FAKKU General Bug Report/New Design Rant Thread

fakku didn't renew my sub. is this a side effect from the maintenance or deliberate?

luckily i could do it manually and my card wasn't rejected, like it was the case for other people.

seems like it subbed for two months now since i did resub manually O.o
I investigated this today and your FAKKU Unlimited subscription was automatically renewed (as expected), but due to the maintenance there was a visual bug on your account that showed you did not have FAKKU Unlimited.

When you resubscribed it added a month to the month from the renewal, so now you have 2 month buffer and won't be billed again until 2 months from now. Gonna figure out what caused the original visual issue so this doesn't happen again.
@Jacob is the reader broken today? Multiple people (including I) just get stuck in a loop where the reader never actually loads any content. And the comic opened changes to "Null".

I checked in webdev and got an NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED after a period of about 60s. Can provide any sort of details if needed.

(also side rant since this isn't really important to the technical issue, but can you guys please stop constantly triggering breakpoints? There's literally a button to disable that from doing anything in the console in Chrome or Firefox. I'm guessing it's an old anti-piracy technique, but anyone can use something like selenium and a bunch of other methods to get content if they wanted to. All triggering breakpoints really does is make it extremely annoying if someone is having an issue and they want to track it down before reaching out to you guys. I wouldn't really complain about this but it's 2023 and all of these techniques are trivial to bypass and are just annoying. It's the same thing with Japanese websites that have right clicking disabled. There are a few button clicks to disable any of this stuff in your console or in inspector. So I'm begging you, since you're modernizing the site, to not do this. <3)
Jacob wrote...
I investigated this today and your FAKKU Unlimited subscription was automatically renewed (as expected), but due to the maintenance there was a visual bug on your account that showed you did not have FAKKU Unlimited.

When you resubscribed it added a month to the month from the renewal, so now you have 2 month buffer and won't be billed again until 2 months from now. Gonna figure out what caused the original visual issue so this doesn't happen again.

as long as i get two months after getting charged twice, everything is all right :)
thanks for the info!
viablee wrote...

(also side rant since this isn't really important to the technical issue, but can you guys please stop constantly triggering breakpoints? There's literally a button to disable that from doing anything in the console in Chrome or Firefox. I'm guessing it's an old anti-piracy technique, but anyone can use something like selenium and a bunch of other methods to get content if they wanted to. All triggering breakpoints really does is make it extremely annoying if someone is having an issue and they want to track it down before reaching out to you guys. I wouldn't really complain about this but it's 2023 and all of these techniques are trivial to bypass and are just annoying. It's the same thing with Japanese websites that have right clicking disabled. There are a few button clicks to disable any of this stuff in your console or in inspector. So I'm begging you, since you're modernizing the site, to not do this. <3)

to quote one of murphy's laws:
Professionals are predictable, but the world is full of amateurs.
or in other words: i didn't know about this and the same probably goes for many other people too. so these "outdated" methods may be VERY helpful against most except real nerds that want to actively harm this business.
Can't read any dousing or comic online, won't even load a page.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Reputation seems to be broken for the last few days, and while the reprieve from the daily -rep attacks is nice, I'd still like to be able to upvote posts that deserve it.
luinthoron wrote...
Reputation seems to be broken for the last few days, and while the reprieve from the daily -rep attacks is nice, I'd still like to be able to upvote posts that deserve it.

i thought i was the only one getting 20 downvotes for the same comment in a matter of minutes since nobody mentioned it lmao
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Galder wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Reputation seems to be broken for the last few days, and while the reprieve from the daily -rep attacks is nice, I'd still like to be able to upvote posts that deserve it.

i thought i was the only one getting 20 downvotes for the same comment in a matter of minutes since nobody mentioned it lmao

I don't think I've ever gotten that many for one comment. but someone's been downvoting what they can in book threads and especially taken to attacking animefreak_usa and me after he made a thread about this in IB. Things have calmed down again after the day they reached four digits of -rep in one day by going all the way up to page 601 of the FAKKU Café and getting me to a negative total number, though, and nowadays I just get daily downvotes for any new posts I make, plus some when they find another old book thread where I've posted.
well, i usually get only - 1 rep since it seems to be one person spamming the -rep button. but i still get 20 notifications since my pleas to freaking repair the notification toggle, so that it actually works and you can turn those that you don't want off, went unheard.

and yes, they're effectively "stalking" me too and searching for comments made a year ago or whatever.
Greed117 wrote...
Also, I can't help but wonder if this is tied to a change done to website? I've noticed the title links for chapters I've read on here are no longer greyed out. Even when I click on them now, they just stay red (or white in Fakku's own dark mode). This is honestly pretty annoying, especially when trying to see where I left off with a series, or when catching up on newest magazine subscription releases.

It is intended and they are not planning to fix it. If you want this behavior back, add this rule to an adblock of your choice:
www.fakku.net#$#a.text-brand-light:visited { color: black!important; }
rfire7 wrote...
Greed117 wrote...
Also, I can't help but wonder if this is tied to a change done to website? I've noticed the title links for chapters I've read on here are no longer greyed out. Even when I click on them now, they just stay red (or white in Fakku's own dark mode). This is honestly pretty annoying, especially when trying to see where I left off with a series, or when catching up on newest magazine subscription releases.

It is intended and they are not planning to fix it. If you want this behavior back, add this rule to an adblock of your choice:
www.fakku.net#$#a.text-brand-light:visited { color: black!important; }

Yeah, almost a month later, and they've yet to do anything about this. So it seems like you're right. They still haven't even improved the website loading slowly.

Your adblock rule works perfectly though, so thanks for that. Amazing how I have use an adblock extension for this, and a tampermonkey script to be able to have a random button for the favorites section. If only Fakku would fix the things they broke, or bring back things they removed. Sad that others have to do that for them.
Greed117 wrote...
a tampermonkey script to be able to have a random button for the favorites section.

does the "unfavorite" button under each chapter not show for you as well? or do you mean yet another bug i've never heard of?
Galder wrote...
Greed117 wrote...
a tampermonkey script to be able to have a random button for the favorites section.

does the "unfavorite" button under each chapter not show for you as well? or do you mean yet another bug i've never heard of?

In your favorites section, there use to be an option to randomize what you saw, just like you can when searching through Fakku by tags. During one of Fakku's many "improvements" to the site while back, they got rid of this. But someone here made a tampermonkey script that adds randomize button back to your favorites page.
okay, never used that feature. just that for me at least the unfavorite button is there and lets you unfavorite chapters, but it doesn't visibly show. this bug has persisted since the website change like 2 years ago.
rfire7 wrote...
Greed117 wrote...
Also, I can't help but wonder if this is tied to a change done to website? I've noticed the title links for chapters I've read on here are no longer greyed out. Even when I click on them now, they just stay red (or white in Fakku's own dark mode). This is honestly pretty annoying, especially when trying to see where I left off with a series, or when catching up on newest magazine subscription releases.

It is intended and they are not planning to fix it. If you want this behavior back, add this rule to an adblock of your choice:
www.fakku.net#$#a.text-brand-light:visited { color: black!important; }

Thank you! That issue has been incredibly annoying.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
The return of reputation seems to have brought a new bug where I'm only getting one -rep notification each day despite the -rep dude hitting all my posts as usual, and I doubt someone like that would deliberately switch notifications on and off to make use of that particular long-time bug to only have one notification show for me. Not sure if this affects any other reputation sources as well, since I obviously don't see whether I've missed anything else.

And while searching for those posts to link, I also noticed that forum search doesn't seem to work anymore...
There's No Such Thing as 18+ In This World #26 is not grouped with the series There's No Such Thing as 18+ In This World. This has happened a few times before when new chapters of this series were released so I thought I'd let you guys know it has happened again.
Not sure if this is the place for it, but I am reading Nana to Kaoru volume 1 and for some reason the two page spreads are broken into individual pages, but then the following 2 pages are scrollable between each other. I think they might be flagged wrong so the wrong pages are being marked as spreads. Or it could be a bug in the software as I am using Firefox.
that happens with chrome as well, but only for specific chapters.
Is there a way to report it so it can be fixed?
Monster Girl
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