One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

My assignment is coming along just fine, when I remembered that I have ASSIGNMENTS..... that and an essay question test coming up.............................................

They see me slacking, they hatin ;_;
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Had a 10 hour shift yesterday so I slept pretty well. Until I got rudely woken this morning by my dad falling over the shoe rack. So I've felt dead all day.

Just had a couple of hours' nap. Feel better for it but still tired.
That I am sick and stuck at home internalizing.
[color=#993300]Very tired...
didn't get home on time and had to do some more stuff before I got home
once again I was treated like a child...
And apparently it wasn't because of my looks, but because the person thought I had a mental illness. I don't know what gave the him that idea... Just because I was picking out fruit snacks when he saw me does is not good enough proof for him to think I'm probably worse than retarded mentally.
Did not manage to do anything productive.
[color=#993300]I don't know if I'll hear from her anymore....
Chips in da house but not allowed to eat them!!! D:
Computer chair broke. I am legitimately frustrated.

Also found some stragglers. I took care of them. Time to do some night patrols, check if the quarantine's still secure, some purging, and some paranoid sleepless nights. Good thing it's the weekend.
I made you all cookies! But I eated them and now my tummy hurt. Owie.

Translation: I had too many cookies today, got stomach cramps, and felt fat and bloated for a while.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Had absolutely no sleep.
The kitchen sink was leaky since a week ago... but today my housemates nearly flooded the entire kitchen by forgetting to turn off the tap. Like hell am I going to pay for all those bills.
My parents exploited me and decided to go through my phone and learn everything.
SneeakyAsian wrote...
My parents exploited me and decided to go through my phone and learn everything.

Oh parents. What'd they learn?

as for my insignificant thing...I was forced to eat a cheese pizza. I mean what the hell? TOPPINGS! WHERE WERE THE TOPPINGS!?

I have learned of just how many states do not allow for gay marriage... It saddens me. Like I am legitimately upset because even if Cherry and I have a wedding ceremony (if we can even do that down in Georgia), it won't be official. We wouldn't get any of the benefits the state gives us. We'd pretty much have to move to the Northwestern US, California, Washington, or Iowa...

In fact, though my neoghborhood is overall pretty tolerant of gays, diffrent ethnicities and religons, and for some even incest (Lemon and Lime have admitted to it at this point being caught in public), if Cherry and I were to move out of this area we might not be so welcomed.

Also, Dad has a flu or is getting one or something.
It's not going to be fun for him for a couple days.
No sleeping pills. Sleep deprivation OP Pls nerf.
I'm afraid to go to sleep because I'll immediately lose this spark and enthusiasm to make my life get better the moment I wake the fuck up.
Ero-Jazz wrote...
No sleeping pills. Sleep deprivation OP Pls nerf.

Tired as all hell because ^.
I couldn't get it up...
Monster Girl
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