alternate dimensions

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Tsujoi Social Media Manager
omnicide wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
Before I go into anything, I suggest all of you to refer to Noein because it is essentially dealing with the same kind of theory.
Ramsus wrote...
Actually that's not how the Schroedinger's Cat thing works. The question is not if it will be alive or not. The question is if it is dead before you open the box. No matter what, when you open the box the cat will be dead. This is why cats hate boxes.

That's not exactly correct. With Schroedinger's Cat there is a 50% chance that the poison will be released, meaning that the question is in fact whether the cat will be alive or dead.

Lets focus on the existence of multiple dimensions, which is the core of the topic. The existence of multiple worlds is a result of probability. When an action is taken and there are multiple outcomes, Hugh Everett's Many-Worlds Interpretation says that a new dimension is created from each possible outcome. The outcome of an event that created this dimension influenced the you that exists in it. Likewise, the you in another dimension is influenced by another possible outcome of that same event. Its impossible for you to exist in a dimension where another you, that corresponds to the events that created that dimension, exists because first of all, there is already a you there and second, your existence contradicts the essential foundation of that reality.

This is actually very similar to what I was saying. However, the thery I posed was that perhaps when an individual dies in one existence, the conciousness or the soul (not the body) shifts to another demension/reality where the individual survived. It's kind of a hard concept to explain in any great detail, but I've made it about as clear as I know how.
Sorta like in the movie One with Jet Li....except people don't absorb the dead ones strengths....
Eranikum wrote...
To hit the spot, Schroedinger's cat exists in a so called "Super position" when you don't open the cage / lock etc. You won't know if it is dead or alive, thus it exists "above" the normal level of existance UNTIL you open the cage and find out and thus make a theory to certainty.

More to the point a quantum superposition, is in a sense, a simultaneous state of all states. Which is precisely the issue that Schroedinger wanted to address with his kitty thought experiment. The superposition exists in a state where it is unobserved. However, while the cat is dead, it is still alive as well and is able to observe itself. Constant self-observation by oneself kind of tosses the possibility of a quantum superposition out the window.

To further the discussion on Schroedinger's Cat, if that is the general consensus, we should start another thread and kind of go into the Copenhagen Interpretation itself, because Schroedinger's Cat came about because of errors in it.

On a side note, I'm not really all that versed in quantum mechanics or physics in general, it never really was one of my "things." I've read some articles from time to time and a lot of times I may just be grasping at straws. Needless to say, this is one of those areas that you may find "The Jesus' great knowledge" kind of lacking.
Well, you explained it fine enough Jesus. Sorry for my buggy English up there, I was typing the post with a headache that would have made a drinking rhino proud.
Anyways, the alternate dimensions can be summarized like this: No you can not leave your own dimension, as the moment you would, the entire fabric of the universe would collapse and we would be screwed.
So basicly all you need to remember is that 2 same beings can not coexist within 1 parallel universe. By same being I mean 2x you, me or whatever.

And incase any smartass (my apologies) wants to say "But what about cloning" now, it is a different point as it is a biological thing in which the law that everything must be equal is still upheld.
Eranikum wrote...
Well, you explained it fine enough Jesus. Sorry for my buggy English up there, I was typing the post with a headache that would have made a drinking rhino proud.
Anyways, the alternate dimensions can be summarized like this: No you can not leave your own dimension, as the moment you would, the entire fabric of the universe would collapse and we would be screwed.
So basicly all you need to remember is that 2 same beings can not coexist within 1 parallel universe. By same being I mean 2x you, me or whatever.

And incase any smartass (my apologies) wants to say "But what about cloning" now, it is a different point as it is a biological thing in which the law that everything must be equal is still upheld.

Not to mention the fact that a clone is only you genetically. Metaphysically, its a completely different person. Its causality is the result of another decision made in which multiple dimensions were created.
Schrödinger's cat basically deals with the 'observer effect', there's a more 'simple' way of demonstrating it, which I'm pretty sure has everyone of you already heard at least once: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

While these both examples are not exactly the same since Schrödinger's cat is in a state of complete isolation - and cannot be observed (Aside from self observation.) at all, the fact that you can not observe the process doesn't really change a thing for the subject (The cat / the tree.) involved, it's basically only a matter of odds for the being unable to observe.

In my opinion, while this is sure an interesting topic regarding calculation and the like, it's still some kind of 'the world revolves around me' way of thinking.
haha when i see this thread i think of that 2008 movie "Vantage Point"
quite the given situation that you were in to create this couldnt have taken a different choice

why? you might ask...
thats simple, because there is only one law that governs all (like it or not), cause and effect...

given that the situation would be the same, you would, with your knowledge and your experience always take the same route...
it would only vary if the situation would either be different or your accumulated knowledge and expierence had been different...

but for now, every action you could never have been any other

reflection upon this statement may or may not change your outlook on life, and my guess is that it least not in the short run, but search your feelings -

you know it be true

alright, so i just wanted to implement a sw reference

still, doesnt change anything about your disposition...right?

and dont fool yourself with being firm as a rock if you will, but definitly dont blame me for any out of the norm behaviour you might experience
Zero!!! wrote...
True, but it'll go down the drain sooner or later. The ideal situation is easily broken by many factors in life.

So, even if that ideal situation were to happen, and keep occurring something has to crack, right?

The die can't keep rolling a six, you know?

Not necessarily. There is the possibility that for a person's entire lifetime every time they pick up a die they roll a six. The chances of that happening are incomprehensibly small but they are non-zero.

Now on the question of alternate dimensions, which I do believe in. I have two theories.

1) That there are an infinite number of dimensions composing of all of the possible differences, such as different decisions, but we are stuck in one. All of the decisions in the past are already made and all of the decisions for the future have already been determined and we are just riding along in the one we're in. Giving the illusion of free-will. Fits right along with predestination.

2) Again that there are again an infinite number of dimensions that compose all possible differences. But at certain points, when ever there is a decision or a difference or something to that effect we either stay in the dimension we're in or we jump to a similar dimension that is only different by the choice or whatever. Also that we either cannot tell that we're jumping or maybe we can we just take it as something else like every time we blink we jump to another dimension or maybe when we sneeze. Like when our eyes close. Maybe when we sleep...

Dunno this is something that I will have to ponder.

discordia wrote...
quite the given situation that you were in to create this couldnt have taken a different choice

why? you might ask...
thats simple, because there is only one law that governs all (like it or not), cause and effect...

given that the situation would be the same, you would, with your knowledge and your experience always take the same route...
it would only vary if the situation would either be different or your accumulated knowledge and expierence had been different...

but for now, every action you could never have been any other

reflection upon this statement may or may not change your outlook on life, and my guess is that it least not in the short run, but search your feelings -

you know it be true

alright, so i just wanted to implement a sw reference

still, doesnt change anything about your disposition...right?

and dont fool yourself with being firm as a rock if you will, but definitly dont blame me for any out of the norm behaviour you might experience

Sorry, but there isn't some kind of "fate" that makes you choose one way or another. It is your judgement and the meaning behind a parallel universe is that if you choose "A" here, a new parallel universe will be created where you chose "B".
What you are referring to with your action and consequence is causality law. That basicly means that everything you do causes a reaction to equal it out. Those are two utterly different things.
Eranikum wrote...
discordia wrote...
quite the given situation that you were in to create this couldnt have taken a different choice

why? you might ask...
thats simple, because there is only one law that governs all (like it or not), cause and effect...

given that the situation would be the same, you would, with your knowledge and your experience always take the same route...
it would only vary if the situation would either be different or your accumulated knowledge and expierence had been different...

but for now, every action you could never have been any other

reflection upon this statement may or may not change your outlook on life, and my guess is that it least not in the short run, but search your feelings -

you know it be true

alright, so i just wanted to implement a sw reference

still, doesnt change anything about your disposition...right?

and dont fool yourself with being firm as a rock if you will, but definitly dont blame me for any out of the norm behaviour you might experience

Sorry, but there isn't some kind of "fate" that makes you choose one way or another. It is your judgement and the meaning behind a parallel universe is that if you choose "A" here, a new parallel universe will be created where you chose "B".
What you are referring to with your action and consequence is causality law. That basicly means that everything you do causes a reaction to equal it out. Those are two utterly different things.

Quoted for truth, the creation of a parallel universe is the A or B kind of choice. A predetermined road where all the choices that were made is unlikely.

If I hadn't created this thread, then that would be another world similar to the world that we, actually, I am living in. There could have been another possibility where the subject of the topic could have been entirely different than the topic at hand now.

Reokue wrote...
Zero!!! wrote...
True, but it'll go down the drain sooner or later. The ideal situation is easily broken by many factors in life.

So, even if that ideal situation were to happen, and keep occurring something has to crack, right?

The die can't keep rolling a six, you know?

Not necessarily. There is the possibility that for a person's entire lifetime every time they pick up a die they roll a six. The chances of that happening are incomprehensibly small but they are non-zero.

Now on the question of alternate dimensions, which I do believe in. I have two theories.

1) That there are an infinite number of dimensions composing of all of the possible differences, such as different decisions, but we are stuck in one. All of the decisions in the past are already made and all of the decisions for the future have already been determined and we are just riding along in the one we're in. Giving the illusion of free-will. Fits right along with predestination.

2) Again that there are again an infinite number of dimensions that compose all possible differences. But at certain points, when ever there is a decision or a difference or something to that effect we either stay in the dimension we're in or we jump to a similar dimension that is only different by the choice or whatever. Also that we either cannot tell that we're jumping or maybe we can we just take it as something else like every time we blink we jump to another dimension or maybe when we sneeze. Like when our eyes close. Maybe when we sleep...

Dunno this is something that I will have to ponder.


Oddly when you said that the chances of rolling a six again was non-zero, I was reminded of Gurren lagann, but I digress.

Of course there is a chance that the die would again roll sixes consecutive times, but as you have said, it is an incomprehensibly small chance that it will. Which to me, is the same as what I have claimed before, the die can't keep rolling a six. The chances are too small for it to be possible, though I don't deny the fact that it still can.

As to your opinion on the subject at hand, I agree with you, although, theory one didn't really sit well with me for reasons that I can't really elaborate on, In fact, the reason is rather baseless and irrelevant, as for theory 2, jumping dimensions may just be as normal as a fly, but were that to be true something that is normal of you to see everyday would have to be slightly different.
Eranikum wrote...
Sorry, but there isn't some kind of "fate" that makes you choose one way or another. It is your judgement and the meaning behind a parallel universe is that if you choose "A" here, a new parallel universe will be created where you chose "B".
What you are referring to with your action and consequence is causality law. That basicly means that everything you do causes a reaction to equal it out. Those are two utterly different things.

nope, there isnt fate. but just consider how your judgement came to be. its the result of a series of imprints and knowledge and experience and will always come to the same decision if the situation is the same.

lets say you could chose between A and B in this situation and given your disposition or judgement or whatever you wanna call it, you would chose A. why would there be a need for a parallel universe where you chose B and for your judgement to make a different choice it would have to been either altered in some way or the situation would need to be a different one, which would thus create not only a parallel universe upon this decision, but with its very own and different past too...

do you see where this going?
discordia wrote...
Eranikum wrote...
Sorry, but there isn't some kind of "fate" that makes you choose one way or another. It is your judgement and the meaning behind a parallel universe is that if you choose "A" here, a new parallel universe will be created where you chose "B".
What you are referring to with your action and consequence is causality law. That basicly means that everything you do causes a reaction to equal it out. Those are two utterly different things.

nope, there isnt fate. but just consider how your judgement came to be. its the result of a series of imprints and knowledge and experience and will always come to the same decision if the situation is the same.

lets say you could chose between A and B in this situation and given your disposition or judgement or whatever you wanna call it, you would chose A. why would there be a need for a parallel universe where you chose B and for your judgement to make a different choice it would have to been either altered in some way or the situation would need to be a different one, which would thus create not only a parallel universe upon this decision, but with its very own and different past too...

do you see where this going?

There is going to be a different one because it is a decisions point and always when there are two paths you can only take one of them. Thus basicly you might imagine the parallel universe as a mirror of the situation in which it was the other way round, thus so to speak the choice "B" would be logical.
It is just that easy. Imagine it like light and shadow. If you use your flashlight on a pillar it casts a shadow. It is a law that it casts a shadow, even if there isn't a specific need for it.
So basicly saying "Why should there be different option" would mean that you didn't even choose one of both :P
ah, but this thought would assume the existence of a paralel universe...

anyway, my point is that there isnt actually a decision to be made, or basically that the decision has been made by the circumstances you find yourself in. there is no possibility of actual choice by a "free" will, simply because there is no such thing as a free will. but first we have of course to define a free will. a will is free if it wouldnt be subject to the law of cause and effect, or under the laws of space and time, or under any laws at all; but it unfortunately for our is.

well...actually the flashlight...or the pillar more exactly doesnt cast a shadow, the light is just obstructed by the object leaving that area darker in comparison to where the flashlight does illuminate the area.

but i dont exactly get what i has to do with parallel universes

and although i can imagine there being a paralel universe i dont see as to how or why we should simply assume its existence...
Because, every now and then, we think to ourselves, "what if I had done something different at that moment?"
and you think that thought has the power to create parallel universes...
discordia wrote...
ah, but this thought would assume the existence of a paralel universe...

anyway, my point is that there isnt actually a decision to be made, or basically that the decision has been made by the circumstances you find yourself in. there is no possibility of actual choice by a "free" will, simply because there is no such thing as a free will. but first we have of course to define a free will. a will is free if it wouldnt be subject to the law of cause and effect, or under the laws of space and time, or under any laws at all; but it unfortunately for our is.

well...actually the flashlight...or the pillar more exactly doesnt cast a shadow, the light is just obstructed by the object leaving that area darker in comparison to where the flashlight does illuminate the area.

but i dont exactly get what i has to do with parallel universes

and although i can imagine there being a paralel universe i dont see as to how or why we should simply assume its existence...

See, if you had understood my example with the light you would have understood what I have been trying to explain to you. Thus, once you understand what I tried to explain to you, you will see at which point you are looping yourself :)
dunno, what you wrote there is rather incoherent...especially the conclusion
discordia wrote...
and you think that thought has the power to create parallel universes...

I said no such thing. You merely thought I implied such a thing.
nope, i implied that you thought such a thing
discordia wrote...
and you think that thought has the power to create parallel universes...

I personally don't believe that thought has the power to create parallel universes.

If the parallel universes don't already exist than actions would have to be the catalyst for creating a new parallel universe because I can think about doing something or decide that I'm going to do something all I want but none of that matters until I actually do it.

But personally I believe that all of the parallel universes already exist we simply jump between them.

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