One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

[color=#993300]ok, I might be beginning to become a stalker
Got a sore throat recently and I'm starting to sound like Kermit because of it.
I showed my ID to the waiter and he laughed at me, thinking my ID was fake. It took my friends, my dad, the manager, the guy running the bar, and some guy there who remembered me from the bowling part of my 21st birthday there to convince that guy that I was 21.
All I wanted was a Budwiser with my wings.
[color=#993300]Spiral rant of mistrust and confusion
I didn't finish my homework again...
I Haven't shat in like 3 days. Deth by constipation...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
  • We're switching to TalkTalk, apparently. But Virgin are messing us about until the bitter end - first they told us they're coming to uninstall it so we won't have internet, now they're saying they want to have a "long talk" and when they uninstall it we can still use it?

    Pah. Internet Service Providers.

Edit: They haggled the price down to keep us with them but the price will only last a year then we'll need to renegotiate. No immediate hassle. Awesome.

  • Also, people on AnimeLeague are touchy. Three times in the last day alone I've had someone get defensive, either because they took offense or misunderstood what I said, then had a personal army come in to defend them. What a bunch of pansy cunts.
Soar throat, annoying as hell.
bad weather, fucking autumn
It's Halloween. Oh boy... if any kid comes knocking on the door for candy in the middle of the night I'm gonna strangle him/her.
Waking up in the middle of the night to a lizard on my face...
Something I want to get has just been stolen and no one seems to care
A kid came to the door for candy and I gave it to him of course, but then his companion came out of nowhere wearing a horse head mask. I nearly jumped into the ceiling.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
This is my last day on Soylent. These were the best two weeks I've had in a long time. I won't get to experience it again until January.
[color=blue]Bills are going to pile up very quickly tomorrow. Here comes trouble.[/color]
That damn empty / sad feeling when you finish an anime. Also hate that I spend all day on a hentai website, and when I come across something really good I want to fap to... I cant. Why you ask? I already fapped to something before I found it.
i've been holding in my shit all day
Youmacon's in my city and I'm to poor to go.
I have to stay home by myself all day. Plus it's freezing cold and raining so that prevents me from taking a walk down to the Dunkin Donuts.
Woke up too having low blood pressure in my hands,
Was very scared, everything I touched felt tiny and my hands felt huge.
Was pretty fucking scary.
Monster Girl
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