Has anyone here lost weight for cosplay?

I'm currently 50 pounds overweight for a 5'2" female, but want to cosplay and just feel cuter in general. Since I don't feel comfortable in my body right now, i'm trying to lose weight.

For additional info, I'm trying to lose at least some or most of the weight before December, and am going for the body type I had before (slimmer thighs, smaller chest, and a tummy I don't have to crane my head slightly to look over to see my scale.) Being toned would also be good, but I don't want to be muscular, just defined.

Anybody have success stories, tips, or advice? I know this probably isn't the best place to ask, but my ex boyfriend looks at my social media and I have a feeling that he'd send me a well intentioned "You're perfect bby" text rant that I am not in the mood to hear.

In the meantime, I am working on a Galko cosplay since I feel a bit more comfortable with dressing up as her in comparison to the rest of my cosplay wish list that are mostly either lolis or revealing. I also don't want to wait for months while I get in shape to start sewing.
KogXXV Loves a good plot
Some form of dieting and exercise overtime is honestly the best way to do what you want without harming yourself.

There are many exercises you can do at home without having to pay for the gym, but if you do decide to go to the gym you can see if they have some sort of personal trainer trial you can see and learn more exercise etc etc. And keep in mind that you will not get muscular unless you are actually trying to become it. You will not just suddenly be swole after a few months, you would need to actually be exercising hard to try to get that way.

Losing weight is more just dieting. It is easier to not eat some calories then it is to burn it off. I believe with some sort of calorie tracking app and such you can push yourself to lose maybe a pound a week? I think My Fitness Pal is a really popular app to keep track of what you are eating and what you should eat to lose x pounds a week.

It will take some effort but good luck!
I can't really help a lot, since I'm trying to lose weight myself, but I do wish you all the luck.
I'm sure if you set a goal for yourself, that will help you stay focused on the process.
With that said, I think you might be better off asking a professional. I joined a gym, and there's usually specialists there who you can ask for help in setting a training program specifically designed for your goals. Some gyms have at least one free session with a trainer to help you start.

Good luck with it, and don't hesitate to share cosplay pics once you get there!
Number 1 priority for losing weight should be diet.

Number 2 is cardio and strength training for toning, strength, and fitness.

For Number 1 look into paleo, whole30, keto, intermittent fasting or primal. These are diets/lifestyle changes that will for the most part cut out processed sugar, wheat, dairy and other inflammatory and fattening food groups.

For Number 2, there are a ton of great videos on instagram and YouTube, but I would suggest starting with walking. 30 minutes a day minimum. The more you move, the more you'll offset the calories you eat. If you're eating good foods, and moving frequently, the weight will come off. After walking for a week or two, I would recommend looking into functional movements like squatting, hinging, pushing, lunging and pulling and taking time to learn the moves so you can integrate them at home with body weight and bands or at the gym. Good form means lower chance of injury and better results to the right muscles.

If you have any questions, let me know. I do this for a living
In the end its all about calories. Find the calories your body size needs on a daily basis and reduce them to lose weight. You can lose weight purely by dieting and counting calories or you can exercise extra to burn more calories to make the same happen. In the end you need a healthy mix of both but some of those fad diets have you still eating too many calories that they do nothing.
Yes i lost 20 pounds.
The Fastest way to drop weight is to reduce food intake, a-la fasting. That being said, be careful and thoughtful. It may be worth taking to a medical professional about a good weight loss plan if that's possible for you.

In terms of cutting calories, Drinks like soda and alcohol tend to have a lot of calories, but at the same time don't fill you up at all. Cutting those out in favor of water can go a long way. Also cut out any snacking you do, because again, you're eating calories without getting a full meal out of it. Beyond that, eating home cooked food tends to be healthier than eating takeout, and allows you to better control your caloric intake. In terms of meal composition, ditch the carbs like bread in favor of meat and veggies that are higher in nutrients and lower in "empty" calories.

More long term, as others have mentioned, a healthy diet and regular exercise will go a long way towards keeping a healthy balanced weight.
I havent cosplayed but i enjoy working out so thats fun always happy to help once i lost 50lbs in 2 weeks
Kind of controversial but you should cosplay whatever you feel like, even if your body doesn't match exactly with the character. The character is likely fictional and probably has unrealistic proportions anyways. If you really do want to change your body, can't go wrong with diet and exercise. Always start off slow and built up to your goals.