Nan Desu Kan 2010

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Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I realize this is kind of short notice, but I honestly completely forgot about this con coming up. After the huge success that was the Otakon 2009 meetup (the first one), I decided that I don't want to go to a con anymore without meeting up with people. Since I am a Colorado resident again, I'll be attending NDK for the first time in a few years.

NDK Denver takes place next weekend (September 10-12). Because the con is so small (and boring after a short while), I'll probably only be attending on Saturday. So, I think it'd be wicked awesome for us to meet up that evening. I honestly forgot about the con so as of right now details are up in the air, but I'm thinking around 6 or 7 PM would be awesome followed by grabbing some grub at a nearby feedhouse.

I'm not a Denver guy so I'm not quite sure what kind of food place could house however many of us end up hanging out, so I'm happy to take requests and suggestions this week as I get things arranged. More details will be posted later with specific meeting points and times.

Post here if you're attending because I'd love to met as many of you as possible. I can't say this is an "official FAKKU function" as I'm not a site admin anymore and Jacob won't be there, but I can guarantee that we'll have an awesome time hanging out for a couple hours.

And to preempt any questions that I know are coming, there will be neither a FAKKU panel nor a dealer room booth. Don't be shy! I still want to meet up with people! I hope you all come!
yea im going all three days since i got the weekend passes for cheap but yea it would be nice to meet up.
Wow, actually I will be at NDK this Saturday if you want to meet a lurker who rarely posts. :)
Im only going for Saturday :o
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I WILL MEET ALL THAT WILL COME. I'm thinking we should meet around 6PM but I'm not sure where at the moment. The outside will be full of Naruto cosplayers and the inside will be full of weirdos.
Nikon wrote...
I WILL MEET ALL THAT WILL COME. I'm thinking we should meet around 6PM but I'm not sure where at the moment. The outside will be full of Naruto cosplayers and the inside will be full of weirdos.

The guy who invited me to NDK asked me "who are you going as?"

I slowly replied "what, you mean like cosplay?"

"yeah!" he said enthusiastically "I'm going as *Naruto character* which reminds me do you have a headband I can borrow?"

There was silence over the phone for a good thirty or forty seconds. I told him I didn't have a headband (seriously why the fuck would I have that?) and that I probably wouldn't cosplay as I had no costumes whatsoever.

Why can't I meet any anime fans who are not insane?
I will be there all three days. Have a Balcony room, and am going to be part of the Balcony contest. I will have the simple Pagota like piece in my Balcony not sure what room number yet. but when voting starts on saturday. The more votes the better.
Viaria1 wrote...
The guy who invited me to NDK asked me "who are you going as?"

I slowly replied "what, you mean like cosplay?"

"yeah!" he said enthusiastically "I'm going as *Naruto character* which reminds me do you have a headband I can borrow?"

There was silence over the phone for a good thirty or forty seconds. I told him I didn't have a headband (seriously why the fuck would I have that?) and that I probably wouldn't cosplay as I had no costumes whatsoever.

Why can't I meet any anime fans who are not insane?


I find it amazing how many people get motivated enough to cosplay. Obviously some costumes are more time consuming than others, and I have quite a bit of respect for people who do it... but yeah, like you said, they are crazy.
yea some people shouldn't cosplay. Like i said I'll be there and it will be easy to find me because I'll probably be wearing a Deadmau5 head that I made just for kicks nothing overwhelming.
Ugh I live in the area but I don't have any passes to get in lol
As with every NDK since '99, I will be there :D Saturday, huh? I'll probably be dressed as Yui then.
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Sakuya wrote...
Ugh I live in the area but I don't have any passes to get in lol

You can buy them at the door.

Anyone have suggestions on a place to meet up? We can hang out for a bit then go get some grub.
The tech center hmm, I don't actually live around that particular area its about 20 mins from my home. I don't really know of any landmarks to meet by so If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
I think I'll be there...
Even though I haven't heard of a Anime Con in Denver before.
I live in Aurora, a town/city a little bit outside of Denver.
But I've lived here for about 8 years and there are some good places to eat.
Ex, Garcia's Mexican Restaurant. A little bit south of the Hotel, I've heard some of my friends went there a few nights ago heading from a party. Delicious food, and one of the best they've had in ages.
Don't feel like a waiting restaurant? There's a Wendy's down the street.
So yeah, I have some more options but they're away from the hotel.
Crap, don't know if the hotel if the definite location.
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I'll poke around for some places that would be friendly for everyone. At this point in time I'm thinking it might be a good idea to meet up in the tech center itself. It's been a few years, but if I'm remembering correctly, there's a little corner area next to where the stairs are, and where the piano is. It's like a little cubby. For reference, it's right at the beginning of the hallway to the dealer room, but instead of turning left you just go straight. I think we should meet up there.

And be sure to being some cash with yousince we'll probably be grabbing some grub.
I think I may just go Saturday or at least try. No cosplays set though, all well. Wasabi-con is better. =w=
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I'll still be there but in my fakku shirt as I gave it away. Hope to see some of you tonight!

However... If I'm still hanging out at like 6:15 I'll probably leave as I'm with company.i
Won't see me since i already left XD
Nikon wrote...
I'll still be there but in my fakku shirt as I gave it away. Hope to see some of you tonight!

However... If I'm still hanging out at like 6:15 I'll probably leave as I'm with company.i

We hung out till around 6:15 pm, now is time for alcohol!
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