Terrible movies

Dragonball evolution, it was an abomination
sardaukar58 wrote...
Deftera Mirage wrote...
Ender's Game is crap compared to the book.
Lacks Peter and Valentine's involvement in Ender's development which is a big part of Ender's character, lacks the Locke and Demosthenes subplot and they basically turned Petra Arkanian into Ender's love interest.

Well, glad I decided not to watch it then. (I figured based on the trailers they would pull a 'Petra as love interest' BS). The Locke/Demosthenes, while important, was probably something they could cut out, given the limitations of length of a movie, but having no real Peter/Valentine background in influencing Ender...

I think this is because we didn't read the book, but my mom, sis, and I liked Ender's Game. I don't think standing alone from the book, that it was a failure as a movie. I actually saw positive points in it that you don't see in most movies about children put in adult situations- in this case war.
Bridge of Dragons, 3/10, from the N. Korean led Nazis to stereotypical lone merc whose the greatest shot ever. . . Can't say much from that.

Still hilarious to watch.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
This is not a terrible movie. It's the best movie.

Dragonball evolution suck.. it put a shame on mangaka
Ok so the movies that I have seen (somewhat)

DBZ Evolution (of course)

Cabin In The Woods: Stupid god damn movie. My sister-in-law recommended it and sure enough I saw the whole thing. The plot didn't even reel me in and the fact that they put big names (Chris Hemsworth and Sigourney Weaver) just to over hype the movie didn't help it at all.

Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy: The plot. That is the only thing that made no damn sense. I didn't know what I was watching.

Battle: Los Angeles: The trailer made it look cool but eh. I didn't find it that that good.
Ghost Cat. Title says it all
Nicolas Cage's The Wicker Man was a pretty shitty movie.
Dragon Ball Evolution and Avatar The Last Airbender. Watch at your own risk!
Nightmare on Elm Street 2. Where the series diverted into gayness... for no apparent reason. From the killer parakeet to the coach being attacked by sports equipment... toooo Jesse's overly womanly scream the movie definitely was the worst of the series (but the best to watch with someone else and laugh at hearily)

The Worst/Best Scream Ever
Super Mario Bros. Starring the late Bob Hopkins & Dennis Hopper is the worst movie ever made & trust me, that movie is full of BS to me I mean c'mon The Mario Bros. are fake, the koopas the goombas & King Bowser look Horribly wrong & Yoshi & Princess Peach look somewhat damn ugly. I'm telling u something's not right in this motion picture & it SUX BALLZ! :p
Priest movie 2011

Fantastic Four 2015
OH SHIT! Zombie thread! *shoots it in the head*
I just saw The Room for thefirst time. I know its all been said before at this point, but wooooow... -_-
Dragonball Evolution is not so good.
Paranormal activity,I remember watching the commercials on TV of the audience screaming and expecting to see a scary movie only to come close to falling asleep repeatedly.
The Room, last airbender and Mortal Kombat annihilation are my flop 3. Nothing I've seen comes close and it should stay that way
I watched Meet the Spartans in theaters when it came out, and I really regret that decision.
My first thought was Dragon Ball Evolution, but then I remembered an movie called Exterminator City that was just abysmal.
Watched the first matrix sequel. I stopped not even 30 minutes in.