A way to filter/mute artist

Sounds radical and it is:
Could we have an option to filter/mute artist from our home page?

I.e. I don't like artist xyz, so I mute this artist and I don't see his works on my front page.
Sadly we don't even have a feature, which let us mute certain tags.

Certain free website has it, and many other sites can completey work with tags only.
ditama Jack-off Warrior
Apart from controversial tags, there's currently no way to mute any tags/artists. While I probably wouldn't use it, I can see why others would want it.

I also think if FAKKU starts to regularly publish more of certain genres that some people have strong adverse reactions to (like yaoi and hard bondage stuff), it might be wise to have a filter feature for those tags or artists that draw them.
No reaction, guess it's not important.

Sad, that so many other sites have a working tag system. For free.
oppaiknight From the Cleave Age
I would actually find this a useful thing.