What was your first VN/Eroge game?

Nocturnal Illusions :D Story-wise, it was a good first game so I decided to look for more (now, I'm addicted)
True Love for me. I played it soooo many times... And then I discovered "Season of Sakura". I wonder if any of you remember that one... (Damn I'm old lol). Some times, on really really rare occasions, when I only have my DOK (that has SoS on it) and nothing to do I play it some more ^^. After that came games like "Chain -the lost footsteps-" and "Kana Little Sister" (can't remember the order...) and years later here I am, So messed up XD.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
First VN (any type): Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

First eroge VN: Fate/stay night (haven't even gotten to the eroge parts yet. :P)
Bible Black... and I honestly kind of regret that being my first one...
Discipline: Record of a Crusade

Loved the fact that it was a blind and hell of a pick!
Wanko to Kurasou for me.

Then Fate/Stay Night. :3
First eroge for me was Do You Like Horny Bunnies 2.
For VN, Katawa Shoujo and G-Senjou no Maou.
I remember I have posted once here, but hell, I'll say it again.
My first VN was Tsukihime, and my favorite VN ever, now and forever.
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, the most powerful ability ever, given how you would use it.
true love. played it a few times to unlock all the girls.
mine was hinatabokko though i wish the fandisk is in english also because i really really want to play that
11eyes. Horrible experience considering I was playing without Japanese knowledge/without translators >_> After that, I chose F/SN.
Kind of Important A ray of Tsunlight.

Didn't realize it at the time, but I sure picked a fine one to start with. I still consider it head and shoulders above all the others I've read thus far. (Excluding Fate/Stay Night anyway. Those two are about equal)

In fact, I just got done playing through it again a few days back, and I can't stop praising it. There is a reason quite a few people place that one in their top five.
first eroge...... hmmm

i played little busters but it doesnt count anyway..

so i played hoshizora no memoria for the first time and got addicted
Switch Fluch oder Segen?. A German Fan Made Visual Novel. It was okey though
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
I think my first one was ether Fate or Cross channel. I played them both around the same time, just can't remember which was first.
It would be Clannad.
Man, the memories...
Im not entirely certain but i think it was The sagara family. :P
I think mine was The Sagara Family as well. At least one that I played all the routes. I know around the same time I was playing Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 1 and 2, but I didn't really get too into those.
Tsukihime for me. I absolutely love the characters of Arcueid and Akiha.
My first one was Heart de Roommates.
Monster Girl
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