Rate the Last Movie You Saw

That Awkward Moment 6/10
The last movie I saw(which was more than 6 months ago) was the 9th Company, a Russian film following a young detachment of Soviet VDV Paratroopers during the final years of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

I rate it 8/10 Russian Propaganda much like almost every single war film that comes out from behind the Iron Curtain. Theatrics were fun to watch though and I swear they use the same actors in all their movies.
Amazing Spider Man 2 I give it a 9/10 it was definitely my favorite of the Spider Man movies. Mostly because it involved the Sinister Six
Gravity 7/10. Nonexistent plot but it looks mesmerizing and the acting's indeed very convincing.
Lost in Translation
Forum Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4c/Lost_in_Translation_poster.jpg

Forum Image: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BOTQ0OTkzODgyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTA3OTE4MDE@._V1_SX214_AL_.jpg

It sucked. Was boring throughout and the jokes were constantly repeated to the point that they lost all flair. It also seems to run a little too long. By the end of the movie I was wondering if it was ever gonna end.

Revelation Defender of DFC
X-Men Days of Future Past 94/100 soo good can't wait for Apocalypse
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Word War Z. 5/10
Was bad O_O

Best past of the movie was when Peter Capaldi was in it.
Revelation Defender of DFC
Maleficent: 4/10
Not. Good. Shits all over Sleeping Beauty. Acting mediocre and just boring.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Gimme Shelter 8/10

The movie was good and vanessa hudgens did such an astounding acting job. The only issue I had with the movie was having Brendan Fraser play the dad.... I don't have anything agaisnt him, just wouldn't be my first pick.
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Edge of tomorrow 6/10
million way to make a fart joke 6/10
Hal 7/10
The purge... just fucking retarded plus a sequel is coming.
The conjuring 8/10
How to train your dragon 2: 11/10 (cause I watched it on 3D)

Well, the 8 Bucks was worth it.

Hiccup's father, Stoic, was voiced by Gerard Butler. Yeah. That 300 guy.
Godzilla: 9/10.

Reservoir Dogs: 9/10
Predator 2 = 6.5/10

Decent enough to be enjoyable, though the original was better. Still far superior than the AvP movies.
Revelation Defender of DFC
How to Train Your Dragon 2: 82/100
Pretty good, tried to make me cry. I laughed.
How To Train Your Dragon 2 8/10

Great movie as good as the first really enjoyed it
I haven't been on here in a while so:

Godzilla - 10/10

Absolutely Amazing movie, and pays tribute to my childhood! Big G is Back!
p.s. I went and saw it 2 times in IMAX3D, earth shattering sound!

How to train a Dragon 2 - 10/10
This is the sequel we l wanted , and it delivered. Amazing CGI
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Wolverine and the new xmen days on tomorrows somethings or another watthefuck.
Wolverine was a 8/10 but the abortion in the theater wasn't. 5/10
22 Jump Street - Solid 8/10, ending made it 9/10.
Once Upon a Time in High School 8/10
I couldn't find who suggested it here, but he did a good job.
edit: thanks Dark Horizon!

The Monuments Men 6/10
It was ok to kill time. russia didn't get shit in the end, so it was a funny watch for me.