User Posts

World-wide-perverts-vs.-young-questionable-youth hiding in the shadows of reality.
eat the pony-tail and choke myself.
anybody wanta marry a zebra that loves ponies?
well , you can " epic win " when it comes to incest.
About 5 to 20 years in jail. Endless butt-sox in your honor and the joy of everybody calling you a pedo.
please FS , no cussing. You shame all of us . Bronies.
I dont care if he poles everybody in his town.
Thats his life and his pole.
3 WT removed. one was sideways and costed me 320USD to remove that one.
No pain drugs.
I come from " Derping Hidden Castle "
Alabama , USA
" Robin. What kind of butt-hurt did I give you.
some questions shouldnt be answered.
This is one on them.
Next week there will be pictures and videos of users fapping or schlicking themselves for everybody to comment on.
Never mind. That is already happening.
Love :

The meaning of that word is , A repeating action or act that you enjoy doing.
For everybody does it , knowing or unknowing. Not a behavior of the brain but of the " mind "

You do know what a " mind " is , right.
If you do , then you know " Love "
Well, its a matter of numbers.
6.5 billion people.
millions of people die daily.
So if you add 10,000 more people for a grave. Nobody will care as long they are not in a coffin themselves.

The idea of killing that super-evil person to save the whole world when more weeds will pop up is silly.
The powers that be will always say. Its ok that he got his body ripped in half if our babies can sleep at night.
" Worship yourself and fap until you get to seven. Real people will not go to heaven. "

--- besides I hear Human Relations Department in heaven is too busy with requests for reincaration. ---

Please take a number.
Ads dont bug me. I dont got ad-block but it sounds cool.
and , no I dont fap to ads , only true art-work.
daily decay and derping , social discording around me.
I had the same problem with a broken fan.
Used brand name glue , it worked.
Hands was covered in glue.
Washed myself. Glue peeled off.
I was happy.
Then I fapped alone in a cool room.
Happy ending.
Books dont work for me.
jpeg . gifs or vids.
" A doctor can REFUSE care < at any time -- for any reason > due to the " do no harm " rules.
Doctors are NOT as powerful as you think. I think its a shame that everybody must encounter this.
Healthly or Sick , it doesnt matter.
At least I faded from memory.
As a < b > person. I have grown up in a world where you are expected to act in a < b > way.
You MUST be rich < by any means , have many sexual friends , be smart but dumb enough not to let others know , have children but not showing that you care in public , go to jail and LEARN at the same time , anything else is so shameful and devil-worshiping ( white people actions ) and you MUST be ready to DIE for respect >

I am < b > that loves heavy metal < as a child , I was pushed away and beaten for not being as < b > as I look.
I also watch , very white television shows and topics < I am not evil , just the first one that lives for his heart and not for his guns >

Before I go , I must say. That the real < b > people will always stay in the shadows , living , learning and loving ourselves and not what you see or hear from the media or blind-shallow-history-of-what-is-black.
I am 100 years in the future , right now.
-- signed -- D&D --
I had made no plans yet.
I will do it as low-tech as I can.

I got band-aid liquid , water and basic food is easy , trading items < 2 > , condoms , suitcase , kitchen knives and 5 locations to move around to and sleep.

I have no car , pointless to have one when the world ends.
I was planning on hacking and slashing for better gear , avoiding anybody with guns.