How much do you expect to spend at conventions?

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How much do you plan/limit to spend at a convention?

Total Votes : 82
Without calculating eating expenses, hotel, parking and gas(if you're within driving distance) and any other misc expenses prior to the actual convention. How much do you limit yourselves to at conventions, or do you just spend without hesitation and worry about it later? Do you typically save up weeks(maybe even months) before a convention, or are some of you just that well off that you can afford what ever you want.

Myself, I try to limit myself to a certain amount, usually half of what ever I have in my bank account (which isn't much) is the max I've ever spent, and I don't plan to ever spend more than that. I try to save up and limit my expenses prior to the con. With Anime Expo in two weeks I am trying to limit all my spending unless its con related.

For the sake of the poll, I vote the 2nd choice, around 200 USD give or take. I don't think I've ever spent more.
I limit myself to 100 or less. Usually much less ;-;
And the ticket price, of course.
At A-Kon I spent more than 700 dollars, It took me quite a while to save up that much though, but it was well worth it, and thats not including food, hotel, and gas.
I'm going to my first convention in october(I hope) the most i plan to spend is at least 100USD. I don't have to worry gas,hotel all that shit because the convention center is in Manhattan so i can just take the train there. I can't wait until October. On the side why haven't you been on PSN, Looking4Moar?
gizgal wrote...
I limit myself to 100 or less. Usually much less ;-;
And the ticket price, of course.

that was my usual limit when I went to my first few cons(before I had a job)

Sneakyone wrote...
At A-Kon I spent more than 700 dollars, It took me quite a while to save up that much though, but it was well worth it, and thats not including food, hotel, and gas.

I wish I had that much to spend ;_;

i don't own a ps3 i was borrowing my friends, and he took it back for infamous 2, since Anime Expo is coming up I don't dare buy a ps3 till after that.
Also allot some for food and incidental expenses you may have (transport, emergency funds, drinks, etc).
gizgal wrote...
Also allot some for food and incidental expenses you may have (transport, emergency funds, drinks, etc).

well I save on food cuz I just keep a cooler in my car with drinks fruits etc, I hardly eat a sufficient "meal" during con weekend. Its transportation (gas and parking) that cost more that food, and ofc I always have emergency funds that are strictly emergency(food gas etc) and never for buying goods.
Im going with at least 500 to spend this year, my first year i spent 100 then year 2 was 200 year 3 was 250 and last year was 350. I cant help but want to shop my ass off in the dealers room. but the last con i was at had a carnival game room and i managed to win twice at the ring toss and got 2 posing figures: 1 of tohsaka rin(fate/stay night) and 1 of katsuragi misato(evangelion)
I usually go for the 200 dollar amount, and if I did better than expected with food or something else, then I can use that for additional things.
I'll probably spend somewhere near $200...with four days of food and maybe a couple of items from AX itself.
I'm going to be trying for under 50 dollars this year, lol.
I've only really been to one, and my budget was suppoooooosed to be less then $100. That was...until I found the booth selling the corsets my friends having been telling me about. Ended up spending about $140 in total...including a pair of ears and a hat.
I spend over a thousand at Comiket but that's the only time I really buy anything other than basic essentials.
I try to limit myself, but it is difficult for me. Last year, I think I spent a little over two hundred. But to be fair, I'm always trying to buy in bulk or look for very good deals.
I'm going super dutch this year, but if they bring a DDR X2 cabinet that isn't shitty, I'll probably blow a 100 bucks of quarters on it.
Possibly $500. >.> That's without hotel expenses, food, and parking. I wouldn't say I didn't buy enough last year but I'm expecting to buy a bit more this year. Since I knew the con was coming up, so I saved.
Far too much.
Typically I set aside $500 in spending money, not including admission and food for Fanime every year, but I do so early so its not really a big deal.

Taking $300 with me to AX, and I doubt I can spend all of it, especially given that I cant really get much loot to begin with. Taking a plane, so no real space.
Probably around $100-200.

I try to keep to that, but it's hard when something shiny is thrown right in front of your face.
Pervy Fatman wrote...
I'll probably spend somewhere near $200...with four days of food and maybe a couple of items from AX itself.

ill have around 300-400 to spend...
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