Do you feel guilty after you cum?

iMuse Kuroneko is mine
All I can say is wow
Not even once.
That's because most religions attach shame to natural bodily functions.

Guilt is a result of shame (though sometimes shame is good, as in for a real crime, etc), but if you're looking at this from a Christian perspective, you should try to remember that God loves everyone. No one's without "sin"!

But really, don't be ashamed of your own body. Unless you're breaking actual laws when you fap somehow, you're gonna be just fine, and will probably be healthier for it (if you keep your self-pleasuring to a moderated amount lol).
I regret nothing. Not believing in a god helps, but even when I did, I regretted nothing. I'm sure there isn't a single male on Earth with a functioning penis that hasn't done it, religious or not. It's a normal bodily function.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Used to before, but after much thought and speech from others, I've cum to realize that it's just another human nature. Almost everyone does it, and we all do it in such a way that we don't break any real laws, like gizgal says. Why and how masturbation is forbidden in religions is beyond me.
No. I'm not religious at all. Just curious though, do you like the feeling of an orgasm? If you know you're going to feel guilty after an orgasm does that affect how satisfying orgasms are for you? If the guilt is really bad then why do you masturbate in the first place, knowing you will feel really bad when its done?
Religion can ruin a lot of things it seems. You do realize that medically, there is no loss from masturbating right? Your sperm count won't go down, because you make new sperm everyday dumbass. So I see no reason why religion should make you feel guilty of masturbating. Unless its something like the muslims and bacon, and they just like keeping the good stuff away from you.
when i was younger i did. but then i got over that (and christianity). now the only times i feel guilty is when the porn i was watching/reading was stupid. then i'm like "really, you came to that?"
Gravity cat the adequately amused
iMuse wrote...
All I can say is wow


I don't feel guilty and never have, even when I was a Jesus Freak. Shit feels good man.
Kadushy Douchebag
Lolwat. I'm a Christian and I don't care at all. Why should I feel guilty?
japman19 wrote...
Im a guy i guess. I love the feeling or orgasms and i love the hentai that usually comes along with it. Its an overall pleasurable experience, sometimes i even say before hand i will go for two, but after one the guilt sets in "Why did you do that, you know you shouldnt" "Im an idiot" But i dont have the will to stop doing it, and i become an angry person when i dont for a long time.

That anger is probably related to the biological side. Masturbation is sometimes a necessary release for guys (and heck, for girls! though less needed biologically, as we have a limited amount of eggs vs. men constantly producing sperm... though eggs really don't factor into female orgasms) as um, "buildup" in your loins can make you feel pretty out of it!

Fap when you gotta. It keeps you sane. Don't attach guilt/shame to it.
It's like going to the bathroom: no one finds it attractive, but you gotta do it every so often or you won't really be able to live healthily!
Sneakyone wrote...
Not even once.
Lughost the Lugoat
I never did when I was religious and don't now that I'm not.
japman19 wrote...
Sometimes i feel scared or guilty after a cum, im christian and all. So i feel like my life is going to fall apart because i wronged god. What about you, do you feel guilty?

Not sure if serious... *eyes narrow*

Assuming you are, though, know this: Masturbation is not a sin.

Pretty much all of the Christian angsting and moralizing about masturbation comes, rather surprisingly, from just one incident in the Old Testament regarding a guy named Onan. To fully understand the significance of the incident, you have to understand the context; Onan was supposed to impregnate his dead brother's wife so his brother could have a descendent to carry on his family name. Onan didn't want to do that for whatever reason, so he masturbated before having sex with her to reduce the chance of getting her pregnant. THAT was the sin. Not the fact that he masturbated.

Judaism, the religion of the Old Testament and the predecessor of Christianity, had a lot of proscriptions about cleanliness that dealt with bodily functions: menstruating meant you were unclean, and so did giving birth, having nocturnal emissions, having sex, handling a dead body, etc. Uncleanliness was sometimes conflated with sin by a bunch of religious zealots/tools, but the reality was that everyone became ritually unclean at least a few times in their lives and it really wasn't that big of a deal.

Obviously, if you're not a Jew, those prohibitions don't apply. Fap away with a clear conscience. Just be sure to be considerate of other people if you share a living space (wash your hands, keep it clean, be quiet and discreet, don't view porn on a shared computer, etc).
If "god" is truly 'benevolent' as most people in most religions say then he probably wouldn't get pissed about any of the stupid shit we do. I surely don't think he would condemn us to hell for things so small as these that we do. I don't see myself as having a truly defined religion. Theology aside, I just do what pleases me and gets me what I want. If that happens to be fapping ten times every day that's fine with me; none of it is a bother.
I despise you for saying that.
I feel like others have made this sort of topic before

ANyways, no i don't feel guilty. I am not hurting anyone, so i have no reason to

Just fap, flush and say goodbye to my future illegitimate kids.
Not really... we had fun, didn't we?