Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today.

With regret, I indulged myself in the spontaneous urge to log back onto this site. Seeing as I've already bitten the bullet, I figure I might as well oblige a now two year old request from the Bear and post here.

Keirova_47, 6 year veteran(almost coming to 7) although I have not been around for the last two or so. Former resident military otaku of CTFG and now former ADF serviceman. Am currently living in Singapore temporarily until my new work takes me elsewhere.

This place occupied a good amount of my downtime, being a workaholic that didn't go out at all and though I have a very mixed bag of memories of this place, I'm pretty happy about the people that I met here(whether they're still around or not). Don't know what people remember of me, frankly I don't care but I'm sure most of it ain't pleasant.

That ought to suffice as a sitrep for whoevers wondering about me. I'm signing out and not particularly intent on coming back, though there is the off chance I'll be stupid enough in the future to spontaneously decide to like today.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
hi im alive f u freak Kuroneko is mine
iMuse wrote...
f u freak Kuroneko is mine

No one cares. I play my violin for you, son.
animefreak_usa wrote...
iMuse wrote...
f u freak Kuroneko is mine

No one cares. I play my violin for you, son.

i thought you dieded
i'm still alive
Still alive, I almost killed myself drag racing at the Woodward Dreamcruise. Have to get used to this nitrous setup. UPDATE: Learned not to use nitrous in the rain at any speed. Broke the tires loose at 100 m.p.h.and spun the car on the freeway, thankfully I didn't hit anything. Neat experience I don't want to repeat.
I'm still kinda sorta there. My time has all gone to raising the little devil of mine and work.
Recognized few names here and there.

So it's been 8 years since I joined, my very first forum.
This thread is 2 years old now damn
I've been on this forum for 6 years, do I count as an elder perv?
8 years...long time, just popped in on a whim I work about 50hrs a week sleep work repeat is all I do now
Soon I'll get to say eleven years, shout out to Jacob because honestly the other mods I remember aren't even here anymore lmao
Fallan Kamen Rider Cheeki
9th year today.

Haven't been here much in terms of forum posting. Made a buncha friends from here that I still talk to, though.
Kaimax Best Master-San
10th Year... Keep up scrubs :P
8th year. I remember nashrak with LWB and getting trolled by Harmonian...

I wonder where they are now
Rovencrone wrote...
8th year. I remember nashrak with LWB and getting trolled by Harmonian...

I wonder where they are now

Nash was waaay into a lot of things that are wholly not cool in Germany, or indeed most countries. I hope he's well though, he was a chill dude.

Harmonian is probably still here somewhere on like his 500th smurf account. OG trollz nevr dye

doswillrule wrote...
wrote a master list for Music which never got stickied (2018 hype)

Where's my fucking sticky Waar
I was killed once before... by a woman.
Oh my god I've been here 8 years...
Longer then I've had ball jointed dolls and before I ever touched a boobie.
Man the way time flies.
Well shit.
Time flies when you're not here.

Umm, not much on my end. I finally moved up from shit jobs and work in optometry now. I was planning to get married, but things broke off not too long ago. I came out to some of my family. I started streaming games. Still draw but haven't really been serious about like I used to, trying to change that.

Interesting to see a few familiar names though.
>2010 fag here.

Been doing good in my life. I remember good old memories in this Forums.