
Waar wrote...

I think I've stated it before; your view of Christianity is very close to my own, I'm glad I'm not the only one who believes in God and his son on these forums; I've been outnumbered by atheist for a while now.

Well glad to find someone else of a similar mind on the subject! :)

And yeah...the Internet is where most atheists vent their frustrations about religious folk since they're pretty much outnumbered offline. So you will almost always be outnumbered by them unless you go to a Christian based website.

I deal with it all the time on GaiaOnline in the Extended Discussion forum, which would be the debate forum. xD

I'm used to it and I'm not intimidated by it any more. I leave them be, they leave me be and we all fap/schlick to hentai and are happy. xD
Along the lines of what Catcher was saying. The religious people usually "western" or "monotheistic" religions tend to assert that they are correct even when they are wrong. You point out a contradiction in their text and they just want to slit your throat. From my vantage point I see a lot of flaws that I think should be obvious to people but, as you already said Pasithea most religions turn the faith into brainwashing of sorts.

For people like you Pasithea I see your conversion as fear that your life may not have a meaning (Assuming it was a near death experience or the death of someone close to you). That is something everybody fears, that their life is meaningless. I'm not insulting you or anything or denouncing your conversion. I'm just pointing out things from my point of view because if you only take your wisdom and knowledge from one source its because stale and ridged. I believe my view is rather balanced because I was able to experience and see the world from different perspectives.

I was born Christian and found that religion not to my suiting because of the contradictions and horrible things mentioned in the rest of the bible that preachers tend to "voluntarily leave out". Sorry, if your god is all knowing and incapable of errors then you can't pick and choose what you want to believe and what you don't. Its the whole "good book" or none of it. There isn't some shade of gray in the middle because I doubt "God" "yahweh" "Allah" or the milk jug put some of those things in there just for the fun of it.

To debunk the "Well a human interpreted the word of god into our language. Don't you think an all knowing god would have known that the person he selected wouldn't get it right?
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Along the lines of what Catcher was saying. The religious people usually "western" or "monotheistic" religions tend to assert that they are correct even when they are wrong. You point out a contradiction in their text and they just want to slit your throat. From my vantage point I see a lot of flaws that I think should be obvious to people but, as you already said Pasithea most religions turn the faith into brainwashing of sorts.

For people like you Pasithea I see your conversion as fear that your life may not have a meaning (Assuming it was a near death experience or the death of someone close to you). That is something everybody fears, that their life is meaningless. I'm not insulting you or anything or denouncing your conversion. I'm just pointing out things from my point of view because if you only take your wisdom and knowledge from one source its because stale and ridged. I believe my view is rather balanced because I was able to experience and see the world from different perspectives.

I was born Christian and found that religion not to my suiting because of the contradictions and horrible things mentioned in the rest of the bible that preachers tend to "voluntarily leave out". Sorry, if your god is all knowing and incapable of errors then you can't pick and choose what you want to believe and what you don't. Its the whole "good book" or none of it. There isn't some shade of gray in the middle because I doubt "God" "yahweh" "Allah" or the milk jug put some of those things in there just for the fun of it.

To debunk the "Well a human interpreted the word of god into our language. Don't you think an all knowing god would have known that the person he selected wouldn't get it right?

Well your assumptions are incorrect so I'd avoid doing that again and my experience involving my conversion is one thing I don't to care to share with anyone because I don't like having it scrutinized and analyzed by others.

The problem is that a lot of Christians translations from the original Greek are very, very wrong. (Greek scriptures being the earliest they could find of the Bible...) Honestly, have you seen how many fucking translations there are? xP Take your pick.

You see God may have picked someone who got it down correctly from the very beginning but over time as other humans came along and started translating it, they translated wrong.

I feel I can pick and choose what I believe and follow. Christians are no longer bound by the old covenant which is the Old Testament so I don't really give a crap what the incorrect translations of Leviticus say anyways. That's the Jewish law, not the Christian law.

As far as I'm concerned all I have to do is follow Jesus's teachings and be a good human being. I don't feel as though I have to follow or believe anything the disciples said after Jesus died and rose again.

I don't follow his disciples, I follow Jesus.
That is the point of assumptions. They are rarely on target. 9 times out of 10 people convert because they nearly die. "Goddard" who is an associate of mine that I worked with at a couple places around here and played Magic the Gathering with a few times was an Atheist until he was in a car wreck that nearly killed him. He converted because "He saw something higher". I could name a few more examples. So logic dictates that is the primary reason people convert. The other reason people convert is some sort of twisted logic that "I'm in prison because I wasn't faithful."

Sorry, I applied logic and made an assumption. I already knew about the number of versions of the bible. Remember I used to be Christian.

You also failed to see my point about the "pick and choosing" but, whatever I'm not arguing that point now.

If you ever really want to learn anything from anywhere. No matter how big or small the picture. Look at it from another perspective. If It wasn't for The Jesus and his philosophical posts I doubt I would see the world nearly as well as I do. Looking at the world through his perspective had a profound impact on me. I can see the logic of the "hateful" Christians as well because I used to do the whole "being gay is a sin. blah blah blah" bullshit.

I guess the whole point of this is for everyone to learn this

"Look at the world through the perspective of someone else. You see more of everything when you do"

believe it or not, i'm a Mormon :shock:
Nate River wrote...

believe it or not, i'm a Mormon :shock:

So was York. I like the fact that FAKKU has a lot of different religions here. Muslims, Atheist, Mormons, Jehovah's witness, Various Christian Denominations, various "spiritual" people. Shows we have a tolerant "society" here.
Nate River wrote...

believe it or not, i'm a Mormon :shock:

Well don't let anyone know you're here.

Shhh...We'll keep it a secret. >.> <.< >.>

@ Fiery_Penguin: Sorry to jump on you then. I tend to get a bit defensive of my beliefs. Plus I just hate it when people tell me what I have to believe or 'How to be a good Christian" or whatever. I've gotten that from other Christians, "UR DOING IT WRONG." *facepalm* lol
Pasithea wrote...
Nate River wrote...

believe it or not, i'm a Mormon :shock:

Well don't let anyone know you're here.

Shhh...We'll keep it a secret. >.> <.< >.>

@ Fiery_Penguin: Sorry to jump on you then. I tend to get a bit defensive of my beliefs. Plus I just hate it when people tell me what I have to believe or 'How to be a good Christian" or whatever. I've gotten that from other Christians, "UR DOING IT WRONG." *facepalm* lol

You or anyone else being a christian to me is about as important as the brand of car they drive. I probably couldn't care less if you drove a Toyota, Honda, Ford, Chevy, Nissan, etc. It gets you to where you want to be.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Pasithea wrote...
Nate River wrote...

believe it or not, i'm a Mormon :shock:

Well don't let anyone know you're here.

Shhh...We'll keep it a secret. >.> <.< >.>

@ Fiery_Penguin: Sorry to jump on you then. I tend to get a bit defensive of my beliefs. Plus I just hate it when people tell me what I have to believe or 'How to be a good Christian" or whatever. I've gotten that from other Christians, "UR DOING IT WRONG." *facepalm* lol

You or anyone else being a christian to me is about as important as the brand of car they drive. I probably couldn't care less if you drove a Toyota, Honda, Ford, Chevy, Nissan, etc. It gets you to where you want to be.

Well that's good to know. I drive a Ford Focus btw. xD And it gets me where I need to go at not very affordable gas prices sadly...

And I just realized I have fucking cramps and I am really pissy all of a sudden. (PMS?)

I better go before I turn into a raging feminazi or something. T__T
Pasithea wrote...
Well that's good to know. I drive a Ford Focus btw. xD And it gets me where I need to go at not very affordable gas prices sadly...

And I just realized I have fucking cramps and I am really pissy all of a sudden. (PMS?)

I better go before I turn into a raging feminazi or something. T__T

Yay FemiNazi

Forum Image:

Anyways, the point of religion to me is the same as the point of having a car. It gets you where you want to be. Doesn't matter what you use to get there (ford, Chevy, Christianity, Muslim,etc) but, as long as you make it there.
i dont belive in god but i made sure that i respect other ppl for there right to belive in him/her or not i just dont want to hear ppl talk to me about how i need to belive in him/her to go to like w/e im not going to get into that with u...
for me i don't believe in religion :?
don't get me wrong i m not an atheist
i DO believe in some kind of "god"
but i don't follow any organized religion
for me i think as long as i m a good person
and i m evil to other or something
things will turn out ok for me

when it comes to the idea of heaven and hell
i believe it exists but the thing is
if what most organized religions say are true
then i would say atleast 99.8% of all people
are gonna end up in hell :?
I m not saying that we're all sinners or w/e
but people have seemed to lost their way
if compared to the past

either way i respect all religions,
the only thing i don't like is when people
try to force it on me :x
That's called being agnostic, atheists don't believe in a god type thing at all.
Kais86 wrote...
That's called being agnostic, atheists don't believe in a god type thing at all.

Isn't Agnosticism the "beliefs" that anything metaphysical like the ultimate truth, the Ultimate reality or god,etc is unknowable due to the nature of the subject in question. I think they just fall into that "Not religious but, spiritual" category.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Really? I never really understood what Agnostic was all about. I never read into it. I always thought it was a milder term for atheist lol.

I have to go with that though, I'm more spiritual then religious. I'm more about reading into yourself and understanding yourself. What you need to improve on, what path you're taking, thinking about what path it might lead you to. :roll: Kinda egocentric. But in a selfless manner.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Really? I never really understood what Agnostic was all about. I never read into it. I always thought it was a milder term for atheist lol.

I have to go with that though, I'm more spiritual then religious. I'm more about reading into yourself and understanding yourself. What you need to improve on, what path you're taking, thinking about what path it might lead you to. :roll: Kinda egocentric. But in a selfless manner.

People tend to just lump them in like that because Agnostics tend to shy away from really answering the question of "god". Most of them just say "we can't know or we couldn't understand if we knew"

Some Agnostics are basically Atheists without the balls and can't stand up and tell people you think they are wrong. Not to say all Agnostics are that way but, most Atheist who don't have the testicular fortitude to do what the rest have tend to call themselves Agnostics.

Kind of funny if you think about it
Is there a god?
"Faithful" yes
Atheist- No
Agnostic- maybe
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I wouldn't say I don't do it because I don't have the balls - well, I don't but that's besides the point. But I'd say I don't point my finger in mockery at people who are hypocritical because I figure it's whatever makes someone happy.

If I feel so strong about believing there is no god, then the person next to me will feel just as strong that there is a god. So why beat a dead horse?

I feel sorry the most for the one girl I talked to in school, the Jehovah - she's told me what she believes in and I've willingly listened. However, I do give her credit - for as much as she's been brainwashed with stupid shit, she's very understanding with me and my ways. Granted, I don't tell her a whole lot, but she knows I'm not a religious follower.
She started opening up to me more and she admitted towards the end of the school year that she looks up to me.
I was the only one that would take in consideration for her religion. Like they don't celebrate holidays... at all. Like we had this stupid day where instead of just not fucking coming to school all the classrooms were turned into a holiday festival. She was uncomfortable and the other girls wanted to watch movies - they were all on christmas. So I was the only one that helped insist we find something we ALL can enjoy, including the Jehovah. (Jehovah is easier to spell then her name x-x; )
We ended up finding a room with a wii *which I think is better* and played on it.

Religions give you such restrictions, especially jehovah's... holy shit.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Religions give you such restrictions, especially jehovah's... holy shit.

My friend's family is Jehovah's witness. There is a large Gathering in Atlanta every year that my friends call "The Gathering of the Jehovah's." Its somewhere around 10-20,000 of them at one place. Though my friend Zach isn't a witness anymore and prefers to go by Jenovah's witness as a joke instead.
Reason why I label myself as "agnostic, closet-Buddhist" is because I don't believe in the Gods as described by Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, etc. etc. But I do believe that there is something out there, maybe not called "God" per se, but something out there on a higher order that looks down upon us. But I'm also a logical person, and I want proof of such existence, and until I receive proof of such an existence or being, I only have mere assumptions and conjectures.

Wiki's definition of Agnosticism: it is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims — particularly metaphysical claims regarding theology, afterlife or the existence of God, gods, deities, or even ultimate reality — is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.
g-money wrote...
Reason why I label myself as "agnostic, closet-Buddhist" is because I don't believe in the Gods as described by Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, etc. etc. But I do believe that there is something out there, maybe not called "God" per se, but something out there on a higher order that looks down upon us. But I'm also a logical person, and I want proof of such existence, and until I receive proof of such an existence or being, I only have mere assumptions and conjectures.

Wiki's definition of Agnosticism: it is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims — particularly metaphysical claims regarding theology, afterlife or the existence of God, gods, deities, or even ultimate reality — is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently unknowable.

well said.