What is your favorite old school gaming console?

What is your favorite old school gaming console?

Total Votes : 3,494
Gray brick Gameboy all the way.

Original pokemans? Awesome.
Super Mario World? Tough-as-balls-for-a-kid awesome.
Running out of battery? No problem. *CONTRAST WHEEL*
You drop it on the floor? No problem. Just don't drop it on your foot. IT WOULD PROBABLY SHATTER YOUR TOE BONES.
Much respect to the Nintendo franchise but I have to give this one to Sega. It broke past the barrier of graphics of it's time by double the bits and beyond, they also brought some really cool titles to the shelves; Sonic The Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Comic Zone, Ristar and many other memorable titles that made SEGA stand out.

If I could I would have voted for Dreamcast too because of more Sonic titles, Jet Grind, Power Stone, being the first console to allow web browsing on it, and the introduction the 2K Sports series that is still thriving today.

Like I said, no disrespect for Nintendo because it is awesome but SEGA did it for me growing up and still to this day.
My Favorite old school Console was the original Xbox console.
i loved my p.s. till it died in the GREAT FLOOD OF....... my basement
though i was alive around the time when nes came out (i was 3...) i enjoy the games far more on snes. though i still form time to time dust off my nes and go old skool for a night.
Playstations are the best, good old oddsworld and resident evil games
Gosh, Why in the world did you give me a choice? Well... the first would be the original Nintendo (I just brought a Famicom the other day) then Dreamcast then Super Nintendo, Playstation 1 then Gameboy. No Sega Saturn and Ninendo 64? Naughty Naughty
Luvnarg wrote...

I thought I was alone on the Red frontier!
Civilization 2 on the PS1.

Many a hot dinner went cold because of that game! :D
Someone wanna tell me why the fuck the Virtual boy is on there? FUCK that headache creating piece It single handedly Destroyed The reputation of Gunpei Yokoi's AMAZING career.... May he rest in peace
So, PlayStation and Dreamcast make the list, but N64 gets cut? They were of the same generation, no?
Also, Chrono Trigger, FFIII/IV, Link to the Past, Mother, Earthbound, and an excessive amount of others bind me to SNES/Super Famicom.
Gotta go with the PS1. Loved it and still do. Best fuckin RPGs in the world.
Even though I chose gameboy over the rest, i have a lot of great memories with the Sega Dreamcast. i remember playing Ren and Stimpy on there... great times great times...
Akaoni21 wrote...
Civilization 2 on the PS1.

Many a hot dinner went cold because of that game! :D

haha ya i did the same thing with civ one... hell i still do it
whaleiam wrote...
PS 1 for me got hooked to FF series because of it -.-

why is it that people with no display pictures can never write truly coherent sentences?
I'd have to say the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and Dreamcast. I may not have had the Sega Genesis or Dreamcast, but I enjoyed their games as well.
Gameboy, good old trusty Gameboy. That big, fat, white, bulky Gameboy Original that requires 4 AA batteries is my favorite old school handheld game console, but if you say video game console or the ones that needs to be plug into a TV I'd say NES.
Gotta go with sega genesis because I only had that and nintendo and I played the sega more.
sega genesis, nothing like some good classics, sonic, shinobi, streets of rage, columns....theres 2 many 2 even keep going!
ive got to say the original Nintendo its just a classic i still have