Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Frozen 9/10
47 Ronin 6/10
ok movie with ok action scenes
Harry Brown


I fucking love to watch a good movie about vigilantism. A British senior citizen decides to kill a bunch of young criminals because one of his friends got murdered. The people he kills are a bunch of cunts, and he's classy about his kills. My complaint is, as always, that the bad guys don't suffer enough.

My favorite part of The Raid was the moment when a mook got his neck torn open by a splintered door frame. And the protagonist looks into his eyes as he slowly dies. I want to see more of that.

Anyway, Harry Brown is a good fucking film, and I recommend it to anyone who likes to see someone with the mentality of "You throw a rock, I'll throw a knife."
The Raid 2 - 8/10

Should mention this to people expecting a non-stop action flick like the previous Raid movie has been. The Raid 2 has a much slower, more methodical pace to it as there's an actual plot this time around. It's your typical undercover cop fair. About 2 hours after the first movie, Rama is recruited by a secret, undercover division in the police to root out corrupt officers that have connections to the mob. Now Rama has to gain the trust of a mob bosses son to infiltrate their gang and so on, so forth.

Not gonna lie, the real attraction to this movie is still the fight scenes. And my God. They are still just as glorious and brutal as before, if not moreso. Every fight is a treat that would make you equally as likely to cringe as you would smile excitedly as you watch the action let loose. If you don't mind a few stretches of dialogue heavy scenes, which are actually pretty good in my opinion, I can easily recommend this movie to those looking to see folk get kicked in the head.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
The Amazing Spiderman: 8.5/10
The Boondock Saints


I've been binging on vigilante movies, and having some funny to go with my violence just sweetens the whole experience. Irish Brogue? Even better.
Walk of Shame 7/10
The warriors way 7/10
The Punisher (2004)


Fucking great movie. I don't know why people don't like this one. It's a satisfying tale. Blood for the Blood God. Thomas Jane is great in this movie.
God's not dead 10/10
Godzilla (2014)

A good-guy Godzilla movie with a clear message about our obsession for technology and our helplessness without it.

Best viewed in the cinema because of the excessive use of sub woofers.

  • The music sounds similar to the original. They also use a score from 2001: A Space Odyssey when they jump out from the helicopter.

  • They get away with not showing Godzilla after an hour by genuine tension build-up.

  • Godzilla

  • They somehow lose sight of the creatures, they also seems to be deaf. Like not hearing a big ass monster walking in a city, or not seeing a submarine in a forest or not noticing a big hole in a mountain.

  • Uhm can atom bombs tolerate being chewed on without exploding? They should have made the bombs explode but the creatures would just shrug it off. Fuck the people in the blast zone.

  • They skip the monster fight on Hawaii by showing it on a television for like 10 seconds. Shame on you Legendary.

  • They glorify Godzilla and children too much. Making Godzilla seem like a nice guy in the end by not killing civilian. They should have made him more careless and by that making him more of an anti-hero.

  • How the hell did the creature hear the boat when there's a Godzilla fighting her partner like 50 meters next to her.

  • They cheer for Godzilla while he steps on some more civilian.
X-MEN: Days of Future Past - 10/10

I couldn't take a toilet break while watching this. Almost no dull moments. Some funny moments. Many "That makes sense" moments. A good movie overall.
Spirit by Dreamworks


The way it used its soundtrack was really good, though i actually just re-watched it.
Xmen: Days of Future Past 9/10

For all those going to see it. Stay til after the credits.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Watched Star trek into darkness today. 8.5/10

Last time i watched Star trek was years ago around when the first one of the new movies was starting to come out so it's always nice to watch it when they now something new.

And just cuz i can
waterflame FAKKUDL.NET
Forum Image: http://blog-imgs-44.fc2.com/l/o/h/lohirocke/34468675_2025318788_182large.jpg
Sakasama no Patema
I'd give this years XMEN a 9/10 yo.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
watched the pokemon movie with the mega evolving mewtwo... i miss Dan Greens Mewtwo was such a badass, and when Mewtwo and Genesect was in space i was hoping for Rayquaza to come out of nowhere and hyperbeam them both
but for a pokemon movie, its alright 7.5/10
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
X-men Days of Future Past


Blink is my new favorite movie mutant.

Also, those sunglasses, lol.
Son of Batman 8/10

Was a good movie, but certain aspects either came off weird or just had you scratching your head.