Lawl, People in California want to try and secede.

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Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
They seriously can't be that dumb.
Old news, yo.
Every state tried to secede at one point in the history of the union including kansas after pres kool moe dee in 2012.

Just 2/3 of congress and 34 states need to agree. Losing a ton of taxes for uncle sam. Also people been trying since fucking 1848. You know how many petitions i seen since i was a kid to secede from the union/northern cali/southern cali/6 states/autonomy. Fuck alot of people here in the center of the great red dick of the blue state wished LA and SF got nuked.

I should point out the petition isn't even out to sign yet. No one has even sign it yet. ANYONE CAN MAKE A PETITION. I seriously seen 40 petition to make abortion illegal in 5 years. 2 weed legalization in my life. 4 to make income taxes illegal and one to make it a crime to masturbate.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
As someone who lives in California, I understand why but ultimately don't agree.

For every bullet point they bring up for why the state is powerful/great/whatever there are like 50 negatives. Even more so once you take into consideration who's calling/trying to lead for secession and what there plans/ideology are.
Damned state is bankrupt and can't support itself.
Let them go. They are shit anyway. Would love to see those imbeciles go poorer.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Takerial wrote...
They seriously can't be that dumb.

-1 for generalizing over 30 million people.
Seriously, what were you thinking?
Winged-Fapper wrote...
Damned state is bankrupt and can't support itself.

2.7 billion in surplus. Bankrupt mean you can't pay your creditors. Now some cities here have gone bankrupt. Debt is a whole other thing. Which no country is debt free.

Manes wrote...
Let them go. They are shit anyway. Would love to see those imbeciles go poorer.

8th in economy in the world and not just as an us state. Florida is run on meth and gator porn.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
animefreak_usa wrote...
Winged-Fapper wrote...
Damned state is bankrupt and can't support itself.

2.7 billion in surplus. Bankrupt mean you can't pay your creditors. Now some cities here have gone bankrupt. Debt is a whole other thing. Which no country is debt free.

Manes wrote...
Let them go. They are shit anyway. Would love to see those imbeciles go poorer.

8th in economy in the world and not just as an us state. Florida is run on meth and gator porn.

Yeah, but Hollywood wouldn't stay in California if they separated along with many of the major businesses.

And that's not accounting for the fact that if someone it actually happen, the military would go in and just take California back as states aren't really allowed to secede and all. And battlegrounds do not make for a good economy.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Takerial wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Winged-Fapper wrote...
Damned state is bankrupt and can't support itself.

2.7 billion in surplus. Bankrupt mean you can't pay your creditors. Now some cities here have gone bankrupt. Debt is a whole other thing. Which no country is debt free.

Manes wrote...
Let them go. They are shit anyway. Would love to see those imbeciles go poorer.

8th in economy in the world and not just as an us state. Florida is run on meth and gator porn.

Yeah, but Hollywood wouldn't stay in California if they separated along with many of the major businesses.

And that's not accounting for the fact that if someone it actually happen, the military would go in and just take California back as states aren't really allowed to secede and all. And battlegrounds do not make for a good economy.

The state's largest income is from agriculture, you rocky mountain oyster.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
CronaBaka wrote...
Takerial wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Winged-Fapper wrote...
Damned state is bankrupt and can't support itself.

2.7 billion in surplus. Bankrupt mean you can't pay your creditors. Now some cities here have gone bankrupt. Debt is a whole other thing. Which no country is debt free.

Manes wrote...
Let them go. They are shit anyway. Would love to see those imbeciles go poorer.

8th in economy in the world and not just as an us state. Florida is run on meth and gator porn.

Yeah, but Hollywood wouldn't stay in California if they separated along with many of the major businesses.

And that's not accounting for the fact that if someone it actually happen, the military would go in and just take California back as states aren't really allowed to secede and all. And battlegrounds do not make for a good economy.

The state's largest income is from agriculture, you rocky mountain oyster.


No it's not. Where did you get that idea from?

It's like 2% if that.
Takerial wrote...

And that's not accounting for the fact that if someone it actually happen, the military would go in and just take California back as states aren't really allowed to secede and all. And battlegrounds do not make for a good economy.

No. For California to leave the U.S. likely would require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That would require approval by two-thirds of Congress and three-quarters of the states. If California formally redraw without it then maybe the military would be nessary if arm opposition comes about. The civil war happen because the Confederate occupied Fort Sumter not that a few states seceded in 1860 and a few months in 1861. Troops marching without actual provocation for war or battles/ skirmishes/ whatever you want to call it is unlikely because a xal exit wouldn't be legal unless there is a constitutionally mechanism to support it.

What makes you an independent country isn't a formal Declaration of Independence but recognition by the International Community to be a legitimate independent state.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
animefreak_usa wrote...
Takerial wrote...

And that's not accounting for the fact that if someone it actually happen, the military would go in and just take California back as states aren't really allowed to secede and all. And battlegrounds do not make for a good economy.

No. For California to leave the U.S. likely would require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That would require approval by two-thirds of Congress and three-quarters of the states. If California formally redraw without it then maybe the military would be nessary if arm opposition comes about. The civil war happen because the Confederate occupied Fort Sumter not that a few states seceded in 1860 and a few months in 1861. Troops marching without actual provocation for war or battles/ skirmishes/ whatever you want to call it is unlikely because a xal exit wouldn't be legal unless there is a constitutionally mechanism to support it.

No amendment like that would ever be approved in today's world. So the only choice would be for it to secede without permission basically.

And that would not be allowed to happen. It wouldn't necessarily be about the fact that America needed California. Let's be realistic here. States next to it would be more than willing to let Hollywood and the big companies move in with them. And most of the farmers wouldn't ever secede their land with California because they realize that they couldn't grow anything without the access to water they have for being American. So the valuable land and business resources would honestly stay with America regardless of a successful secession.

It be more of the potential of a symbol that would be bad for the government so they would destroy it before it gained any real traction.

But let's be honest, there's no realistic way for a vote like this to actually pass through California. Enough realize how fucked they would be without being part of the USA.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
CronaBaka wrote...
Takerial wrote...
They seriously can't be that dumb.

-1 for generalizing over 30 million people.
Seriously, what were you thinking?

As I said "People in California" and not "All Californians" or "California" apparently I'm thinking better than you are as I'm at least capable of reading properly.
Because there no rivers that don't connect to different states? I don't get your farmer seceding land and water thing.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
animefreak_usa wrote...
Because there no rivers that don't connect to different states? I don't get your farmer seeding land and water thing.

Especially during the drought time (though I think they finally ended it in Northern California) there was a lot of water provided from the Colorado River.

Which is not in California.

There's not enough water in California's natural supply to actually take care of all the people and the agricultural needs on a lasting basis because California has not been getting enough rain to resupply it's basins.
No colorado water here where they grow food. Maybe there some date farms in the deserts and filling the water parks in La. We're actually releasing a ton of water out the dam since it rain for 8 days at a heavy stream. Enough water that a lake and river was full first time in 20 years. My irrigation tank got full in the first 4 days. Had to turn off my grey water system since my grass and garden has water for spring and probably summer.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
[edit1] I was drunk while writing this BIG WALL TEXT. Am still drunk when writing this edit, so forgive grammar issues.
[edit2] Yall should drink some mead. It's fucking tasty.

>publicly announcing reps

You guys are putting zero thought into this.

Even if by some miracle, other states/house members vote in favor, which they won't especially from other left/blue states(because that removes the biggest gains for them in every election), it'd be impossible to maintain California as a country.

And don't even suggest arm insurrection. That shit will NEVER work.

Very common talking points are:
We have a large population. Somewhere around 12% of all US citizens are Californians. (More than all of Canada, eh?!)
We have a giant surplus and therefore not a burden the Fed.
We have Hollywood. (snort)
We have Silicon Valley.
Or Agriculture industry is booming despite the drought we had for the last few years.

Now the reality check.

Maybe about 1/3 do believe that session is a positive. Despite California always voting Left after Regan, it's not all one group of people with similar world views and values. It'd be a lot of bickering between the coastal part of the country, or areas with large cities vs. those outside and/or not on the coast (essentially 60/40). This is not counting the possibility that somewhere around 1/10 of the people here aren't actually here legally, and aren't guaranteed to vote for a Calexit.

As for the money generated. It's actually quite a lot. 12% of the nation's budget, but once you start crunching the numbers, you will notice the US gives around 80 cents back on the dollar we give. That means we'd have more money, right?


Yeah, no. We don't pick up the slack for defense provided to us. California would have a laughably weak military.

But that doesn't even begin to get into the meat of issue, the money the state gets back from Taxes. We have rather high taxes and rightfully tax things like Capital gains normally...So there shouldn't be an issue, having a great dependence on high-income earners won't end badly, right? Those 150,000 people so can totally fund the 45% of the money used for 40 million of the people in California right? It's not like that are very rich and paying a lot aren't also located in let's say the NEW YORK STOCK MARKET, AKA THE US, RIGHT?
It's not like Silicon Valley's major source of income, patent and copyright laws aren't based on US international treaties that extend their protection throughout the world?
And it's not like those same Silicon Valley companies are dependent on trade with the other states and the ~300 mill Americans, right?
Nor do those companies have things like data centers and factories outside right? All that money comes from the inside and stays in the inside obviously!

All of this is not even considering if the US makes California take it's fair share of the debt before leaving. (12.5% of around 19 Trillion debt)
More than likely we will be stuck with the US currency.

But yeah man, Fuck Trump, he will not divide us. It's not like left leaning idiots gave that man power indirectly by making the Federal branch of government bigger and bigger in the last 8 years, right?
Cruz wrote...
[edit1] I was drunk while writing this BIG WALL TEXT. Am still drunk when writing this edit, so forgive grammar issues.
[edit2] Yall should drink some mead. It's fucking tasty.

>publicly announcing reps

You guys are putting zero thought into this.

Even if by some miracle, other states/house members vote in favor, which they won't especially from other left/blue states(because that removes the biggest gains for them in every election), it'd be impossible to maintain California as a country.

And don't even suggest arm insurrection. That shit will NEVER work.

Very common talking points are:
We have a large population. Somewhere around 12% of all US citizens are Californians. (More than all of Canada, eh?!)
We have a giant surplus and therefore not a burden the Fed.
We have Hollywood. (snort)
We have Silicon Valley.
Or Agriculture industry is booming despite the drought we had for the last few years.

Now the reality check.

Maybe about 1/3 do believe that session is a positive. Despite California always voting Left after Regan, it's not all one group of people with similar world views and values. It'd be a lot of bickering between the coastal part of the country, or areas with large cities vs. those outside and/or not on the coast (essentially 60/40). This is not counting the possibility that somewhere around 1/10 of the people here aren't actually here legally, and aren't guaranteed to vote for a Calexit.

As for the money generated. It's actually quite a lot. 12% of the nation's budget, but once you start crunching the numbers, you will notice the US gives around 80 cents back on the dollar we give. That means we'd have more money, right?


Yeah, no. We don't pick up the slack for defense provided to us. California would have a laughably weak military.

But that doesn't even begin to get into the meat of issue, the money the state gets back from Taxes. We have rather high taxes and rightfully tax things like Capital gains normally...So there shouldn't be an issue, having a great dependence on high-income earners won't end badly, right? Those 150,000 people so can totally fund the 45% of the money used for 40 million of the people in California right? It's not like that are very rich and paying a lot aren't also located in let's say the NEW YORK STOCK MARKET, AKA THE US, RIGHT?
It's not like Silicon Valley's major source of income, patent and copyright laws aren't based on US international treaties that extend their protection throughout the world?
And it's not like those same Silicon Valley companies are dependent on trade with the other states and the ~300 mill Americans, right?
Nor do those companies have things like data centers and factories outside right? All that money comes from the inside and stays in the inside obviously!

All of this is not even considering if the US makes California take it's fair share of the debt before leaving. (12.5% of around 19 Trillion debt)
More than likely we will be stuck with the US currency.

But yeah man, Fuck Trump, he will not divide us. It's not like left leaning idiots gave that man power indirectly by making the Federal branch of government bigger and bigger in the last 8 years, right?

Beautiful. Simply Beautiful.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
正義 wrote...

Beautiful. Simply Beautiful.

I might have some numbers wrong here and there but that's the truth as I see it.

I feel mostly embarrassment towards those people who demand to be taken seriously while acting like they represent the entire state. Now they pretend to be Federalist and are mad at the Federal govts. size and interventionist policies towards states.
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