Defense of the Ancients 2

Noutakun wrote...
mochure wrote...
Noutakun wrote...
mochure wrote...
I don't understand, Windrunner seems like an excellent carry to me. Why is she not listed as a carry?

Because her skillset is more tuned to a support role. Although you can build her with carry items, she will never be as effective a carry as a true carry would be.

I do not know how effective other dota carrys are, But from the experience I gained from lol, She is an excellent carry.

The thing to realize is, Dota2 champions are much more powerful than League champions, and in this game, carries carry a LOT harder. I'm serious. In League, even if you're super fed, you still won't be taking down the enemy team without your team to back you up (unless you're playing against bots), but in Dota2 it is not only common but expected for a team's carry to be able to kill two or three members of the enemy team entirely on his own.

Windrunner doesn't have an adequate League equivalent to really be compared to, but the thing about her skillset that makers her unfit for the role of carrying is that she simply doesn't do enough damage. For starters, she's an Intelligence hero that doesn't have any nukes, so stacking Intelligence carry items isn't going to do much more for than give you mana that you don't really need. It will give her damage, of course, but what is she going to do with it? Her ult causes her to deal reduced damage to the target, and if she changes targets she loses the attack speed bonus. Her kit is designed around position-based support, hit-and-run tactics, and in the case of her ult, tower killing. But if you really want to know why she's not a carry, give her 7,000 gold and give an actual carry 7,000 gold and see who wins the fight. 10 times out of 10, Windrunner will lose that fight.

Windrunner qualifies as a semi-carry because a competent player with a careful item build can carry a team in the right situations--but there's a big gap between the abilities of a semi-carry and a carry. And don't even get me started on hard carries, lol

Now I can clearly see your point on how strong a carry could be in Dota 2.
I had a match as Broodmother top, I was handling my lane very well and got fed a little. Unfortunately, An enemy Bounty hunter got fed on bot. Whenever he is not around me I could do whatever I desire to his team. But whenever he shows up, 4 vs 1 and he still wins...
Noutakun wrote...
So has anyone but me experienced the glorious bullshit that is a Kunka Disruptor lane? That combination is so broken it's not even funny, lol

Fuck, don't remind me. That was annoying as hell. If I didn't have a force staff then, I might've done a table flip.
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Noutakun wrote...
So has anyone but me experienced the glorious bullshit that is a Kunka Disruptor lane? That combination is so broken it's not even funny, lol

Fuck, don't remind me. That was annoying as hell. If I didn't have a force staff then, I might've done a table flip.

That is my favorite lane combination, lmao. I love playing that with my friend. Only combo that's almost as fun is Keeper of the Light and Nyx Assassin.
Noutakun wrote...
So has anyone but me experienced the glorious bullshit that is a Kunka Disruptor lane? That combination is so broken it's not even funny, lol

You ain't seen nothing until you've been up against Kunkka, SD and Lesh lane.

There is a reason SD is banned in most of the games. So much power in one skill, combine it with Lesh/Lina/Kunkka and its a 100% kill everytime he lands Disruption.
A dota 2 thread? AWW SHIT.

A Thousand Suns wrote...
Noutakun wrote...
So has anyone but me experienced the glorious bullshit that is a Kunka Disruptor lane? That combination is so broken it's not even funny, lol

You ain't seen nothing until you've been up against Kunkka, SD and Lesh lane.

There is a reason SD is banned in most of the games. So much power in one skill, combine it with Lesh/Lina/Kunkka and its a 100% kill everytime he lands Disruption.

Also, SD/slithreen guard dual-lane eats through anything.

disruption > soul catcher > slithereen guard goes in > crush > amplify damage > right click awaaay.
giitaaaa wrote...
A dota 2 thread? AWW SHIT.

A Thousand Suns wrote...
Noutakun wrote...
So has anyone but me experienced the glorious bullshit that is a Kunka Disruptor lane? That combination is so broken it's not even funny, lol

You ain't seen nothing until you've been up against Kunkka, SD and Lesh lane.

There is a reason SD is banned in most of the games. So much power in one skill, combine it with Lesh/Lina/Kunkka and its a 100% kill everytime he lands Disruption.

Also, SD/slithreen guard dual-lane eats through anything.

disruption > soul catcher > slithereen guard goes in > crush > amplify damage > right click awaaay.

Lol. The only people that is going to know what you're talking about is the ones that play DotA. =]

But yeah, he is a very powerful hero combined with any stunner. 50% damage Amp is insaaane~
A Thousand Suns wrote...
giitaaaa wrote...
A dota 2 thread? AWW SHIT.

A Thousand Suns wrote...
Noutakun wrote...
So has anyone but me experienced the glorious bullshit that is a Kunka Disruptor lane? That combination is so broken it's not even funny, lol

You ain't seen nothing until you've been up against Kunkka, SD and Lesh lane.

There is a reason SD is banned in most of the games. So much power in one skill, combine it with Lesh/Lina/Kunkka and its a 100% kill everytime he lands Disruption.

Also, SD/slithreen guard dual-lane eats through anything.

disruption > soul catcher > slithereen guard goes in > crush > amplify damage > right click awaaay.

Lol. The only people that is going to know what you're talking about is the ones that play DotA. =]

But yeah, he is a very powerful hero combined with any stunner. 50% damage Amp is insaaane~

Haha. sorry bout that.

on another note, do you people know who this guy is?

Forum Image:
Dat guy is luminous
Loki1321 wrote...
Dat guy is luminous


If you guys haven't yet, check that guy out. He's a dota commentator, his commentaries are focused on strats and basic stuff as well.

He also does guide vids from time to time. Learned a lot from lumi.
Hello! I'm new with both FAKKU forums and DOTA 2!
add me on steam pl0x:saintalexa


Also, there's a beta key giveaway at the moment check it out:

just like, share content! Worth a try I guess~
Protip, get a orb of venom very early to beat Templar Assassin.

The 3 damage tick just melts through her shield and she is now harassable.
Galenkossa wrote...
Protip, get a orb of venom very early to beat Templar Assassin.

The 3 damage tick just melts through her shield and she is now harassable.

I started doing this a while ago and it's working wonderfully. I first did it on Shadow Fiend and i just hit her twice, started getting agressive and if she goes invis i just ray the shit out of her.
Galenkossa wrote...
Protip, get a orb of venom very early to beat Templar Assassin.

The 3 damage tick just melts through her shield and she is now harassable.

Or pick venomancer against TA. Bitch gets shut down hard as fuck.
If anyone would like to play with me, please add me:

I am lonely.
giitaaaa wrote...
Galenkossa wrote...
Protip, get a orb of venom very early to beat Templar Assassin.

The 3 damage tick just melts through her shield and she is now harassable.

Or pick venomancer against TA. Bitch gets shut down hard as fuck.

Or pick Doombringer. Radiance + Scorched Earth is the bane of her existence. Can't shield, can't cloak, can't do anything other than try to fight him early, and cry when he shows up to fights.
Noutakun wrote...
giitaaaa wrote...
Galenkossa wrote...
Protip, get a orb of venom very early to beat Templar Assassin.

The 3 damage tick just melts through her shield and she is now harassable.

Or pick venomancer against TA. Bitch gets shut down hard as fuck.

Or pick Doombringer. Radiance + Scorched Earth is the bane of her existence. Can't shield, can't cloak, can't do anything other than try to fight him early, and cry when he shows up to fights.

Yep. TA's not that strong if you know how to deal with her (and if you don't panic whenever she blinks in).
Noutakun wrote...
giitaaaa wrote...
Galenkossa wrote...
Protip, get a orb of venom very early to beat Templar Assassin.

The 3 damage tick just melts through her shield and she is now harassable.

Or pick venomancer against TA. Bitch gets shut down hard as fuck.

Or pick Doombringer. Radiance + Scorched Earth is the bane of her existence. Can't shield, can't cloak, can't do anything other than try to fight him early, and cry when he shows up to fights.

That would work late game, but since she's such a pubstar hero she tends to wreck most people's shit at the early levels. Thats why a lvl 3-4 orb of venom is so good.
BowlOfMilk wrote...
Noutakun wrote...
giitaaaa wrote...
Galenkossa wrote...
Protip, get a orb of venom very early to beat Templar Assassin.

The 3 damage tick just melts through her shield and she is now harassable.

Or pick venomancer against TA. Bitch gets shut down hard as fuck.

Or pick Doombringer. Radiance + Scorched Earth is the bane of her existence. Can't shield, can't cloak, can't do anything other than try to fight him early, and cry when he shows up to fights.

That would work late game, but since she's such a pubstar hero she tends to wreck most people's shit at the early levels. Thats why a lvl 3-4 orb of venom is so good.

She is not a pubstar hero. x.x
I just played a match as The Crystal Maiden, 17/8/16 was my score.
I finally am getting a hand on this game!
mochure wrote...
I just played a match as The Crystal Maiden, 17/8/16 was my score.
I finally am getting a hand on this game!

Careful with that; Crystal Maiden is regarded as a support hero, so it's generally agreed upon that you shouldn't be getting any kills that you could instead give to your carry. It's not a bad thing to go 1/5 or 1/8 as a support if you've got 16+ assists and your carry's got at least that many kills. That's what being support is all about.