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My AR-15 can mount a bayonet and has a solid stock. That takes care of CQB, medium range, and long range. And then a suppressed .45 handgun for stealthier needs; maybe a hand-worked 1911 for extreme reliability or a Beretta 8045 just because it's awesome.
Yeah. First Macross Frontier and it's movie and its shitty villains and shitty plot and same shitty fucking love triangle. And then Upotte, I don't believe I have to explain a damn thing about that.

And now NGE has been ruined. A completely disjointed, incongruous third movie completely jumping the shark. NOT A GOD DAMN THING EXPLAINED! How did Shinji and Eva 1 get into orbit in that massive 3D cross? How did Misato and Ristuko realize Gendo is a fiend and where did they get that cliche super-robot crew and that utterly ridiculous flying Eva base? And why is Misato treating Shinji like shit when SHE was the bitch egging him on to rescue Rei and start the 3rd impact? And then let's also go to the fact that there are all these 'Angletts' flying around despite ostensibly not being on the dead sea scrolls. And that it seems the whole world is dead. But wait, NERV is still fully operational and mass producing Evas, but Gendo stole Levar Burton's glasses from Star Trek. And then even after Shinji got fucked by Kowaru (come on, they all BUT showed an actual sex act) he seemingly went full retard and grabbed the spears out of Lillith after Kowaru realized they were fakes. Sure Shinji, completely ignore your lover right next to you begging you to stop (stop snickering, this is a serious rant!). What the hell could he know aside from mysteriously repairing your music player and also knowing EEVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTHIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG about what the fuck is going on? And then KABLOOIE! Another near-impact! By this time the whole fucking world is so soaked in blood that I doubt a single solitary dandyfuckinglion could grow! And then guess the fuck how they ended it? Asuka seems she's forgiven Shinji and grabs him and Rei-clone # whogivesafuk and leaves the end of the movie with them going off on some grand fucking adventure, befitting the theme song to Milo and Otis. "We're gonna take a walk outside todayyy, gonna see what we can find todaayyy..."

Steven H. wrote...

Psych evaluations is something I do support, I don't think a schizophrenic should have the ability to own a gun do the harm they can cause others along with themselves. Psych evaluations aren't intrusive especially when it comes to safety, as for home evaluations well as long as the owner owns a gun safe and they use it than fine.

The problem is that introduces a layer of bureaucracy that offers a high potential of abuse. It allows a doctor to prevent someone from owning a gun even if there is no legitimate cause to deny. The AMA is openly anti-gun and it would be fairly difficult to fight such a label once given.
Steven H. wrote...
What annoys me about the topic of gun control is the fact that most gun enthusiasts think gun control is trying to keep them from having guns. I am always seeing things of people crying how Obama wants to take our guns away and it annoys me.

It is from the standpoint of attrition. No reasonable gun owner honestly thinks that 'Obama is coming for their guns' because confiscation WILL result in both armed resistance and partial defections from the military. The 'antis' know this. Their goal is to prevent anyone new from owning them, similar to California's law. When someone dies, their registered weapons must be turned in or sold elsewhere. On a federal level, such a ban would in a generation's time remove all 'scary' weapons from civilian hands. It's confiscation by attrition. Most of the people who own AR-15s, or AK-47 style rifles, FALs, HK's, ect all commonly believe that the second amendment confirms our right to possess firearms sufficient to discourage the government from taking 'drastic' actions. The Constitution was created to limit the government, not the people. Preventing future potential owners from owning such firearms constitutes the gutting of and a direct attack on the second amendment, and is thus resisted vehemently.
Altereggo wrote...
Oh shit everyone, debate's over. They win
Forum Image:

This is the ignorant and hateful bullshit we have to deal with. You can just feel the bigotry oozing out of them, can't you?

The best part is that the DHS just issued a "personal protection weapon" spec the other day, specifically mentioning ease-of-use by female agents. It called for the exact weapons they're trying to ban as "not suitable for personal protection"

McCarthy just shot her own argument to pieces, pardon the pun. Last I checked, the AR-15 is a rifle. And there is no way anyone who has spent any time with guns is going to recommend a bolt-rifle for defense.


You know...I had honestly forgotten those were still on my machine. It's been that long since I've employed them. And the thumbnails in the folder are the proper color.

WMP works fine. Thanks. :) *goes and hides under his computer hutch*

After watching some let's play videos on YT I was inspired to try my own ideas out. I downloaded Hyper Cam 2 as it was recommended to me. I got it to record fine, but when watching the playback .avi it generated, the colors were negative. The odd thing is that the colors aren't always the same. Re-opening the .avi causes the color pallette to shift each time, but it still looks 'negative'.

Does anyone know why it's doing this? I'm running Win7, upgraded from WinVista. Sometimes after re-opening the game from minimization, the colors are inverted like the image shows and re-minimizing and reopening fixes it. I tried recording again this morning and the color negativity still happens on playback.

Thanks for the time.
Oh god. She is adorable, but it's so surreal listening to a bubbly young woman frankly discussing the art and plor of a hentai...and a netorare hentai at that. I am by no means saying it's a bad thing, but it is jarring.

That said, keep it up, especially with the Momoka cosplay!
Someone else put it fairly succinctly. Fantasy is a hot idea to masturbate to. Desire is what you want to do in real life.
yummines wrote...

no i know that all guns were made to kill. that's why people try to get around that, by making thinks such as rubber bullets and shotguns that shoot beanbags.

but im guessing that's too difficult for the common civilian to get, so instead we all get guns to kill each other.

i guess i was thinking too ideally

No, both are available to civvies, especially the beanbag/baton rounds for shotguns. And probably they work for many situations. Except rubber bullets require a specially modified firearm (lighter bullets not providing enough recoil force to cycle the action), and less-lethal 12ga rounds only work in a pump gun. There is the other problem in that if one is facing someone on harder drugs, often they won't perceive the pain and literally the only thing that stops them is when their muscles do not get blood or their CNS shuts down.


MrColionNoir posted a new video. )Note, I think he's leaving out a need for better mental health care but he makes goooooood points)
@ Street Saint, you're correct on the last point, I misquoted Mao. The title of the youtube video is 'Choose your own statistics'

I also ask what sources and or statistics is one supposed to use other than those compiled by the federal branch of government tasked with investigating crimes? Even if they are not 'entirely accurate', they are the best we have to go on and the numbers and differences between numbers are large enough to be considered accurate for argumentative purposes.

And the 2nd amendment defends the constitution and bill of rights.

@ altereggo, thanks for posting the link to that study.
@ Street Saint

-First off, I disappreciate your characterization of gun owners as extreme patriots and rednecks clinging to one's guns. Also on the point of paranoia. As a group, we are not 'paranoid' persay. The vast majority of us are not anxiously dreading the sight of black helicopters while wearing tinfoil hats.
-As to your point (lines 4 and 5 of your post), if you watch the video in the OP it explains exactly what you're asking. As well, look at the FBI data and gun violence has been on the decline for the last 20 years and gun ownership has increased.
-The second amendment, separated by a comma from the address of millitias, grants the people the right to keep and bear arms. The second amendment is not about hunting. In other European nations such as Germany, France, and even England and Australia, one can reasonably get a license to have a gun for purposes of hunting or sport shooting. No, the second amendment was intended to give teeth to the rest of the constitution and the bill of rights, by (IMHO) giving the average citizen the right to own weapons comparable to the infantryman of the day.
-The goal is not anarchy. That is hyperbole that is spread by those who do not understand the constitution. The constitution mandates that if the government no longer serves the will of the people that it is the citizens' responsibility to usurp that government and install a new one. In history, we have examples of a disarmed populace being ruled by dictators. Hitler prevented the so called 'undesirables' from owning weapons. Mao himself was quoted as saying 'power comes from the barrel of a gun, and so only the government should be allowed them'.
-Your 2nd-last paragraph: I shall have to revisit the link I posted, but I have errands atm.

(EDIT): Street Saint, yes it does mention that. However that study is legendary for being manipulated. Five times more likely to commit suicide with the gun, not five times more likely overall to commit suicide. And the homicide number includes alleged perpetrators/attackers and does not exclusively reflect the occupants of the house.
I think this may have been the only instance after the Revolutionary War where the 2A was employed in it's original purpose.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
sv51macross wrote...

Reinforcing my last post's point. She emptied a revolver at him. He absorbed five not underpowered rounds and could have still wielded a weapon against them, and she didn't even have a reload. Again, if there had been more than one attacker, or if he had had a weapon they would likely not still be here. Six shots is not enough for defense. Ten shots is not enough for defense.

To be fair, she was using a revolver which makes her irrelevant to the argument for high capacity magazines as there are no revolvers on the market that use magazines. However if she was using a rifle of some sort that used a magazine, then we could argue for high capacity magazines.

You are correct. But more to the point that a gun is a gun and there are pistols marketed towards personal defense that have only six rounds in the magazine. And even then, if one man absorbed five shots and was still a potential shot, what if the luck was similar for a second assailant? How many people would remember to grab a spare magazine (for a pistol limited to ten rounds) when something goes bump in the night and your kids are down the hall?

Reinforcing my last post's point. She emptied a revolver at him. He absorbed five not underpowered rounds and could have still wielded a weapon against them, and she didn't even have a reload. Again, if there had been more than one attacker, or if he had had a weapon they would likely not still be here. Six shots is not enough for defense. Ten shots is not enough for defense.
Whether I love or hate an artist would require me to know them as people. I either like an artist's work or I don't, but one's art is not a reason to 'despise'. If you don't like an artist then don't look at his/her work.
Black Jesus JC wrote...
My position on gun control has loosened a bit,due to reading a couple of stories of gun owners defending themselves/others. I actually think no gun zones are backfired, and should be eliminated.

Also, on the topic of the assault gun ban. In the stories i mentioned of gun owners defending themselves or others, from what i can read none of them needed a assault rifle to do it. So i'm not sure why gun owners are so against a ban of them.

I'll also bone in (and welcome home, FPOD :D ) and say that while they may not have 'needed' an 'assault weapon' to do so, they are inherently suited for the job.

First off, 'assault rifle' is a term that is widely misused. 'Assault rifle' defines a select-fire (ie, Full auto) firearm, which is not what the 'assault weapons' ban is attempting to abolish.

An AR-15 used as example is a lightweight rifle that fires a relatively low-powered cartridge. It is easier to control than a handgun or a shotgun and is more powerful than the former. For this reason it is popular for the home defense role.

And 30-round magazines do have a place. Suppose one is facing an armed home invasion/burglary with more than one perpetrator. You don't know if they're high/on what, their pain tolerance, clothing weight, ect, any number of factors. What are you going to be more comfortable with; ten rounds in the gun, and hoping you can reload if you need that 11th round to stop the threat, or thirty? The thing is that the scenario in which one needs to use a firearm to defend oneself, one is most likely going to lose any fine motor control in the stress and adrenaline dump. Unless you have military experience/training or some equivalent, in that situation the average person is about only going to be able to point and squeeze the trigger, if one can do that. Forcing a reload under such circumstances is going to be an extreme risk. A rifle with a 'high-capacity' magazine simply gives the defender the maximum odds in a very poor situation.

And as I believe I pointed out in my first post, such a ban on either assault weapons or high capacity magazines would not have a meaningful impact on gun crime.

Oh, and DefDist have 3D-printed a useable 30-round AR-15 magazine

(I'll add that in the second video, he is using a real 'assault rifle'. Such firearms are legal to own but cost six months and $15,000+ to legally buy.)
Steven H. wrote...
sv51macross wrote...
Steven H. wrote...
So, I wonder when FPoD will be in this thread.

I believe in gun control, but I don't believe in taking guns away. Most Americans have no sense of the word control especially when it comes to guns. I feel background checks are in order before selling, also required gun safety and psychoanalysis (kinda overkill to some it's just how I feel). Also certain caliber and rate of fire weapons are unnecessary.

What calibers and rates of fire?

Honestly is there an necessity for a weapon owned by the average american to be more than 60 rpm? Hell even 60 rpm is a lot (that's just me).

As for caliber well I guess the highest necessary for any civilian would be at most .357 (for pistol protection),

For hunting, I guess it depends on what you are going to be going after.

Well, first off, there are no fully-automatic firearms that I know of that fire at such a slow rate. Do you mean a fully automatic firearm (pulling the trigger causes the firearm to load and fire automatically until the trigger is released) or a semi-automatic firearm (where when the trigger is pulled the firearm fires, then reloads the chamber, but the trigger must be released and pulled again to fire another shot)

And in regards to caliber, are you going off of muzzle energy or bore diameter? Because for example, the 357 has far higher energy in the bullet than a 45ACP. And almost all rifles use smaller/lighter bullets than handguns.
Steven H. wrote...
So, I wonder when FPoD will be in this thread.

I believe in gun control, but I don't believe in taking guns away. Most Americans have no sense of the word control especially when it comes to guns. I feel background checks are in order before selling, also required gun safety and psychoanalysis (kinda overkill to some it's just how I feel). Also certain caliber and rate of fire weapons are unnecessary.

What calibers and rates of fire?