blown tumblrite, complete with identifying as the opposite gender and throwing about sexual harrassment accusations. She/he/it/one/thim/zhim was a bit of a twat before they devolved but I got off that train before it crashed.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that it's perfectly normal and healthy for some animals (including dogs and rabbits) to eat their own poop. Some animals have to eat their excretions in order to absorb all the nutrients they missed out on during the first food consumption.