Anime North! 2015

Are you going to Anime North 2015 in Toronto?

Total Votes : 14
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
Forum Image:

Convention Website.

I was wondering, any Canadians (or Southernly Neighbours) who plan on going to Anime North for 2015?

I've never gone before and I'm planning to make my debut of going to conventions this year since my university's anime club is buying tickets at $55 (which seems like a nice, reasonable price to me). Though I'll probably be with close friends rather than the club members.

It's from May 22-24 which is great since that's the majority of student's summer breaks! Hope to see fellow Fakkuers there!

EDIT: Well, I'm going sunday only, so I'll see you guys there! :)
oh yeah AN... free handjobs all round! lol
Anime North has been a tradition of mine for a long while now, and this year is no exception. Only issue is I'll probably be camping on the street for the weekend.
i would love to go, and ive gone once before, but i really cant afford it right now, and last time i went, i stayed in my friends appartment, but he moved to cali, and now i cant find a place to stay
Definitely going :3

I'm going all 3 days and wearing my Fakku shirt to rep
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
ProtoGaming wrote...
I'm going all 3 days and wearing my Fakku shirt to rep

Shame I didn't see you.

So overall, my first experience of an anime con was quite fun. Saw some... unique people... but overall it was quite enjoyable. Bought posters and my first figma. Struck up conversations with the merchants and got a huge laugh when the hentai merchants were trying to sell me hentai (which I honestly would consider getting if I lived alone and if it wasn't over $80). I'd say that the experience makes me glad to attend another year for sure