[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

Kaimax Best Master-San
Drifter995 wrote...
Which theoretically shouldn't matter, considering robotech is completely different (from my understanding at least)

But in Practice it has already affected the mainstream anime/game market for years.

-Recent proof is that "Crunchyroll is not doing Macross Delta", heck no subber besides GG is doing a fansub
-There are still no English Macross Game, except the 3 Robotech Games
-The Macross series only has 2 crossover games, Super Robot wars Alpha (2000) and Another Century's Episode 3: The Final (2007) Both are Japanese.

Harmony Gold's IP locking of Macross is still a very vague and that's the problem. Even a trailer/game that has a Mech from the 3 series frankenstein'ed into Robotech will be C&D'd by them if they ever come to NA.
animefreak_usa wrote...
In the west robotech contains

The Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
Genesis Climber MOSPEADA
Some of the others are own by Manga Entertainment and most of the manga is viz.

Kaimax wrote...
But in Practice it has already affected the mainstream anime/game market for years.

-Recent proof is that "Crunchyroll is not doing Macross Delta", heck no subber besides GG is doing a fansub
-There are still no English Macross Game, except the 3 Robotech Games
-The Macross series only has 2 crossover games, Super Robot wars Alpha (2000) and Another Century's Episode 3: The Final (2007) Both are Japanese.

Harmony Gold's IP locking of Macross is still a very vague and that's the problem. Even a trailer/game that has a Mech from the 3 series frankenstein'ed into Robotech will be C&D'd by them if they ever come to NA.

That is a bit lame. I had wondered why we never got macross here, and why a lot of places didn't host it. Didn't realise it was because of something like that (well, partly did. I did initially thing robotech was the beginning of macross. How little I knew before winter slapped me around a bit)
Your telling me that you have never downloaded anything illegal? Because if you have you are now a hypocrite.

hgatedc wrote...
yurinokoi wrote...
rip fakku... i think you are just thinking in money... all this stuf is free in other places... so why choose fakku? there are no reasons now to see this site anymore...
im a sub since two years ago and it desapoint me that you make this choice... anyway bye im going to see free content in other sites :D

its fine. at least fakku and it's supporters arent in the lower end of the moral decay.

Rosalind_of_blackwell wrote...
So basically you sold out and got slapped with copyright claims. i get it, but i don't think i'll be coming back for a while. I don't have the money to pay for porn, sorry the decision had to bubble down to this but eh. whats a few thousand fans anyways?

fans who dont give back to the artists.... arent really fans.

alonsogomez90 wrote...
Just like every internet site now these days. You guys got greedy and stopped doing what you loved and decided that getting paid was much better. I don't have a problem with you guys wanting to make some money. But to completely change the site for your own benefit. I do now support this at all, and I am willing to bet that losing me as a member won't bother you guys either. But I do hope other take a stand with me and decided to leave!

pretty sure it's also extremely greedy not to pay the artists of their hard work.

at least fakku did something right. what about you?
alonsogomez90 wrote...
Your telling me that you have never downloaded anything illegal? Because if you have you are a hypocrite.

I stole a pack of gum once. Does this mean I am no longer allowed to pay for gum out of fear that I am a hypocrite? If thats true then I will happily be a hypocrite.
Now, it's a nice idea to make a living out of something you love and Fakku is trying this.

Not touching on the legality of it all or the right/not right attitudes of people who are scanlating something and uploading it to the internet as this isn't an issue to discuss when talking about the state of Fakku in itself.

Fakku wants to make this site and the stuff it does a business.

And I support their attempt to do this, we're anime, manga and everything else fans, we love this stuff and those who want to make a living doing something involving that I support.

The issue at hand here isn't however people saying that this is bad.

It's those of you who are reacting to these reactions saying its bad, saying they're the bad ones who need to shut the fuck up.

Fakku wants to make a business, and a business has to accept that its patrons may well say "I'm not coming back" when you make a major change to the stuff you provide.

Like myself, I have barely done anything on here since I got negative votes for expressing my opinion in a forum not dedicated to hentai, because those who frequent them and talk about their feelings don't like hearing others opinions.
Like I expect this will be.
I will not be supporting Fakku in this arena, mainly because they developed a site and fanbase around those who developed content for them without giving these people anything back. That's theivery when you try and make money off of someone elses hard work and not give them money for that service.

See the issue isn't that Fakku is going corporate - best to admit this now, you want to build a business, that's what you're doing - its that the site has been dishonest and the staff working there now unethical in its approach. The better answer to doing this isn't to use a framework you already had.

It's to build a new framework and advertise that framework on your old site, explaining that as the new site goes live, the old site will slowly die.

But you chose the easy path, the one which has fans and people viewing in the thousands - possibly millions - you think that changing the thing you have to suit your new model is a good approach.

Well its not.
It's insulting and demeaning

I know of the paysites out there that float on the net for Hentai and other porn. I don't frequent them because I haven't had the cash to pay for subs.

I do now

And I would rather pay singular artists or creators than give money to you, Jacob. Because these people built their own houses on their own hard work.
You built your house on the backs of others who weren't even paid by you for it.

There's a word for that.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
lightningbarer wrote...

Like myself, I have barely done anything on here since I got negative votes for expressing my opinion in a forum not dedicated to hentai, because those who frequent them and talk about their feelings don't like hearing others opinions.

Of course you will be getting downvotes for talking bullshit like now, your post reeks of willing ignorance to the point that calling you troll is right.
Others getting downvotes is natural too, we've got 1st (2nd) opportunity to actually make English never censored hentai happen on wide scale and some shitty brats are whining that they don't want to support that? They're going to get crushed by reality once parents will stop giving them money and they learn what hard work is.

lightningbarer wrote...

That's theivery when you try and make money off of someone elses hard work and not give them money for that service.

...and that's why Jacob asked Wani to become legitimate English publisher the second opportunity arise rather than closing the site or going underground like the rest, he could do that easily but he wanted to support artists.

lightningbarer wrote...

See the issue isn't that Fakku is going corporate - best to admit this now, you want to build a business, that's what you're doing - its that the site has been dishonest and the staff working there now unethical in its approach. The better answer to doing this isn't to use a framework you already had.

I could ask you for examples but I know that you don't have any.
I could ask you for scans comparable to Fakku quality but you won't find any other than with H-Project/Fakku sticker because nothing compares to original files from publisher.

lightningbarer wrote...

It's to build a new framework and advertise that framework on your old site, explaining that as the new site goes live, the old site will slowly die.

But you chose the easy path, the one which has fans and people viewing in the thousands - possibly millions - you think that changing the thing you have to suit your new model is a good approach.

Well its not.
It's insulting and demeaning

You're stupid or something? (Don't bother I know the answer)
You can't make business with publisher while pirating their work behind their back.
You're just another of these whinny kids that has no comprehension of real world, cutting out the toxic part of community that always made us look bad for Japanese companies is the best thing they could do.

lightningbarer wrote...

I know of the paysites out there that float on the net for Hentai and other porn. I don't frequent them because I haven't had the cash to pay for subs.

There are 2 legitimate sites selling hentai, anything else is just pirates cashing out on someone else's work.

lightningbarer wrote...

And I would rather pay singular artists or creators than give money to you, Jacob. Because these people built their own houses on their own hard work.

The why aren't you doing so oh Mr. RIGHTEOUS? You can import doujinshi from Japan online, you can ask people in Japan to buy you mangas of choice on cons and sent it to you for small fee, why aren't you doing so? Because you're just trying to justify being pirate, that's why.

lightningbarer wrote...

You built your house on the backs of others who weren't even paid by you for it.

There's a word for that.

Ayyy LMAO sure whole staff is working for free, that's what all adults dream off and if they refuse Jacob will come to their house in his nazi uniform to kill them. /facepalm

The word you're looking for is 'an idiot' and that's you.
EddieBeInBeddie Tea, Coffee, Glances
Dashiell wrote...
Ayyy LMAO sure whole staff is working for free, that's what all adults dream off and if they refuse Jacob will come to their house in his nazi uniform to kill them. /facepalm

I'm sorry, but given the stupid hatedom nickname some have given Jacob, this image gets even funnier, which makes your post even better.
I create a new account to merely reply to you Dashiell because there was some next level idiocy being spouted by you. Here we go...

Of course you will be getting downvotes for talking bullshit like now, your post reeks of willing ignorance to the point that calling you troll is right.
Others getting downvotes is natural too, we've got 1st (2nd) opportunity to actually make English never censored hentai happen on wide scale and some shitty brats are whining that they don't want to support that? They're going to get crushed by reality once parents will stop giving them money and they learn what hard work is.

Before you assume what it was about, hows about you ask me why I was downvoted? Hmm? No? You'd rather assume something than know the real reason? Okay...lets go from that, shall we?

...and that's why Jacob asked Wani to become legitimate English publisher the second opportunity arise rather than closing the site or going underground like the rest, he could do that easily but he wanted to support artists.

There were many different scanlations uploads on Fakku for many years before this change happened, they literally built their fanbase on the backs of people like LWB, were these groups merged into Fakku? All of them? Nope, find that hard to believe. So - and this is the hard part for you I'm guessing - if you build a framework of free content around the work others primarily do, then say you're going corporate and not thank and pay each of the scanlators for the time and effort they put in to their work that built your framework, you are stealing from them. You didn't build the framework, the people who did the work that brought people to your site did.

I could ask you for examples but I know that you don't have any.
I could ask you for scans comparable to Fakku quality but you won't find any other than with H-Project/Fakku sticker because nothing compares to original files from publisher.

You seem to have really misunderstood something in this, I've given you examples previously, if you'd like to read them,go ahead. (oh and btw, its not about quality, its about what brings you to the site, porn in this instance)

You're stupid or something? (Don't bother I know the answer)
You can't make business with publisher while pirating their work behind their back.
You're just another of these whinny kids that has no comprehension of real world, cutting out the toxic part of community that always made us look bad for Japanese companies is the best thing they could do.

I am saying that if you want to go legit, you have to hire translators and editors and people to do the heavy lifting for you. Yes that is true, but if you have built a business based on free content and then just say "free content is gone, it used to be here but it's not anymore. kthxbai.

You are insulting and demeaning your fans by doing this.

If you want to go legit, then explaining that as the pay site goes live, this site will stop updating and end at (XX.XX.XX) and let that new site be redirected to after the old site shuts down on the old url.

Don't simply say there's a change and do it. You're insulting the people who make you money from adverts.

There are 2 legitimate sites selling hentai, anything else is just pirates cashing out on someone else's work.

You seem to think that I'm on about sites like Fakku, I'm not. You want original hentai level content, have a look at the comic "the rock cocks" or take a trip over to Patreon and search "Anna Cherry" there's two and they're original creators who are very good at what they do.

The why aren't you doing so oh Mr. RIGHTEOUS? You can import doujinshi from Japan online, you can ask people in Japan to buy you mangas of choice on cons and sent it to you for small fee, why aren't you doing so? Because you're just trying to justify being pirate, that's why.

I have just pointed to 2 different original creators.
If you are so hell bent on defending Jacob and Fakku, so be it, but they don't care about you at all, they only see you as a Dollar symbol, it's self-evident with the way Fakku went - over night - from a free site to a pay site without even batting an eyelid about it.

Like I said before, if they wanted to go to a pay-site model, let them do that without anyone stopping them. But don't use the site you are currently running for FREE and turn it into a pay site, you'll just piss off a lot of people.

Ayyy LMAO sure whole staff is working for free, that's what all adults dream off and if they refuse Jacob will come to their house in his nazi uniform to kill them. /facepalm

The word you're looking for is 'an idiot' and that's you.

You once again seem to have missed the entire point. Fakku built itself on what you are saying are pirates with illegal scanlations, like LWB, Nakayohi, Great Acta and others of similar longevity. These people haven't been absorbed into Fakku as they are still working independently on their own sites - if this was about legality, Fakku would have them shut those down to stop the links to any illegal activity - they were used to build a fanbase, then told to fuck off, they have their own artists, writers, translators and editors now, they don't need them and will not supply their translations.

Fakku would not have the notoriety to do this if it weren't for the groups who did "illegal" translations as you put it. They would not have a site.

And no way to have the easy transition to pay-site without them.

It's stealing from the translators and editors hard work.

Have a dumbed it down enough for you now?
That is why I have said I won't help and find this change wrong.

Jesus Freaking H Christ....
TheLightningBarer wrote...

Bottom line is that the site was going to close down. After the DMCA notice the site was going to shut down completely.

So they took lemons and turned it into lemonade.

It wasn't some giant long term convoluted plan to wait 8-9 years build up an illegal fan base then start charging.

They aren't charging for the illegal scans which aren't even on this site anymore. They are charging for the clean original uncensored works, which are provided by both the artists and the publishing company.

On a side note I for one am happy to support any industry that interests me, and the only reason I never supported Hentai before was because of censorship. Now that censorship is done away with, thanks to FAKKU I can support the artists that I want to support by buying the books, and being a subscriber.
luckydog001 wrote...
TheLightningBarer wrote...

Bottom line is that the site was going to close down. After the DMCA notice the site was going to shut down completely.

So they took lemons and turned it into lemonade.

It wasn't some giant long term convoluted plan to wait 8-9 years build up an illegal fan base then start charging.

They aren't charging for the illegal scans which aren't even on this site anymore. They are charging for the clean original invensored works, which are provided by both the artists and the publishing company.

On a side note I for one am happy to support any industry that interests me, and the only reason I never supported Hentai before was because of censorship. Now that censorship is done away with, thanks to FAKKU I can support the artists that I want to support by buying the books, and being a subscriber.

Then why not scrub the site that has the "bad" history to it, start fresh with a splash page saying "due to reasons beyond our control, we have blah blah blah" with a link to the new pay-site?

Ease? Yes.
Helpfulness? No.
TheLightningBarer wrote...

When Crunchyroll went legal did they change the name.

Name recognition is extremely important for business deals. There was a huge amount of backlash then with crunchyroll and now with FAKKU, people who wanted to support and pay stayed, others left. Also any established company would be skeptical of doing business with a company with a brand new name and no recognition.

The name was already in place, it was already connected to the media they were going to be publishing, there was and there is still no need to change it.
luckydog001 wrote...
TheLightningBarer wrote...

When Crunchyroll went legal did they change the name.

Name recognition is extremely important for business deals. There was a huge amount of backlash then with crunchyroll and now with FAKKU, people who wanted to support and pay stayed, others left. Also any established company would be skeptical of doing business with a company with a brand new name and no recognition.

The name was already in place, it was already connected to the media they were going to be publishing, there was and there is still no need to change it.

Any established company would also be skeptical of a business with a bad rep as well even now fakku still suffers from it we still don't know how much of a stable increase fakku has or if it even does.
RozenLetter wrote...
Any established company would also be skeptical of a business with a bad rep as well even now fakku still suffers from it we still don't know how much of a stable increase fakku has or if it even does.

Book announcements still keep coming
A 4th magazine will be added to the service soon
New employees have been hired at a steady pace
Several authors have been brought overseas and openly thanked FAKKU for helping to spread hentai legally
Doujinshi from independent circles have been uploaded at a decent (albeit slow) pace
They were a main sponsor for Anime Expo in 2016 and again in 2017.

The name may have been synonymous with pirated hentai back then but Wani saw a stable footing to enter the overseas market and took it.

If wani didn't like the sales numbers they themselves would have pushed back because having unsold books does more damage to their reputation then not selling overseas.
luckydog001 wrote...
RozenLetter wrote...
Any established company would also be skeptical of a business with a bad rep as well even now fakku still suffers from it we still don't know how much of a stable increase fakku has or if it even does.

Book announcements still keep coming
A 4th magazine will be added to the service soon
New employees have been hired at a steady pace
Several authors have been brought overseas and openly thanked FAKKU for helping to spread hentai legally
Doujinshi from independent circles have been uploaded at a decent (albeit slow) pace
They were a main sponsor for Anime Expo in 2016 and again in 2017.

The name may have been synonymous with pirated hentai back then but Wani saw a stable footing to enter the overseas market and took it.

If wani didn't like the sales numbers they themselves would have pushed back because having unsold books does more damage to their reputation then not selling overseas.

Books naturally come in and don't forget some of them are older books not just released.
4th magazine is great depending on what it is if its just the same as the ones before its not much of a gain.
New employees have barely been hired its been a while since then.
Ehhh i take this one with a grain of salt sure boshi and a few others but cmon its mostly just a standard thanks that most artist would say its not like im asking for more but its not like fakku did something that amazing for them.
True but what's the difference from regular magazine updates, these just end up getting lost after a while to the regular updates.
They really need to advertise more or better or something currently most of their social media is terrible, like they don't advertise well at all.
RozenLetter wrote...

Books naturally come in and don't forget some of them are older books not just released.
4th magazine is great depending on what it is if its just the same as the ones before its not much of a gain.
New employees have barely been hired its been a while since then.
Ehhh i take this one with a grain of salt sure boshi and a few others but cmon its mostly just a standard thanks that most artist would say its not like im asking for more but its not like fakku did something that amazing for them.
True but what's the difference from regular magazine updates, these just end up getting lost after a while to the regular updates.
They really need to advertise more or better or something currently most of their social media is terrible, like they don't advertise well at all.

I wouldn't call it a natural process to acquire a new book. Still have to license the books from the respective company. Also several artists have themselves advertised that their books will be legally coming overseas. Plus they are working with more companies now. That means other companies saw a big enough success rate that they decided that it would be worth it to test the waters with some of their books.

By "depending on what it is if its just the same as the ones before its not much of a gain.", I assume you are referring to Kairakuten BEAST. I am not gonna start arguing about that, all I will say is that I really want Kairakuten BEAST. Regardless of what magazine it is I will be happy...but I will be a bit disappointed if it's not BEAST. That's just my opinion though.

Just because it's not openly posted that new members are on board doesn't mean that new members haven't been hired. I don't see any company put an ad out in the paper after they hired a new starter.

I think Saitom himself asking FAKKU directly to please localize his book was a major plus no matter how you see it, and the EXTREMELY fast sell out the Saitom box was another.

Unfortunely I do not remember if it was the editor-and-chief or someone else but someone from I believe the Comic Kairakuten editorial department did come over. Now you can call that a sign of progress or not. The company obviously wanted to see the turnout of fans overseas who wanted to see Napata, and Saitom.

The difference is the fact that it is done with independent circles. The magazines pretty much have access to the original work they publish in the magazine and they spoke for the artists. These are independent circles who saw a way to get their work out there and the decided they wanted to take it. Naitou2 has given a large amount of their past works for translation. TSF no F announced long ago that they would release the countinuation to the I am a Succubus series. Again just my opionion here but I have enjoyed the Doujin releases more then some of the books and subscription service.

Regarding advertising I am not a marketing person, I see twitter posts of new chapters and book announcements, I think that's fine. Again I know nothing about marketing and advertising. When the day comes that they can erect a billboard with an obscene image on it to advertise I am sure they will do it...that day will never come though.

Bottom line we could argue bout this till the cows come home. I would rather not, so if you reply to this please note this will be my last post regarding this. I FOR THE MOST PART enjoy the service, do I wish certain things were done differently, yes, But I enjoy what I can get. If you are really against the site then list all your suggestions to the staff and if they take it under advisement and implement it great for you otherwise then this might not be the site for you.
RozenLetter wrote...
New employees have barely been hired its been a while since then.

Three new employees started just last week... where do you get your information?
I always thought the change from being one if not "The" biggest pirate site to a legit site was funny. It's kind of like watching a kid from harlem make it big then give the finger to his roots when they ask "Wtf?". Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see the site turn a new leaf because the quality being put out is better and while I'm not even sure if I've ever posted on the forums I did support Bosshi and will probably buy the second newish book that I see was released as well.

Some of you Jacob fanbois though really need to take a step back and jump off that morale high horse you're on. This site gained its infamy because it was a pirate site. Fakku would be nothing without those like minded people the same ones who come in here complaining about not having free content anymore. The same ones I see a few regular posters look down their nose at. You dont get to give a few atta boys and somehow the misdeeds of the past just go away. While you're standing up there getting praise don't forget who made you and gave you the opportunity to even make it this far, even if you don't agree with them now. The holier than thou attitude is just as annoying as the alts who come in here to say how much the site sucks now.
YQII FAKKU Translator
gamblejay wrote...
It's kind of like watching a kid from harlem make it big then give the finger to his roots when they ask "Wtf?".

I don't see how we ever gave the finger to our roots though. Just like the kid from Harlem, we have to cut ties with anything illegal (scanlations) when we made it big. We didn't turn around and condemn scanlations (in fact we did the opposite in the post linked in the OP), but at the end of the day it's piracy no matter how you look at it.

I think our official stance is pretty simple: when there are no other alternatives, fan translations are the only option, be it hentai, anime, or games. When a legit alternative to piracy finally presents itself, it's up to you if you chose to support it or not. We hope that you do because ultimately, that's better for everyone—for FAKKU, the Western fans, the content creators in Japan, and pirates alike.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
YQII wrote...
gamblejay wrote...
It's kind of like watching a kid from harlem make it big then give the finger to his roots when they ask "Wtf?".

I don't see how we ever gave the finger to our roots though. Just like the kid from Harlem, we have to cut ties with anything illegal (scanlations) when we made it big. We didn't turn around and condemn scanlations (in fact we did the opposite in the post linked in the OP), but at the end of the day it's piracy no matter how you look at it.

I think our official stance is pretty simple: when there are no other alternatives, fan translations are the only option, be it hentai, anime, or games. When a legit alternative to piracy finally presents itself, it's up to you if you chose to support it or not. We hope that you do because ultimately, that's better for everyone—for FAKKU, the Western fans, the content creators in Japan, and pirates alike.

Or to go with the above analogy, it's like watching a kid from Harlem make it big, then try to help make Harlem a better place.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
gamblejay wrote...
The holier than thou

We aren't, we still pirate because amount of legit content to overall is just small, because devs on dlsite pull a lot of lazy or vile crap and you can't know what you're getting without pirating full version first.
The problem is attitude waaahwaaaah it's free everywhere why I'm supposed to pay you greedy jews!!1111oneone, we holier that thou simply accepted that there's quality legit source now and are willing to pay for it instead of throwing tantrum over entitlement to getting all shit free on the internet because internet.
Pirate until you can get it legitimately, plain and simple. Pirating despite availability from good service is the problem.
Monster Girl
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