[Locked] Lang's two cents

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Okay, you can consider this my little section where I rant and rave about all the things that piss me off, or what just like to talk about. My personal blog if you will. Many of you will find what i talk about to be controversial so be prepared when you come here.

The first topic I want to rant about is rape, which will be found below.
(Cue BGM: True Crime by Young Dre & Bishop)


(Cue BGM: Daterape by Sublime)

Okay, allow me to admit something before I start: I watch hentai. I don't like to talk about this kind of thing with friends that aren't into it too, because it makes me feel like a perv. But, before you decide to start bashing me, I will tell you that I have my limits, and I run into stuff that pushes those limits more often than not. One of those limits is, Rape.

I believe one of the things hentai does is try to get the viewer (who is usually male) to imagine themself as the guy in the hentai scenes, fap, or otherwise sit back and watch in utter arousal. Now, I have very strong morals and beliefs, even in something such as watching hentai, so when I watch something that involves rape, instead of being aroused, I'm filled with the desire to kill the person committing the act of rape.

Now, I know most of you are going "Calm down, Lang, it's not real.", "How can you get upset over a cartoon?! Get a grip!". Well, I suppose you're right about that part, but it's a natural reaction and more than a few people feel the same way. However, that's not where I'm going with this. What REALLY gets on my bad side is the fact that there are plenty of people that consider this sort of thing hot and get off on it.'

This is not just in hentai, but in regular anime as well, and I can think of no better example than Kannazuki no Miko.

Here's what I'm talking about. Now, you can watch the clip if you want, but I want you to look through the comments. Out of several people who hated on Chikane, or contemplated what happened, there were more than a few idiots that were cheering Chikane on to perform the act, or talking about how hot it was. That right there is what pisses me off and that's also why rape hentai is made; because people get off on it.

Another example of this is a 3 episode hentai series called Seikufu Shoujo. It's really about cute girls (who from the looks of things go to the same school) who are in some way forced to be sex slaves for some deranged asshole. There's a lot that disturbs me about this hentai, like how during and after the scenes, the victim has this look in her eyes like she just brokeor something, or in the case of one episode, the rapist is so damn polite about everything, he sounds to me like he's being insulting. I actually found myself planning out how I would help these girls if I were in the series.

But, let's go a little further than that. There are some porno sites where you can watch live action rape scenes. Whether this is staged or actual rape was and still is beyond me at this time.

I find the fact that there are people that are attracted to rape very disturbing and I'd keep an eye on those people. Okay, let me just say to those people:

Rape is not cool, it's not funny (unless we're talking prison bum-rape, and that's always funny), and it's not fun. Sure, you may be getting upset with me for being offended by that sort of thing, but you need to keep in mind that this is one of those "Art imitates life" cases. This means that the scene demonstrates something that can and probably does occur in real life. The fact that you're being aroused by it, demonstrates to me that you may be capable of committing rape yourself. And when I see your ass on the morning news while I'm eating my breakfast and getting ready to head out, cause the cops are looking for you, I'll trace your youtube account to your house, come up in there with a wooden sword (yeah, I have a wooden sword, deal with it!) then beat your ass and serve you up to the cops. Because, somewhere along the line you forgot that rape is a crime.

It causes great amounts of emotion and psychological damage to the victim, and it can take months, or even years for them to recover, or they may never recover! There's a reason why rape is a crime. And the next asshole to say rape is cool, or rape is hot, is gonna get a visit from me to whoop their ass.

Class dismissed!

langying wrote...
...wooden sword (yeah, I have a wooden sword, deal with it!)...

I know what you mean. Just don't stick that 'wooden sword' where the sun doesn't shine.
I find rape to be extremely disturbing as well. I think it's absolutely horrible and I hate the thought of it to no end. Rape is just completely wrong no matter how you think about it. Real life acts of rape are unforgivable in my eyes. I also get angered by it in anime/hentai. I don't find it quite as offensive though because it is not real. Sure I definitely find something wrong with it and I do not in any way find it "hot". However I don't see myself going around kicking people's asses. If I ever stumbled upon someone being raped I would interfere though. I think tracking people down and beating them with a "wooden sword" is a bit much though. Best leave it to the professionals.

I dunno. It just doesn't bother me.

It could have something to do with the fact that I am male, and rape for males is often different then it is for females, but whatever.

It doesn't bother me for a simple reason: I can take care of myself. Because I have the size, skill, and will to defend myself, the thought of things like rape, muggings, and such never bothered me.

For those who cannot defend themselves, I understand that it is a bit of a problem, and I sympathize, but still.

Carry a taser, or somesuch.

Very few rapists study martial arts or body control, so a simple mugger/rapist isn't gonna get up from a tazer blast for quite some time.

I dunno, I may be being an ass with this line, but whatever. Predator - Prey relations are all about winning in the given situation, and if you do not win, then are you not at fault?

I'm, of course, not saying "YEY RAEP!". Not at all. The rapist does hold most of the blame. but those raped must be privy to a bit of it themselves.

Kind of like..."Don't be a victim, and you won't attract trouble"
Rape is bad mm'kay.

I actually used to find rape pretty enticing when I was about 15 or so, I soon changed my perspective around the age of 16 however, due to a traumatic experience. Before then I would always talk about taboo topics like gangbangs, incest, and of course rape, with me telling my friends my standing on rape being,

"If I ever saw some guy raping a hot chick, I'd so jump right in for a threesome", I was such a naive asshole.

About 2 months after I made that statement, I witnessed a rape in progress while jogging. I don't quite remember my emotional state, but I do remember that I ended up saving the girl after came behind the rapist and bashed him behind the neck. I stood there looking at the scene, frozen for awhile, I made sure the victim was okay, I told her to call the cops and after she had done so, I promptly left. I was shaken, I wasn't scared, just shaken, I looked at my finger nails which were filled with dried blood from the rapist. It was a very indescribable experience, witnessing a rape. Sure, rape can be hot in hentai, in pornos, or even ignorable when hearing about it in the news. But real life rape is the most horrible scene you can ever witness, it's not funny at all, it's some fucked up shit.
all i can say is that you are a sick bast**d dude rapin a girl seriously fucks most of them up and to tell you the truth my mate (whom is a girl) got raped and tell you waht she don't even leave her house now

now are you gonna tell me thats at least in the bit ok?
Taser, Self-Defense, etc.

I'm sorry, but if raep makes you so scared that you are unable to leave your own home, you have paranoia issues.
i like kinky stuffs like ganbang etc,but i always set a mutual "understanding" before my every kinky act.
a big no no for rape.
rapist, in a sense is lower than animals imo
they just fuck, without thinking the feeling of ones they rape.
condolences for elfen's mate.
Well guys I would to express my appreciation for understanding. But, I wish someone didn't delete the post that idiot made to antagonize me, it would've been better to leave it there so he could demonstrate why I wrote my rant in the first place.

I don't know when I'll make my next rant, or what it'll be about though. So till next time, peace

Oh, and I'd like to express my deepest empathies to Elfen's mate as well. I hope she recovers
Here's my two-cents worth.

You keep fantasy and reality apart because that's how everyone else lives in this society. You got problems holding your dick in your pants, you deserve to be in jail. I'm not saying rape is good because hell, if I witnessed a rape in progress, I'd jump in without a second thought and crush the guy to a pulp like aznstoner did. (Man, you've got my respect.) But there is nothing wrong in liking a rape-like experience in bed with your lover because there are people out there who have those kind of fetishes. So what, condemn them?

I won't go into why people like rape in hentai or h-manga because it's late and I'm lazy, but suffice to say that if you don't like rape, well that makes you a hater of over 50% of h-related material out there in the market, factwise.
a wise way of putting it.
hell,if it's in hentai,i'd dig it.
irl,i'll kill the rapist and dig a grave for that guy.
you got my respect.i wan't to +rep you if i could.
hmm.. looks like my post has been deleted by the admins.

it's quite sad,that people didnt read it and take lesson from my post in here.

i want to repeat my post. but it looks like langying has already know about it,and learn a lesson from it. so i guess i dont have to post it again,yes?

by reading my post earlier (which i've posted in here),that will teach you a lesson. you dont have to post something that you cant handle by yourself.

otherwise,it'll only makes me excited. and if i'm excited,everything can happens,yes?

ok then. i guess the one who should give you a lesson is me,not you,and not even you.

case closed.


no no. you shouldnt do that. kill the rapist means you're just the same as him.

besides,what can you do to stop the rapist? with wooden sword? how can you kill a monster that rape many girls?

think before stating something. sometimes your statement might gets me excited. and i if i gets excited,anything can happen.

oh.. ok.. put that aside..

if you see someone's raping a girl,think before taking action. are you want to be a fantasy hero by risking your life saving the girl?

you're just a common people. while the criminal is a cold blooded killer who can kill you instantly.

he's like a crocodile,while you're like a rabbit. the comparision is too far.

in this case,just leave it be. or call police if needed. dont even try to act like a superman.

maybe you can kick the rapist's ass,but what happens next? maybe he's planning a revenge on you. if that happens,your family might be in danger.

what if the rapist blackmailed your mother & sister and rape them? so far,that's the most dangerous situation.

in short : if you see a criminal scene like this,dont try instantly to kick the rapist's ass. run,seek help,or call police if necesarry.

that's my statement. i think you'll gets offended by it,but i dont intend to offend anyone. if you're a mature guy,then prove it by think logically and act realistically.

[sebagai sesama orang indonesia,kita harus memperhatikan nasib sesama bangsanya]
if i saw a girl get rape i'd save her. But for some people just fucking aint enough anymore. So many couples now re-act a rape scene to get turned on. Reason why Gold / Brown showers exist. Trying to find something stimulating
Aion Crux wrote...
hmm.. looks like my post has been deleted by the admins.

it's quite sad,that people didnt read it and take lesson from my post in here.

i want to repeat my post. but it looks like langying has already know about it,and learn a lesson from it. so i guess i dont have to post it again,yes?

by reading my post earlier (which i've posted in here),that will teach you a lesson. you dont have to post something that you cant handle by yourself.

otherwise,it'll only makes me excited. and if i'm excited,everything can happens,yes?

ok then. i guess the one who should give you a lesson is me,not you,and not even you.

case closed.


no no. you shouldnt do that. kill the rapist means you're just the same as him.

besides,what can you do to stop the rapist? with wooden sword? how can you kill a monster that rape many girls?

think before stating something. sometimes your statement might gets me excited. and i if i gets excited,anything can happen.

oh.. ok.. put that aside..

if you see someone's raping a girl,think before taking action. are you want to be a fantasy hero by risking your life saving the girl?

you're just a common people. while the criminal is a cold blooded killer who can kill you instantly.

he's like a crocodile,while you're like a rabbit. the comparision is too far.

in this case,just leave it be. or call police if needed. dont even try to act like a superman.

maybe you can kick the rapist's ass,but what happens next? maybe he's planning a revenge on you. if that happens,your family might be in danger.

what if the rapist blackmailed your mother & sister and rape them? so far,that's the most dangerous situation.

in short : if you see a criminal scene like this,dont try instantly to kick the rapist's ass. run,seek help,or call police if necesarry.

that's my statement. i think you'll gets offended by it,but i dont intend to offend anyone. if you're a mature guy,then prove it by think logically and act realistically.

[sebagai sesama orang indonesia,kita harus memperhatikan nasib sesama bangsanya]

Listen. I deleted your posts because there is a line and you frequently cross it. When you start saying things like "I will rape the girl and take pictures to prove it" that's when you have crossed the line, both morally and legally.

And you know what, fuck yeah I would jump in and try to stop a girl from being raped in front of me. It may be stupid, and it may only result in getting your own ass kicked, but I would still do it. If you could honestly just sit there and say "I'm too afraid to do anything" then you are a coward.
Yushi wrote...
if i saw a girl get rape i'd save her. But for some people just fucking aint enough anymore. So many couples now re-act a rape scene to get turned on. Reason why Gold / Brown showers exist. Trying to find something stimulating

hmm.. are you saving her instantly? not thinking about what will the rapist do to you? dont you care if the rapist kill you instead?

so far,a statement like that only happens in word. but no people would prove it in real world. when they see the rapist is like a monster who'll kill everyone,i'm sure,even you cant stand against it. your body start to shatter and you'll cover in fear.

(not offended anyone. this is my statement)


i'm crossing the line? ok,i'm sorry then.

oh yeah. i say not to act instantly,that's because we need to think logically.

i would choose to ignore. that's not my problem. my life wont disrupted if i interfere with the rapist,right? i'm not a coward,i'm just dont want to get involved. leave it be,that might better in some way.

but if i changed my mind,i would call the police to help. besides risking our life to help,then why not we call the police instead?

we dont have a right to judge people by attacking them. killing the rapist means you're just the same as him. let the law capture the criminal. we're only a common civillian.

oh yeah. i wont do it without a reward. if i save the girl,maybe she's going to pay me something. i dont really need it. but if my mood is suited,then why not?

helping - and - rewarded. that would be good.
Aion Crux wrote...
hmm.. looks like my post has been deleted by the admins.

it's quite sad,that people didnt read it and take lesson from my post in here.

i want to repeat my post. but it looks like langying has already know about it,and learn a lesson from it. so i guess i dont have to post it again,yes?

by reading my post earlier (which i've posted in here),that will teach you a lesson. you dont have to post something that you cant handle by yourself.

otherwise,it'll only makes me excited. and if i'm excited,everything can happens,yes?

ok then. i guess the one who should give you a lesson is me,not you,and not even you.

case closed.


no no. you shouldnt do that. kill the rapist means you're just the same as him.

besides,what can you do to stop the rapist? with wooden sword? how can you kill a monster that rape many girls?

think before stating something. sometimes your statement might gets me excited. and i if i gets excited,anything can happen.

oh.. ok.. put that aside..

if you see someone's raping a girl,think before taking action. are you want to be a fantasy hero by risking your life saving the girl?

you're just a common people. while the criminal is a cold blooded killer who can kill you instantly.

he's like a crocodile,while you're like a rabbit. the comparision is too far.

in this case,just leave it be. or call police if needed. dont even try to act like a superman.

maybe you can kick the rapist's ass,but what happens next? maybe he's planning a revenge on you. if that happens,your family might be in danger.

what if the rapist blackmailed your mother & sister and rape them? so far,that's the most dangerous situation.

in short : if you see a criminal scene like this,dont try instantly to kick the rapist's ass. run,seek help,or call police if necesarry.

that's my statement. i think you'll gets offended by it,but i dont intend to offend anyone. if you're a mature guy,then prove it by think logically and act realistically.

[sebagai sesama orang indonesia,kita harus memperhatikan nasib sesama bangsanya]

yeah my statement was hyperbolic.
i get your point,but if i just happen to pass by and see a girl being raped,my reflex would tell me to help,even before i think of the concequences.stupid?yes.absolutely.
i AM immature,and i accept that part of myself.
but i think to accept oneself's immaturity is part of being mature.
thx though,i really appreciate your concern.
sebagai sesama orang yang cinta tanah air.
@Aion Crux: You have a semi-valid point. Killing the rapist ain't a option, but beating him to a pulp is.

Why semi-valid? Because chances are that the rapist is more dangerous and crazy than you and that the rapist would have some sort of weapon on them are high.

However, by running away and calling for help, you are subjecting the girl to an experience unfathomable to a guy, and by the time the authorities get there, she can either be 1) mentally broken, 2) injured or dead, or 3) kidnapped or mutilated.

Frankly, I'd rather not have the onus of being some fuckin bystander and letting some innocent girl or woman get raped by some crazy mofo.

Props, Jacob, I like your stance.
mnx wrote...
yeah that was a hyperbolic statement.
i get your point,but if i just happen to pass by and see a girl being raped,my reflex would tell me to help,even before i think of the concequences.stupid?yes.absolutely.
i AM immature,and i accept that part of myself.
but i think to accept oneself's immaturity is part of being mature.
thx though,i really appreciate your concern.
sebagai sesama orang yang cinta tanah air.

i might do the same if the scene appears in front of me.

but you need to control your emotion. dont let your logic gets beaten by your emotion. think logically,and act logically. if you cant help directly,then call the police.

i tell you,and tell you again. dont act instantly.

what happens if you're mistaken the person for raping? and you've already wounded the mistaken person? you're the one who'll be the criminal for being mistakenly wounded a wrong person.

that's why. we,guys,must think logically and act strategically.

if you choose to ignore,you're not wrong either. that's not your problem. living peacefully and ignoring might be a good choice.


g-money wrote...
@Aion Crux: You have a semi-valid point. Killing the rapist ain't a option, but beating him to a pulp is.

yes. i'm not saying to kill the rapist. but some people might overdo it and ended killing the rapist. that kind of thing can happens too. read my previous statement.

g-money wrote...
Why semi-valid? Because chances are that the rapist is more dangerous and crazy than you and that the rapist would have some sort of weapon on them are high.

that's why i said not to act instantly. because the criminal is 3x more dangerous than you. read my previous statement.

g-money wrote...
However, by running away and calling for help, you are subjecting the girl to an experience unfathomable to a guy, and by the time the authorities get there, she can either be 1) mentally broken, 2) injured or dead, or 3) kidnapped or mutilated.

if the girl gets mentally broken,or whatsoever,that's not your fault.

you've doing the right thing to help,that's enough. if the girl suffer mentally broken,then she'll be healed soon. your task is to help with everything you have.

if the girl suffer mental broken after that,you're not doing the wrong thing. at last you help her,and she must be grateful with it.

[guess my statement is valid. if there's something missing,just read my previous posts]
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